xref: /openssl/util/perl/OpenSSL/ParseC.pm (revision 7ed6de99)
1#! /usr/bin/env perl
2# Copyright 2018-2024 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
4# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License").  You may not use
5# this file except in compliance with the License.  You can obtain a copy
6# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
7# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
9package OpenSSL::ParseC;
11use strict;
12use warnings;
14use Exporter;
16$VERSION = "0.9";
17@ISA = qw(Exporter);
18@EXPORT = qw(parse);
20# Global handler data
21my @preprocessor_conds;         # A list of simple preprocessor conditions,
22                                # each item being a list of macros defined
23                                # or not defined.
25# Handler helpers
26sub all_conds {
27    return map { ( @$_ ) } @preprocessor_conds;
30# A list of handlers that will look at a "complete" string and try to
31# figure out what to make of it.
32# Each handler is a hash with the following keys:
34# regexp                a regexp to compare the "complete" string with.
35# checker               a function that does a more complex comparison.
36#                       Use this instead of regexp if that isn't enough.
37# massager              massages the "complete" string into an array with
38#                       the following elements:
40#                       [0]     String that needs further processing (this
41#                               applies to typedefs of structs), or empty.
42#                       [1]     The name of what was found.
43#                       [2]     A character that denotes what type of thing
44#                               this is: 'F' for function, 'S' for struct,
45#                               'T' for typedef, 'M' for macro, 'V' for
46#                               variable.
47#                       [3]     Return type (only for type 'F' and 'V')
48#                       [4]     Value (for type 'M') or signature (for type 'F',
49#                               'V', 'T' or 'S')
50#                       [5...]  The list of preprocessor conditions this is
51#                               found in, as in checks for macro definitions
52#                               (stored as the macro's name) or the absence
53#                               of definition (stored as the macro's name
54#                               prefixed with a '!'
56#                       If the massager returns an empty list, it means the
57#                       "complete" string has side effects but should otherwise
58#                       be ignored.
59#                       If the massager is undefined, the "complete" string
60#                       should be ignored.
61my @opensslcpphandlers = (
62    ##################################################################
63    # OpenSSL CPP specials
64    #
65    # These are used to convert certain pre-precessor expressions into
66    # others that @cpphandlers have a better chance to understand.
68    # This changes any OPENSSL_NO_DEPRECATED_x_y[_z] check to a check of
69    # OPENSSL_NO_DEPRECATEDIN_x_y[_z].  That's due to <openssl/macros.h>
70    # creating OPENSSL_NO_DEPRECATED_x_y[_z], but the ordinals files using
71    # DEPRECATEDIN_x_y[_z].
72    { regexp   => qr/#if(def|ndef) OPENSSL_NO_DEPRECATED_(\d+_\d+(?:_\d+)?)$/,
73      massager => sub {
74          return (<<"EOF");
77      }
78    }
80my @cpphandlers = (
81    ##################################################################
82    # CPP stuff
84    { regexp   => qr/#ifdef ?(.*)/,
85      massager => sub {
86          my %opts;
87          if (ref($_[$#_]) eq "HASH") {
88              %opts = %{$_[$#_]};
89              pop @_;
90          }
91          push @preprocessor_conds, [ $1 ];
92          print STDERR "DEBUG[",$opts{debug_type},"]: preprocessor level: ", scalar(@preprocessor_conds), "\n"
93              if $opts{debug};
94          return ();
95      },
96    },
97    { regexp   => qr/#ifndef ?(.*)/,
98      massager => sub {
99          my %opts;
100          if (ref($_[$#_]) eq "HASH") {
101              %opts = %{$_[$#_]};
102              pop @_;
103          }
104          push @preprocessor_conds, [ '!'.$1 ];
105          print STDERR "DEBUG[",$opts{debug_type},"]: preprocessor level: ", scalar(@preprocessor_conds), "\n"
106              if $opts{debug};
