1--TEST-- 2Bug #26384 (domxslt->process causes segfault with xsl:key) 3--EXTENSIONS-- 4xsl 5--FILE-- 6<?php 7$dom = new domDocument; 8$dom->load(__DIR__."/area_name.xml"); 9if(!$dom) { 10 echo "Error while parsing the document\n"; 11 exit; 12} 13$xsl = new domDocument; 14$xsl->load(__DIR__."/area_list.xsl"); 15if(!$xsl) { 16 echo "Error while parsing the document\n"; 17 exit; 18} 19$proc = new xsltprocessor; 20if(!$proc) { 21 echo "Error while making xsltprocessor object\n"; 22 exit; 23} 24 25$proc->importStylesheet($xsl); 26print $proc->transformToXml($dom); 27 28//this segfaulted before 29print $dom->documentElement->firstChild->nextSibling->nodeName; 30?> 31--EXPECT-- 32HERE 33ROW 34