xref: /web-php/archive/entries/2018-02-26-1.xml (revision e235f794)
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2<entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:default="http://php.net/ns/news">
3  <title>CakeFest 2018 Nashville, The Official CakePHP Conference</title>
4  <id>http://php.net/archive/2018.php#id2018-02-26-1</id>
5  <published>2018-02-26T12:21:11+00:00</published>
6  <updated>2018-02-26T12:21:11+00:00</updated>
7  <default:finalTeaserDate xmlns="http://php.net/ns/news">2018-06-14</default:finalTeaserDate>
8  <category term="conferences" label="Conference announcement"/>
9  <link href="http://php.net/conferences/index.php#id2018-02-26-1" rel="alternate" type="text/html"/>
10  <default:newsImage xmlns="http://php.net/ns/news" link="https://cakefest.org" title="CakeFest 2018">cakefest-2017.png</default:newsImage>
11  <link href="https://cakefest.org" rel="via" type="text/html"/>
12  <content type="xhtml">
13    <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
14      <p>
15        <a href="https://cakefest.org">CakeFest</a> is organized for developers,
16        managers and interested newcomers alike. Bringing a world of unique skill
17        and talent together in a celebration and learning environment around the
18        worlds most popular PHP framework.
19      </p>
20      <p>
21        Celebrating over eleven years of success in the PHP and web development
22        community, <a href="http://cakefest.org">CakePHP’s 2018 conference</a>
23        will be an event not to miss.
24      </p>
25      <p>
26        With two workshop days (14th/15th June) as well as two jam-packed conference
27        days (16th/17th June), this is an open source conference not to miss out on!
28      </p>
29      <p><a href="https://cakefest.org">CakeFest</a> is on the lookout for sponsors - keen for more information?
30      Contact us via <a href="mailto:CakeFest@cakephp.org">CakeFest@cakephp.org</a> for more!</p>
32      <p>Are you a speaker looking for a new and interesting conference to speak at?
33      <a href="https://cakefest.org">CakeFest 2018 Nashville</a> is the place for you!
34      A lot of things interest us, so why not come join in! CFP closes 15th March and Speakers will be announced before 31st March 2018</p>
36     <p><a href="https://cakefest.org/tickets">Tickets</a> are selling fast, so you better grab yours while you still can!</p>
37    </div>
38  </content>