107          return ();
108      },
109    },
110    { regexp   => qr/#if (0|1)/,
111      massager => sub {
112          my %opts;
113          if (ref($_[$#_]) eq "HASH") {
114              %opts = %{$_[$#_]};
115              pop @_;
116          }
117          if ($1 eq "1") {
118              push @preprocessor_conds, [ "TRUE" ];
119          } else {
120              push @preprocessor_conds, [ "!TRUE" ];
121          }
122          print STDERR "DEBUG[",$opts{debug_type},"]: preprocessor level: ", scalar(@preprocessor_conds), "\n"
123              if $opts{debug};
124          return ();
125      },
126    },
127    { regexp   => qr/#if ?(.*)/,
128      massager => sub {
129          my %opts;
130          if (ref($_[$#_]) eq "HASH") {
131              %opts = %{$_[$#_]};
132              pop @_;
133          }
134          my @results = ();
135          my $conds = $1;
136          if ($conds =~ m|^defined<<<\(([^\)]*)\)>>>(.*)$|) {
137              push @results, $1; # Handle the simple case
138              my $rest = $2;
139              my $re = qr/^(?:\|\|defined<<<\([^\)]*\)>>>)*$/;
140              print STDERR "DEBUG[",$opts{debug_type},"]: Matching '$rest' with '$re'\n"
141                  if $opts{debug};
142              if ($rest =~ m/$re/) {
143                  my @rest = split /\|\|/, $rest;
144                  shift @rest;
145                  foreach (@rest) {
146                      m|^defined<<<\(([^\)]*)\)>>>$|;
147                      die "Something wrong...$opts{PLACE}" if $1 eq "";
148                      push @results, $1;
149                  }
150              } else {
151                  $conds =~ s/<<<|>>>//g;
152                  warn "Warning: complicated #if expression(1): $conds$opts{PLACE}"
153                      if $opts{warnings};
154              }
155          } elsif ($conds =~ m|^!defined<<<\(([^\)]*)\)>>>(.*)$|) {
156              push @results, '!'.$1; # Handle the simple case
157              my $rest = $2;
158              my $re = qr/^(?:\&\&!defined<<<\([^\)]*\)>>>)*$/;
159              print STDERR "DEBUG[",$opts{debug_type},"]: Matching '$rest' with '$re'\n"
160                  if $opts{debug};
161              if ($rest =~ m/$re/) {
162                  my @rest = split /\&\&/, $rest;
163                  shift @rest;
164                  foreach (@rest) {
165                      m|^!defined<<<\(([^\)]*)\)>>>$|;
166                      die "Something wrong...$opts{PLACE}" if $1 eq "";
167                      push @results, '!'.$1;
168                  }
169              } else {
170                  $conds =~ s/<<<|>>>//g;
171                  warn "Warning: complicated #if expression(2): $conds$opts{PLACE}"
172                      if $opts{warnings};
173              }
174          } else {
175              $conds =~ s/<<<|>>>//g;
176              warn "Warning: complicated #if expression(3): $conds$opts{PLACE}"
177                  if $opts{warnings};
178          }
179          print STDERR "DEBUG[",$opts{debug_type},"]: Added preprocessor conds: '", join("', '", @results), "'\n"
180              if $opts{debug};
181          push @preprocessor_conds, [ @results ];
182          print STDERR "DEBUG[",$opts{debug_type},"]: preprocessor level: ", scalar(@preprocessor_conds), "\n"
183              if $opts{debug};
184          return ();
185      },
186    },
187    { regexp   => qr/#elif (.*)/,
188      massager => sub {
189          my %opts;
190          if (ref($_[$#_]) eq "HASH") {
191              %opts = %{$_[$#_]};
192              pop @_;
193          }
194          die "An #elif without corresponding condition$opts{PLACE}"
195              if !@preprocessor_conds;
196          pop @preprocessor_conds;
197          print STDERR "DEBUG[",$opts{debug_type},"]: preprocessor level: ", scalar(@preprocessor_conds), "\n"
198              if $opts{debug};
199          return (<<"EOF");
200#if $1
202      },
203    },
204    { regexp   => qr/#else/,
205      massager => sub {
206          my %opts;
207          if (ref($_[$#_]) eq "HASH") {
208              %opts = %{$_[$#_]};
209              pop @_;
210          }
211          die "An #else without corresponding condition$opts{PLACE}"
212              if !@preprocessor_conds;
213          # Invert all conditions on the last level
214          my $stuff = pop @preprocessor_conds;
215          push @preprocessor_conds, [
