xref: /PHP-7.4/ext/opcache/Optimizer/pass2.c (revision 48ca5a1e)
1 /*
2    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
3    | Zend OPcache                                                         |
4    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5    | Copyright (c) The PHP Group                                          |
6    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
7    | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
8    | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
9    | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
10    | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt                                  |
11    | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
12    | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
13    | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
14    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
15    | Authors: Andi Gutmans <andi@php.net>                                 |
16    |          Zeev Suraski <zeev@php.net>                                 |
17    |          Stanislav Malyshev <stas@zend.com>                          |
18    |          Dmitry Stogov <dmitry@php.net>                              |
19    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
20 */
22 /* pass 2:
23  * - convert non-numeric constants to numeric constants in numeric operators
24  * - optimize constant conditional JMPs
25  */
27 #include "php.h"
28 #include "Optimizer/zend_optimizer.h"
29 #include "Optimizer/zend_optimizer_internal.h"
30 #include "zend_API.h"
31 #include "zend_constants.h"
32 #include "zend_execute.h"
33 #include "zend_vm.h"
zend_optimizer_pass2(zend_op_array * op_array)35 void zend_optimizer_pass2(zend_op_array *op_array)
36 {
37 	zend_op *opline;
38 	zend_op *end = op_array->opcodes + op_array->last;
40 	opline = op_array->opcodes;
41 	while (opline < end) {
42 		switch (opline->opcode) {
43 			case ZEND_ADD:
44 			case ZEND_SUB:
45 			case ZEND_MUL:
46 			case ZEND_DIV:
47 			case ZEND_POW:
48 				if (opline->op1_type == IS_CONST) {
49 					if (Z_TYPE(ZEND_OP1_LITERAL(opline)) == IS_STRING) {
50 						/* don't optimise if it should produce a runtime numeric string error */
51 						if (is_numeric_string(Z_STRVAL(ZEND_OP1_LITERAL(opline)), Z_STRLEN(ZEND_OP1_LITERAL(opline)), NULL, NULL, 0)) {
52 							convert_scalar_to_number(&ZEND_OP1_LITERAL(opline));
53 						}
54 					}
55 				}
56 				if (opline->op2_type == IS_CONST) {
57 					if (Z_TYPE(ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline)) == IS_STRING) {
58 						/* don't optimise if it should produce a runtime numeric string error */
59 						if (is_numeric_string(Z_STRVAL(ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline)), Z_STRLEN(ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline)), NULL, NULL, 0)) {
60 							convert_scalar_to_number(&ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline));
61 						}
62 					}
63 				}
64 				break;
66 			case ZEND_MOD:
67 			case ZEND_SL:
68 			case ZEND_SR:
69 				if (opline->op1_type == IS_CONST) {
70 					if (Z_TYPE(ZEND_OP1_LITERAL(opline)) != IS_LONG) {
71 						/* don't optimise if it should produce a runtime numeric string error */
72 						if (!(Z_TYPE(ZEND_OP1_LITERAL(opline)) == IS_STRING
73 							&& !is_numeric_string(Z_STRVAL(ZEND_OP1_LITERAL(opline)), Z_STRLEN(ZEND_OP1_LITERAL(opline)), NULL, NULL, 0))) {
74 							convert_to_long(&ZEND_OP1_LITERAL(opline));
75 						}
76 					}
77 				}
78 				if (opline->op2_type == IS_CONST) {
79 					if (Z_TYPE(ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline)) != IS_LONG) {
80 						/* don't optimise if it should produce a runtime numeric string error */
81 						if (!(Z_TYPE(ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline)) == IS_STRING
82 							&& !is_numeric_string(Z_STRVAL(ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline)), Z_STRLEN(ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline)), NULL, NULL, 0))) {
83 							convert_to_long(&ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline));
84 						}
85 					}
86 				}
87 				break;
89 			case ZEND_CONCAT:
90 			case ZEND_FAST_CONCAT:
91 				if (opline->op1_type == IS_CONST) {
92 					if (Z_TYPE(ZEND_OP1_LITERAL(opline)) != IS_STRING) {
93 						convert_to_string(&ZEND_OP1_LITERAL(opline));
94 					}
95 				}
96 				if (opline->op2_type == IS_CONST) {
97 					if (Z_TYPE(ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline)) != IS_STRING) {
98 						convert_to_string(&ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline));
99 					}
100 				}
101 				break;
103 			case ZEND_ASSIGN_OP:
104 				if (opline->op2_type == IS_CONST) {
105 					if (opline->extended_value == ZEND_ADD
106 					 || opline->extended_value == ZEND_SUB
107 					 || opline->extended_value == ZEND_MUL
108 					 || opline->extended_value == ZEND_DIV
109 					 || opline->extended_value == ZEND_POW) {
110 						if (Z_TYPE(ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline)) == IS_STRING) {
111 							/* don't optimise if it should produce a runtime numeric string error */
112 							if (is_numeric_string(Z_STRVAL(ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline)), Z_STRLEN(ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline)), NULL, NULL, 0)) {
113 								convert_scalar_to_number(&ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline));
114 							}
115 						}
116 					} else if (opline->extended_value == ZEND_MOD
117 					 || opline->extended_value == ZEND_SL
118 					 || opline->extended_value == ZEND_SR) {
119 						if (Z_TYPE(ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline)) != IS_LONG) {
120 							/* don't optimise if it should produce a runtime numeric string error */
121 							if (!(Z_TYPE(ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline)) == IS_STRING
122 								&& !is_numeric_string(Z_STRVAL(ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline)), Z_STRLEN(ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline)), NULL, NULL, 0))) {
123 								convert_to_long(&ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline));
124 							}
125 						}
126 					} else if (opline->extended_value == ZEND_CONCAT) {
127 						if (Z_TYPE(ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline)) != IS_STRING) {
128 							convert_to_string(&ZEND_OP2_LITERAL(opline));
129 						}
130 					}
131 				}
132 				break;
134 			case ZEND_JMPZ_EX:
135 			case ZEND_JMPNZ_EX:
136 				/* convert Ti = JMPZ_EX(Ti, L) to JMPZ(Ti, L) */
137 #if 0
138 				/* Disabled unsafe pattern: in conjunction with
139 				 * ZEND_VM_SMART_BRANCH() this may improperly eliminate
140 				 * assignment to Ti.
