1--TEST-- 2Bug #36625 (8.0+) (pg_trace() does not work) 3--SKIPIF-- 4<?php 5require_once('skipif.inc'); 6?> 7--FILE-- 8<?php 9 10require_once('config.inc'); 11 12$dbh = @pg_connect($conn_str); 13if (!$dbh) { 14 die ('Could not connect to the server'); 15} 16 17$tracefile = __DIR__ . '/trace.tmp'; 18 19@unlink($tracefile); 20var_dump(file_exists($tracefile)); 21 22pg_trace($tracefile, 'w', $dbh); 23$res = pg_query($dbh, 'select 1'); 24var_dump($res); 25pg_close($dbh); 26 27$found = 0; 28function search_trace_file($line) 29{ 30 if (strpos($line, '"select 1"') !== false || strpos($line, "'select 1'") !== false) { 31 $GLOBALS['found']++; 32 } 33} 34 35$trace = file($tracefile); 36array_walk($trace, 'search_trace_file'); 37var_dump($found > 0); 38var_dump(file_exists($tracefile)); 39 40@unlink($tracefile); 41 42?> 43===DONE=== 44--CLEAN-- 45<?php 46 47$tracefile = __DIR__ . '/trace.tmp'; 48 49unlink($tracefile); 50 51?> 52--EXPECTF-- 53bool(false) 54resource(%d) of type (pgsql result) 55bool(true) 56bool(true) 57===DONE=== 58