216              map { m|^!(.*)$| ? $1 : '!'.$_ } @$stuff
217          ];
218          print STDERR "DEBUG[",$opts{debug_type},"]: preprocessor level: ", scalar(@preprocessor_conds), "\n"
219              if $opts{debug};
220          return ();
221      },
222    },
223    { regexp   => qr/#endif ?/,
224      massager => sub {
225          my %opts;
226          if (ref($_[$#_]) eq "HASH") {
227              %opts = %{$_[$#_]};
228              pop @_;
229          }
230          die "An #endif without corresponding condition$opts{PLACE}"
231              if !@preprocessor_conds;
232          pop @preprocessor_conds;
233          print STDERR "DEBUG[",$opts{debug_type},"]: preprocessor level: ", scalar(@preprocessor_conds), "\n"
234              if $opts{debug};
235          return ();
236      },
237    },
238    { regexp   => qr/#define ([[:alpha:]_]\w*)(<<<\(.*?\)>>>)?( (.*))?/,
239      massager => sub {
240          my $name = $1;
241          my $params = $2;
242          my $spaceval = $3||"";
243          my $val = $4||"";
244          return ("",
245                  $1, 'M', "", $params ? "$name$params$spaceval" : $val,
246                  all_conds()); }
247    },
248    { regexp   => qr/#.*/,
249      massager => sub { return (); }
250    },
251    );
253my @opensslchandlers = (
254    ##################################################################
255    # OpenSSL C specials
256    #
257    # They are really preprocessor stuff, but they look like C stuff
258    # to this parser.  All of these do replacements, anything else is
259    # an error.
261    #####
262    # Deprecated stuff, by OpenSSL release.
264    # OSSL_DEPRECATEDIN_x_y[_z] is simply ignored.  Such declarations are
265    # supposed to be guarded with an '#ifdef OPENSSL_NO_DEPRECATED_x_y[_z]'
266    { regexp   => qr/OSSL_DEPRECATEDIN_\d+_\d+(?:_\d+)?\s+(.*)/,
267      massager => sub { return $1; },
268    },
269    { regexp   => qr/OSSL_DEPRECATEDIN_\d+_\d+(?:_\d+)?_FOR<<<.*>>>(.*)/,
270      massager => sub { return $1; },
271    },
272    { regexp   => qr/(.*?)\s+OSSL_DEPRECATEDIN_\d+_\d+(?:_\d+)?\s+(.*)/,
273      massager => sub { return "$1 $2"; },
274    },
275    { regexp   => qr/(.*?)\s+OSSL_DEPRECATEDIN_\d+_\d+(?:_\d+)?_FOR<<<.*>>>(.*)/,
276      massager => sub { return "$1 $2"; },
277    },
279    #####
280    # Core stuff
282    # OSSL_CORE_MAKE_FUNC is a macro to create the necessary data and inline
283    # function the libcrypto<->provider interface
284    { regexp   => qr/OSSL_CORE_MAKE_FUNC<<<\((.*?),(.*?),(.*?)\)>>>/,
285      massager => sub {
286          return (<<"EOF");
287typedef $1 OSSL_FUNC_$2_fn$3;
288static ossl_inline OSSL_FUNC_$2_fn *OSSL_FUNC_$2(const OSSL_DISPATCH *opf);
290      },
291    },
293    #####
294    # LHASH stuff
296    # LHASH_OF(foo) is used as a type, but the chandlers won't take it
297    # gracefully, so we expand it here.
298    { regexp   => qr/(.*)\bLHASH_OF<<<\((.*?)\)>>>(.*)/,
299      massager => sub { return ("$1struct lhash_st_$2$3"); }
300    },
301    { regexp   => qr/DEFINE_LHASH_OF(?:_INTERNAL|_EX)?<<<\((.*)\)>>>/,
302      massager => sub {
303          return (<<"EOF");
304static ossl_inline LHASH_OF($1) * lh_$1_new(unsigned long (*hfn)(const $1 *),
305                                            int (*cfn)(const $1 *, const $1 *));
306static ossl_inline void lh_$1_free(LHASH_OF($1) *lh);
307static ossl_inline $1 *lh_$1_insert(LHASH_OF($1) *lh, $1 *d);
308static ossl_inline $1 *lh_$1_delete(LHASH_OF($1) *lh, const $1 *d);
309static ossl_inline $1 *lh_$1_retrieve(LHASH_OF($1) *lh, const $1 *d);
310static ossl_inline int lh_$1_error(LHASH_OF($1) *lh);
311static ossl_inline unsigned long lh_$1_num_items(LHASH_OF($1) *lh);
312static ossl_inline void lh_$1_node_stats_bio(const LHASH_OF($1) *lh, BIO *out);
313static ossl_inline void lh_$1_node_usage_stats_bio(const LHASH_OF($1) *lh,
314                                                   BIO *out);
315static ossl_inline void lh_$1_stats_bio(const LHASH_OF($1) *lh, BIO *out);
316static ossl_inline unsigned long lh_$1_get_down_load(LHASH_OF($1) *lh);
317static ossl_inline void lh_$1_set_down_load(LHASH_OF($1) *lh, unsigned long dl);
318static ossl_inline void lh_$1_doall(LHASH_OF($1) *lh, void (*doall)($1 *));
321      }
322     },
324    #####
325    # STACK stuff
327    # STACK_OF(foo) is used as a type, but the chandlers won't take it
328    # gracefully, so we expand it here.