141 				 */
142 				if (opline->op1_type == IS_TMP_VAR &&
143 				    opline->result_type == IS_TMP_VAR &&
144 				    opline->op1.var == opline->result.var) {
145 					opline->opcode -= 3;
146 					SET_UNUSED(opline->result);
147 				} else
148 #endif
149 				/* convert Ti = JMPZ_EX(C, L) => Ti = QM_ASSIGN(C)
150 				   in case we know it wouldn't jump */
151 				if (opline->op1_type == IS_CONST) {
152 					int should_jmp = zend_is_true(&ZEND_OP1_LITERAL(opline));
153 					if (opline->opcode == ZEND_JMPZ_EX) {
154 						should_jmp = !should_jmp;
155 					}
156 					if (!should_jmp) {
157 						opline->opcode = ZEND_QM_ASSIGN;
158 						SET_UNUSED(opline->op2);
159 					}
160 				}
161 				break;
163 			case ZEND_JMPZ:
164 			case ZEND_JMPNZ:
165 				if (opline->op1_type == IS_CONST) {
166 					int should_jmp = zend_is_true(&ZEND_OP1_LITERAL(opline));
168 					if (opline->opcode == ZEND_JMPZ) {
169 						should_jmp = !should_jmp;
170 					}
171 					literal_dtor(&ZEND_OP1_LITERAL(opline));
172 					opline->op1_type = IS_UNUSED;
173 					if (should_jmp) {
174 						opline->opcode = ZEND_JMP;
175 						COPY_NODE(opline->op1, opline->op2);
176 					} else {
177 						MAKE_NOP(opline);
178 					}
179 					break;
180 				}
181 				if ((opline + 1)->opcode == ZEND_JMP) {
182 					/* JMPZ(X, L1), JMP(L2) => JMPZNZ(X, L1, L2) */
183 					/* JMPNZ(X, L1), JMP(L2) => JMPZNZ(X, L2, L1) */
184 					if (ZEND_OP2_JMP_ADDR(opline) == ZEND_OP1_JMP_ADDR(opline + 1)) {
185 						/* JMPZ(X, L1), JMP(L1) => NOP, JMP(L1) */
186 						if (opline->op1_type == IS_CV) {
187 							opline->opcode = ZEND_CHECK_VAR;
188 							opline->op2.num = 0;
189 						} else if (opline->op1_type & (IS_TMP_VAR|IS_VAR)) {
190 							opline->opcode = ZEND_FREE;
191 							opline->op2.num = 0;
192 						} else {
193 							MAKE_NOP(opline);
194 						}
195 					} else {
196 						if (opline->opcode == ZEND_JMPZ) {
197 							opline->extended_value = ZEND_OPLINE_TO_OFFSET(opline, ZEND_OP1_JMP_ADDR(opline + 1));
198 						} else {
199 							opline->extended_value = ZEND_OPLINE_TO_OFFSET(opline, ZEND_OP2_JMP_ADDR(opline));
200 							ZEND_SET_OP_JMP_ADDR(opline, opline->op2, ZEND_OP1_JMP_ADDR(opline + 1));
201 						}
202 						opline->opcode = ZEND_JMPZNZ;
203 					}
204 				}
205 				break;
207 			case ZEND_JMPZNZ:
208 				if (opline->op1_type == IS_CONST) {
209 					zend_op *target_opline;
211 					if (zend_is_true(&ZEND_OP1_LITERAL(opline))) {
212 						target_opline = ZEND_OFFSET_TO_OPLINE(opline, opline->extended_value); /* JMPNZ */
213 					} else {
214 						target_opline = ZEND_OP2_JMP_ADDR(opline); /* JMPZ */
215 					}
216 					literal_dtor(&ZEND_OP1_LITERAL(opline));
217 					ZEND_SET_OP_JMP_ADDR(opline, opline->op1, target_opline);
218 					opline->op1_type = IS_UNUSED;
219 					opline->opcode = ZEND_JMP;
220 				}
221 				break;
222 		}
223 		opline++;
224 	}
225 }