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3  <title>WavePHP 2018 - Call for Speakers</title>
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5  <published>2018-02-06T17:20:49+00:00</published>
6  <updated>2018-02-06T17:20:49+00:00</updated>
7  <default:finalTeaserDate xmlns="http://php.net/ns/news">2018-02-28</default:finalTeaserDate>
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14     The inaugural San Diego PHP Conference (<a href="https://www.wavephp.com" title="WavePHP 2018">WavePHP</a>) is going to be happening September 19, 2018.   We have opened our <a href="https://cfp.wavephp.com" title="WavePHP 2018 Call for Speakers">Call for Speakers</a> and look forward to having a tough time choosing between all of the proposals.
16     Our goal is to have a well rounded conference that has something for the community as a whole.  Please contribute a wide range or proposals.  Our speaker package includes a ticket to the conference, round-trip airfare booked by us, 2 nights in the conference hotel.
18     <a href="https://www.wavephp.com/#tickets" title="Register for WavePHP 2018">Register today</a> and make plans for a great time in San Diego, CA!
19    </div>
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