329    { regexp   => qr/(.*)\bSTACK_OF<<<\((.*?)\)>>>(.*)/,
330      massager => sub { return ("$1struct stack_st_$2$3"); }
331    },
332#    { regexp   => qr/(.*)\bSTACK_OF\((.*?)\)(.*)/,
333#      massager => sub {
334#          my $before = $1;
335#          my $stack_of = "struct stack_st_$2";
336#          my $after = $3;
337#          if ($after =~ m|^\w|) { $after = " ".$after; }
338#          return ("$before$stack_of$after");
339#      }
340#    },
341    { regexp   => qr/SKM_DEFINE_STACK_OF<<<\((.*),\s*(.*),\s*(.*)\)>>>/,
342      massager => sub {
343          return (<<"EOF");
345typedef int (*sk_$1_compfunc)(const $3 * const *a, const $3 *const *b);
346typedef void (*sk_$1_freefunc)($3 *a);
347typedef $3 * (*sk_$1_copyfunc)(const $3 *a);
348static ossl_inline int sk_$1_num(const STACK_OF($1) *sk);
349static ossl_inline $2 *sk_$1_value(const STACK_OF($1) *sk, int idx);
350static ossl_inline STACK_OF($1) *sk_$1_new(sk_$1_compfunc compare);
351static ossl_inline STACK_OF($1) *sk_$1_new_null(void);
352static ossl_inline STACK_OF($1) *sk_$1_new_reserve(sk_$1_compfunc compare,
353                                                   int n);
354static ossl_inline int sk_$1_reserve(STACK_OF($1) *sk, int n);
355static ossl_inline void sk_$1_free(STACK_OF($1) *sk);
356static ossl_inline void sk_$1_zero(STACK_OF($1) *sk);
357static ossl_inline $2 *sk_$1_delete(STACK_OF($1) *sk, int i);
358static ossl_inline $2 *sk_$1_delete_ptr(STACK_OF($1) *sk, $2 *ptr);
359static ossl_inline int sk_$1_push(STACK_OF($1) *sk, $2 *ptr);
360static ossl_inline int sk_$1_unshift(STACK_OF($1) *sk, $2 *ptr);
361static ossl_inline $2 *sk_$1_pop(STACK_OF($1) *sk);
362static ossl_inline $2 *sk_$1_shift(STACK_OF($1) *sk);
363static ossl_inline void sk_$1_pop_free(STACK_OF($1) *sk,
364                                       sk_$1_freefunc freefunc);
365static ossl_inline int sk_$1_insert(STACK_OF($1) *sk, $2 *ptr, int idx);
366static ossl_inline $2 *sk_$1_set(STACK_OF($1) *sk, int idx, $2 *ptr);
367static ossl_inline int sk_$1_find(STACK_OF($1) *sk, $2 *ptr);
368static ossl_inline int sk_$1_find_ex(STACK_OF($1) *sk, $2 *ptr);
369static ossl_inline void sk_$1_sort(STACK_OF($1) *sk);
370static ossl_inline int sk_$1_is_sorted(const STACK_OF($1) *sk);
371static ossl_inline STACK_OF($1) * sk_$1_dup(const STACK_OF($1) *sk);
372static ossl_inline STACK_OF($1) *sk_$1_deep_copy(const STACK_OF($1) *sk,
373                                                 sk_$1_copyfunc copyfunc,
374                                                 sk_$1_freefunc freefunc);
375static ossl_inline sk_$1_compfunc sk_$1_set_cmp_func(STACK_OF($1) *sk,
376                                                     sk_$1_compfunc compare);
378      }
379    },
380    { regexp   => qr/SKM_DEFINE_STACK_OF_INTERNAL<<<\((.*),\s*(.*),\s*(.*)\)>>>/,
381      massager => sub {
382          return (<<"EOF");
384typedef int (*sk_$1_compfunc)(const $3 * const *a, const $3 *const *b);
385typedef void (*sk_$1_freefunc)($3 *a);
386typedef $3 * (*sk_$1_copyfunc)(const $3 *a);
387static ossl_unused ossl_inline $2 *ossl_check_$1_type($2 *ptr);
388static ossl_unused ossl_inline const OPENSSL_STACK *ossl_check_const_$1_sk_type(const STACK_OF($1) *sk);
