Name Date Size #Lines LOC


README.mdH A D05-Dec-20191.2 KiB4932

bug31142_1.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.2 KiB6045

bug31142_2.phptH A D05-Dec-2019700 3126

bug32589.phptH A D05-Dec-2019753 3530

bug35669.phptH A D05-Dec-20192 KiB6956

bug40854.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.2 KiB5844

bug44098.phptH A D05-Dec-2019400 2120

bug45705_1.phptH A D05-Dec-2019431 2118

bug45705_2.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.4 KiB5450

bug46918.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.5 KiB7673

bug53377.phptH A D05-Dec-2019712 3937

bug63126.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.4 KiB5350

bug64076.phptH A D13-Oct-2020562 2423

bug75774.phptH A D05-Dec-2019508 2519

bug77020.phptH A D08-Oct-2020306 1615

bug77153.phptH A D05-Dec-2019649 2424

bug80213.phptH A D10-Oct-2020420 2221

bug80215.phptH A D10-Oct-20201.1 KiB7069

bug80216.phptH A D12-Oct-2020498 1817

bug80220.phptH A D20-Oct-2020604 3529

bug80223.phptH A D12-Oct-2020432 1614

bug80226.phptH A D12-Oct-2020278 1413

bug80242.phptH A D20-Oct-2020422 2322

bug80710_1.phptH A D27-Apr-20211.2 KiB3832

bug80710_2.phptH A D27-Apr-20211.2 KiB3832

clean.incH A D05-Dec-2019732 2620

imap_8bit_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20191 KiB3430

imap_alerts_error.phptH A D05-Dec-2019875 3226

imap_append_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20192.1 KiB7263

imap_base64_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20191 KiB4842

imap_binary_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.9 KiB4942

imap_body.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.2 KiB4937

imap_body_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.2 KiB4941

imap_bodystruct_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20192 KiB9481

imap_clearflag_full_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20192.5 KiB128118

imap_close_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.5 KiB5747

imap_close_error.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.3 KiB4637

imap_close_variation3.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.3 KiB4839

imap_close_variation4.phptH A D05-Dec-20192.4 KiB9475

imap_createmailbox_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20192.1 KiB7056

imap_errors_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.3 KiB5646

imap_expunge_error.phptH A D05-Dec-2019673 2823

imap_fetch_overview_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.9 KiB9781

imap_fetch_overview_error.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.8 KiB5545

imap_fetch_overview_variation3.phptH A D05-Dec-20192.1 KiB8165

imap_fetch_overview_variation4.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.4 KiB4738

imap_fetch_overview_variation5.phptH A D05-Dec-20192.3 KiB139119

imap_fetch_overview_variation6.phptH A D05-Dec-20192.6 KiB11089

imap_fetchbody_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20192.1 KiB8269

imap_fetchbody_error.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.7 KiB5846

imap_fetchbody_variation4.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.9 KiB8065

imap_fetchbody_variation5.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.3 KiB4738

imap_fetchbody_variation6.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.7 KiB7154

imap_fetchheader_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20192 KiB8473

imap_fetchheader_error.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.5 KiB5039

imap_fetchheader_variation3.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.8 KiB7863

imap_fetchheader_variation4.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.3 KiB4637

imap_fetchheader_variation5.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.8 KiB8464

imap_fetchstructure_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.5 KiB7360

imap_gc_error.phptH A D05-Dec-2019918 3628

imap_getsubscribed_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.6 KiB6953

imap_headerinfo_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20192.2 KiB130115

imap_headerinfo_error.phptH A D05-Dec-2019962 3728

imap_headers.phptH A D05-Dec-2019652 2823

imap_include.incH A D05-Dec-20195.4 KiB197164

imap_list_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.2 KiB4836

imap_lsub_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.4 KiB6246

imap_mail_copy.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.3 KiB5540

imap_mail_copy_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.1 KiB4739

imap_mail_move.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.3 KiB5540

imap_mail_move_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.1 KiB4739

imap_mutf7_to_utf8.phptH A D05-Dec-2019507 2420

imap_num_msg_error.phptH A D05-Dec-2019652 2823

imap_num_recent_error.phptH A D05-Dec-2019652 2823

imap_open_error.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.2 KiB4835

imap_ping_error.phptH A D05-Dec-2019631 2823

imap_renamemailbox_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.6 KiB6750

imap_rfc822_parse_headers_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20192 KiB123107

imap_rfc822_write_address_basic.phptH A D15-Oct-2020288 1312

imap_savebody_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.3 KiB6149

imap_timeout_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-20191.3 KiB6151

imap_undelete_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-2019477 3024

imap_undelete_error.phptH A D05-Dec-2019944 3728

imap_utf8.phptH A D05-Dec-2019387 2319

imap_utf8_to_mutf7_basic.phptH A D05-Dec-2019568 2420

skipif.incH A D05-Dec-2019519 1714

1# The imap extension tests
3Many of the tests in this directory require a mail server to be running, if
4there is no mail server the test will skip and warn, see for details.
6To make the tests run parameters in the `` and ``
7files will need to be changed to match the local mailserver configuration.
9The tests have been checked using dovecot (on Linux 32 and 64 bit systems) and
10hMailServer on Windows. The tests are intended to be mailserver agnostic.
12The tests can be run without modification with a fairly minimal dovecot
13installation. For information, the dovecot.conf file used in running the tests
14is given below. The dovecot password file (dovecotpass) requires a password for
15one user, ``. It's also necessary to set up one
16additional user ID (vmail) to own the mail directory.
19protocols = imap imaps
21listen = *
23ssl_disable = yes
27## Mailbox locations and namespaces
29mail_location = maildir:/home/vmail/mail/%d/%n/Maildir
31auth_verbose = yes
33auth_debug = yes
35auth default {
36  mechanisms = login
38  passdb passwd-file {
39    args = /etc/dovecot/dovecotpass
40  }
42  userdb static {
43    args = uid=11459 gid=1002 home=/home/vmail/dovecot/mail/%d/%n
44  }
46  user = root