1--TEST-- 2opendir() with 'ftps://' stream. 3--SKIPIF-- 4<?php 5if (array_search('ftp',stream_get_wrappers()) === FALSE) die("skip ftp wrapper not available."); 6if (!function_exists('pcntl_fork')) die("skip pcntl_fork() not available."); 7if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) die ("skip openssl not available."); 8?> 9--FILE-- 10<?php 11 12$ssl=true; 13require __DIR__ . "/../../../ftp/tests/server.inc"; 14 15$path="ftps://" . $port."/bogusdir"; 16 17$context = stream_context_create(array('ssl' => array('cafile' => __DIR__ . '/../../../ftp/tests/cert.pem'))); 18 19var_dump(opendir($path, $context)); 20?> 21--EXPECTF-- 22Warning: opendir(ftps:// Failed to open directory: FTP server reports 250 /bogusdir: No such file or directory 23 in %s on line %d 24bool(false) 25