389static ossl_unused ossl_inline OPENSSL_sk_compfunc ossl_check_$1_compfunc_type(sk_$1_compfunc cmp);
390static ossl_unused ossl_inline OPENSSL_sk_copyfunc ossl_check_$1_copyfunc_type(sk_$1_copyfunc cpy);
391static ossl_unused ossl_inline OPENSSL_sk_freefunc ossl_check_$1_freefunc_type(sk_$1_freefunc fr);
393      }
394    },
395    { regexp   => qr/DEFINE_SPECIAL_STACK_OF<<<\((.*),\s*(.*)\)>>>/,
396      massager => sub { return ("SKM_DEFINE_STACK_OF($1,$2,$2)"); },
397    },
398    { regexp   => qr/DEFINE_STACK_OF<<<\((.*)\)>>>/,
399      massager => sub { return ("SKM_DEFINE_STACK_OF($1,$1,$1)"); },
400    },
401    { regexp   => qr/DEFINE_SPECIAL_STACK_OF_CONST<<<\((.*),\s*(.*)\)>>>/,
402      massager => sub { return ("SKM_DEFINE_STACK_OF($1,const $2,$2)"); },
403    },
404    { regexp   => qr/DEFINE_STACK_OF_CONST<<<\((.*)\)>>>/,
405      massager => sub { return ("SKM_DEFINE_STACK_OF($1,const $1,$1)"); },
406    },
408    #####
409    # ASN1 stuff
410    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_ASN1_ITEM<<<\((.*)\)>>>/,
411      massager => sub {
412          return (<<"EOF");
413const ASN1_ITEM *$1_it(void);
415      },
416    },
417    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_ASN1_ENCODE_FUNCTIONS_only<<<\((.*),\s*(.*)\)>>>/,
418      massager => sub {
419          return (<<"EOF");
420int d2i_$2(void);
421int i2d_$2(void);
423      },
424    },
425    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_ASN1_ENCODE_FUNCTIONS<<<\((.*),\s*(.*),\s*(.*)\)>>>/,
426      massager => sub {
427          return (<<"EOF");
428int d2i_$3(void);
429int i2d_$3(void);
432      },
433    },
434    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_ASN1_ENCODE_FUNCTIONS_name<<<\((.*),\s*(.*)\)>>>/,
435      massager => sub {
436          return (<<"EOF");
437int d2i_$2(void);
438int i2d_$2(void);
441      },
442    },
443    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_ASN1_ALLOC_FUNCTIONS_name<<<\((.*),\s*(.*)\)>>>/,
444      massager => sub {
445          return (<<"EOF");
446int $2_free(void);
447int $2_new(void);
449      },
450    },
451    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_ASN1_ALLOC_FUNCTIONS<<<\((.*)\)>>>/,
452      massager => sub {
453          return (<<"EOF");
454int $1_free(void);
455int $1_new(void);
457      },
458    },
459    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_ASN1_FUNCTIONS_name<<<\((.*),\s*(.*)\)>>>/,
460      massager => sub {
461          return (<<"EOF");
462int d2i_$2(void);
463int i2d_$2(void);
464int $2_free(void);
465int $2_new(void);
468      },
469    },
470    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_ASN1_FUNCTIONS<<<\((.*)\)>>>/,
471      massager => sub { return (<<"EOF");
472int d2i_$1(void);
473int i2d_$1(void);
474int $1_free(void);
475int $1_new(void);
478      }
479    },
480    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_ASN1_NDEF_FUNCTION<<<\((.*)\)>>>/,
481      massager => sub {
482          return (<<"EOF");
483int i2d_$1_NDEF(void);
485      }
486    },
487    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_ASN1_PRINT_FUNCTION<<<\((.*)\)>>>/,
488      massager => sub {
489          return (<<"EOF");
490int $1_print_ctx(void);
492      }
