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3  <title>CoderCruise 2018 - Call for Speakers</title>
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5  <published>2018-01-31T21:00:37+00:00</published>
6  <updated>2018-01-31T21:00:37+00:00</updated>
7  <default:finalTeaserDate xmlns="http://php.net/ns/news">2018-02-28</default:finalTeaserDate>
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13<p>Once again the team behind the original php[cruise] is bringing a conference to the open seas. <a href="https://www.codercruise.com/">CoderCruise 2018</a> will be a premiere conference experience, letting you have an exclusive connection to your fellow community members. It will set sail from Ft. Lauderdale on August 30th for a 5 day cruise that also visits Half Moon Cay and Nassau!</p>
14<p>Best of all, this year we've managed to negotiate a much cheaper overall rate for our participants, starting as low as $410 per person (including 5-day cruise, food, drink <b>and the conference!</b>)</p>
15<p>Our <a href="https://www.codercruise.com/call-for-speakers/">Call for Speakers</a> is open until <b>February 28th</b>, and we invite you to come give us your submissions. We want to hear from you, as do others!</p>