xref: /web-php/archive/entries/2017-06-17-1.xml (revision ebdf1ade)
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2<entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:default="http://php.net/ns/news">
3  <title>LaravelConf Taiwan 2017</title>
4  <id>http://php.net/archive/2017.php#id2017-06-17-1</id>
5  <published>2017-06-17T18:48:00+00:00</published>
6  <updated>2017-06-17T18:48:00+00:00</updated>
7  <default:finalTeaserDate xmlns="http://php.net/ns/news">2017-07-01</default:finalTeaserDate>
8  <category term="conferences" label="Conference announcement"/>
9  <link href="http://php.net/conferences/index.php#id2017-06-17-1" rel="alternate" type="text/html"/>
10  <default:newsImage xmlns="http://php.net/ns/news" link="https://laravelconf.tw/" title="LaravelConf Taiwan 2017">laravelConfTaiwan_2017.png</default:newsImage>
11  <link href="https://laravelconf.tw/" rel="via" type="text/html"/>
12  <content type="xhtml">
13    <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
14     <p>The first Laravel conference in Taiwan awaits you at LaravelConf Taiwan 2017 at Taipei, Taiwan.</p>
15     <p><a href="https://laravelconf.tw/">LaravelConf Taiwan 2017</a> is for anyone who is passionate about building web-application, or anyone who is trying to make better experience on teamwork.</p>
16     <br />
17     <p>LaravelConf Taiwan 2017 brings Laravel developers and enthusiasts together and hosts one workshop, one case study and 12 sessions in multi-track conference on 29th, June to 1st, July 2017.</p>
18     <p>The workshop on the 29th, June 2017 is for hand-on training of beginners in Laravel.</p>
19     <p>The main sessions and case study takes place on the 1st, July 2017.</p>
20    <br />
21    <p><b>Our focus this year are:</b></p>
22    <ul>
23        <li>Laravel core concepts</li>
24        <li>More fluent teamwork by using Laravel</li>
25    </ul>
26    <br />
27    <p>Come to enjoy the knowledge and socialize with other Laravel artisan.</p>
28    <br />
29    <p>For more infromation: <a href="https://laravelconf.tw/">https://laravelconf.tw</a></p>
30    <p>Our facebook page: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/laravelconftw/">https://www.facebook.com/laravelconftw</a></p>
31    </div>
32  </content>