493    },
494    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_ASN1_PRINT_FUNCTION_name<<<\((.*),\s*(.*)\)>>>/,
495      massager => sub {
496          return (<<"EOF");
497int $2_print_ctx(void);
499      }
500    },
501    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_ASN1_SET_OF<<<\((.*)\)>>>/,
502      massager => sub { return (); }
503    },
504    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_ASN1_DUP_FUNCTION<<<\((.*)\)>>>/,
505      massager => sub {
506          return (<<"EOF");
507int $1_dup(void);
509      }
510    },
511    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_ASN1_DUP_FUNCTION_name<<<\((.*),\s*(.*)\)>>>/,
512      massager => sub {
513          return (<<"EOF");
514int $2_dup(void);
516      }
517    },
518    # Universal translator of attributed PEM declarators
519    { regexp   => qr/
520          DECLARE_ASN1
524           |_DUP_FUNCTION|_DUP_FUNCTION_name)
525          _attr
526          <<<\(\s*OSSL_DEPRECATEDIN_(.*?)\s*,(.*?)\)>>>
527      /x,
528      massager => sub { return (<<"EOF");
531      },
532    },
533    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_PKCS12_SET_OF<<<\((.*)\)>>>/,
534      massager => sub { return (); }
535    },
537    #####
538    # PEM stuff
539    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_PEM(?|_rw|_rw_cb|_rw_const)<<<\((.*?),.*\)>>>/,
540      massager => sub { return (<<"EOF");
542int PEM_read_$1(void);
543int PEM_write_$1(void);
545int PEM_read_bio_$1(void);
546int PEM_write_bio_$1(void);
548      },
549    },
550    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_PEM(?|_rw|_rw_cb|_rw_const)_ex<<<\((.*?),.*\)>>>/,
551      massager => sub { return (<<"EOF");
553int PEM_read_$1(void);
554int PEM_write_$1(void);
555int PEM_read_$1_ex(void);
556int PEM_write_$1_ex(void);
558int PEM_read_bio_$1(void);
559int PEM_write_bio_$1(void);
560int PEM_read_bio_$1_ex(void);
561int PEM_write_bio_$1_ex(void);
563      },
564    },
565    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_PEM(?|_write|_write_cb|_write_const)<<<\((.*?),.*\)>>>/,
566      massager => sub { return (<<"EOF");
568int PEM_write_$1(void);
570int PEM_write_bio_$1(void);
572      },
573    },
574    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_PEM(?|_write|_write_cb|_write_const)_ex<<<\((.*?),.*\)>>>/,
575      massager => sub { return (<<"EOF");
577int PEM_write_$1(void);
578int PEM_write_$1_ex(void);
580int PEM_write_bio_$1(void);
581int PEM_write_bio_$1_ex(void);
583      },
584    },
585    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_PEM(?|_read|_read_cb)<<<\((.*?),.*\)>>>/,
586      massager => sub { return (<<"EOF");
588int PEM_read_$1(void);
590int PEM_read_bio_$1(void);
592      },
593    },
594    { regexp   => qr/DECLARE_PEM(?|_read|_read_cb)_ex<<<\((.*?),.*\)>>>/,
595      massager => sub { return (<<"EOF");
597int PEM_read_$1(void);
598int PEM_read_$1_ex(void);
600int PEM_read_bio_$1(void);
601int PEM_read_bio_$1_ex(void);
603      },
604    },
605    # Universal translator of attributed PEM declarators
606    { regexp   => qr/
607          DECLARE_PEM
608          ((?:_rw|_rw_cb|_rw_const|_write|_write_cb|_write_const|_read|_read_cb)
609           (?:_ex)?)
