1--TEST-- 2Test function gzseek() by calling it with its expected arguments when writing 3--SKIPIF-- 4<?php 5if (!extension_loaded("zlib")) { 6 print "skip - ZLIB extension not loaded"; 7} 8?> 9--FILE-- 10<?php 11$f = "gzseek_basic2.gz"; 12$h = gzopen($f, 'w'); 13$str1 = "This is the first line."; 14$str2 = "This is the second line."; 15gzwrite($h, $str1); 16echo "tell=".gztell($h)."\n"; 17 18//seek forwards 20 bytes. 19gzseek($h, strlen($str1) + 20); 20echo "tell=".gztell($h)."\n"; 21gzwrite($h, $str2); 22echo "tell=".gztell($h)."\n"; 23gzclose($h); 24echo "\nreading the output file\n"; 25$h = gzopen($f, 'r'); 26echo gzread($h, strlen($str1))."\n"; 27var_dump(bin2hex(gzread($h, 20))); 28echo gzread($h, strlen($str2))."\n"; 29gzclose($h); 30unlink($f); 31?> 32--EXPECT-- 33tell=23 34tell=43 35tell=67 36 37reading the output file 38This is the first line. 39string(40) "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" 40This is the second line. 41