610          _attr
611          <<<\(\s*OSSL_DEPRECATEDIN_(.*?)\s*,(.*?)\)>>>
612      /x,
613      massager => sub { return (<<"EOF");
616      },
617    },
619    # OpenSSL's declaration of externs with possible export linkage
620    # (really only relevant on Windows)
621    { regexp   => qr/OPENSSL_(?:EXPORT|EXTERN)/,
622      massager => sub { return ("extern"); }
623    },
625    # Spurious stuff found in the OpenSSL headers
626    # Usually, these are just macros that expand to, well, something
627    { regexp   => qr/__NDK_FPABI__/,
628      massager => sub { return (); }
629    },
630    );
632my $anoncnt = 0;
634my @chandlers = (
635    ##################################################################
636    # C stuff
638    # extern "C" of individual items
639    # Note that the main parse function has a special hack for 'extern "C" {'
640    # which can't be done in handlers
641    # We simply ignore it.
642    { regexp   => qr/^extern "C" (.*(?:;|>>>))/,
643      massager => sub { return ($1); },
644    },
645    # any other extern is just ignored
646    { regexp   => qr/^\s*                       # Any spaces before
647                     extern                     # The keyword we look for
648                     \b                         # word to non-word boundary
649                     .*                         # Anything after
650                     ;
651                    /x,
652      massager => sub { return (); },
653    },
654    # union, struct and enum definitions
655    # Because this one might appear a little everywhere within type
656    # definitions, we take it out and replace it with just
657    # 'union|struct|enum name' while registering it.
658    # This makes use of the parser trick to surround the outer braces
659    # with <<< and >>>
660    { regexp   => qr/(.*)                       # Anything before       ($1)
661                     \b                         # word to non-word boundary
662                     (union|struct|enum)        # The word used         ($2)
663                     (?:\s([[:alpha:]_]\w*))?   # Struct or enum name   ($3)
664                     <<<(\{.*?\})>>>            # Struct or enum definition ($4)
665                     (.*)                       # Anything after        ($5)
666                     ;
667                    /x,
668      massager => sub {
669          my $before = $1;
670          my $word = $2;
671          my $name = $3
672              || sprintf("__anon%03d", ++$anoncnt); # Anonymous struct
673          my $definition = $4;
674          my $after = $5;
675          my $type = $word eq "struct" ? 'S' : 'E';
676          if ($before ne "" || $after ne ";") {
677              if ($after =~ m|^\w|) { $after = " ".$after; }
678              return ("$before$word $name$after;",
679                      "$word $name", $type, "", "$word$definition", all_conds());
680          }
681          # If there was no before nor after, make the return much simple
682          return ("", "$word $name", $type, "", "$word$definition", all_conds());
683      }
684    },
685    # Named struct and enum forward declarations
686    # We really just ignore them, but we need to parse them or the variable
687    # declaration handler further down will think it's a variable declaration.
688    { regexp   => qr/^(union|struct|enum) ([[:alpha:]_]\w*);/,
689      massager => sub { return (); }
690    },
691    # Function returning function pointer declaration
692    # This sort of declaration may have a body (inline functions, for example)
693    { regexp   => qr/(?:(typedef)\s?)?          # Possible typedef      ($1)
694                     ((?:\w|\*|\s)*?)           # Return type           ($2)
695                     \s?                        # Possible space
696                     <<<\(\*
697                     ([[:alpha:]_]\w*)          # Function name         ($3)
698                     (\(.*\))                   # Parameters            ($4)
699                     \)>>>
700                     <<<(\(.*\))>>>             # F.p. parameters       ($5)
701                     (?:<<<\{.*\}>>>|;)         # Body or semicolon
702                    /x,
703      massager => sub {
704          return ("", $3, 'T', "", "$2(*$4)$5", all_conds())
705              if defined $1;
706          return ("", $3, 'F', "$2(*)$5", "$2(*$4)$5", all_conds()); }
707    },
708    # Function pointer declaration, or typedef thereof
709    # This sort of declaration never has a function body
710    { regexp   => qr/(?:(typedef)\s?)?          # Possible typedef      ($1)
711                     ((?:\w|\*|\s)*?)           # Return type           ($2)
712                     <<<\(\*([[:alpha:]_]\w*)\)>>> # T.d. or var name   ($3)
713                     <<<(\(.*\))>>>             # F.p. parameters       ($4)
714                     ;
715                    /x,
716      massager => sub {
717          return ("", $3, 'T', "", "$2(*)$4", all_conds())
718              if defined $1;
719          return ("", $3, 'V', "$2(*)$4", "$2(*)$4", all_conds());
720      },
721    },
722    # Function declaration, or typedef thereof
723    # This sort of declaration may have a body (inline functions, for example)
724    { regexp   => qr/(?:(typedef)\s?)?          # Possible typedef      ($1)
725                     ((?:\w|\*|\s)*?)           # Return type           ($2)
726                     \s?                        # Possible space
727                     ([[:alpha:]_]\w*)          # Function name         ($3)
728                     <<<(\(.*\))>>>             # Parameters            ($4)
729                     (?:<<<\{.*\}>>>|;)         # Body or semicolon
730                    /x,
731      massager => sub {
732          return ("", $3, 'T', "", "$2$4", all_conds())
733              if defined $1;
734          return ("", $3, 'F', $2, "$2$4", all_conds());
735      },
736    },
737    # Variable declaration, including arrays, or typedef thereof
738    { regexp   => qr/(?:(typedef)\s?)?          # Possible typedef      ($1)
739                     ((?:\w|\*|\s)*?)           # Type                  ($2)
740                     \s?                        # Possible space
741                     ([[:alpha:]_]\w*)          # Variable name         ($3)
742                     ((?:<<<\[[^\]]*\]>>>)*)    # Possible array declaration ($4)
743                     ;
744                    /x,
745      massager => sub {
746          return ("", $3, 'T', "", $2.($4||""), all_conds())
747              if defined $1;
748          return ("", $3, 'V', $2.($4||""), $2.($4||""), all_conds());
749      },
750    },
753# End handlers are almost the same as handlers, except they are run through
754# ONCE when the input has been parsed through.  These are used to check for
755# remaining stuff, such as an unfinished #ifdef and stuff like that that the
756# main parser can't check on its own.
757my @endhandlers = (
758    { massager => sub {
759        my %opts = %{$_[0]};
761        die "Unfinished preprocessor conditions levels: ",scalar(@preprocessor_conds),($opts{filename} ? " in file ".$opts{filename}: ""),$opts{PLACE}
762            if @preprocessor_conds;
763      }
764    }
765    );
767# takes a list of strings that can each contain one or several lines of code
768# also takes a hash of options as last argument.
770# returns a list of hashes with information:
772#       name            name of the thing
773#       type            type, see the massage handler function
774#       returntype      return type of functions and variables
775#       value           value for macros, signature for functions, variables
776#                       and structs
777#       conds           preprocessor conditions (array ref)
779sub parse {
780    my %opts;
781    if (ref($_[$#_]) eq "HASH") {
782        %opts = %{$_[$#_]};
783        pop @_;
784    }
785    my %state = (
786        in_extern_C => 0,       # An exception to parenthesis processing.
787        cpp_parens => [],       # A list of ending parens and braces found in
788                                # preprocessor directives
789        c_parens => [],         # A list of ending parens and braces found in
790                                # C statements
791        in_string => "",        # empty string when outside a string, otherwise
792                                # "'" or '"' depending on the starting quote.
793        in_comment => "",       # empty string when outside a comment, otherwise
794                                # "/*" or "//" depending on the type of comment
795                                # found.  The latter will never be multiline
796                                # NOTE: in_string and in_comment will never be
797                                # true (in perl semantics) at the same time.
798        current_line => 0,
799        );
800    my @result = ();
801    my $normalized_line = "";   # $input_line, but normalized.  In essence, this
802                                # means that ALL whitespace is removed unless
803                                # it absolutely has to be present, and in that
804                                # case, there's only one space.
805                                # The cases where a space needs to stay present
806                                # are:
807                                # 1. between words
808                                # 2. between words and number
809                                # 3. after the first word of a preprocessor
810                                #    directive.
811                                # 4. for the #define directive, between the macro
812                                #    name/args and its value, so we end up with:
813                                #       #define FOO val
814                                #       #define BAR(x) something(x)
815    my $collected_stmt = "";    # Where we're building up a C line until it's a
816                                # complete definition/declaration, as determined
817                                # by any handler being capable of matching it.
819    # We use $_ shamelessly when looking through @lines.
820    # In case we find a \ at the end, we keep filling it up with more lines.
821    $_ = undef;
823    foreach my $line (@_) {
824        # split tries to be smart when a string ends with the thing we split on
825        $line .= "\n" unless $line =~ m|\R$|;
826        $line .= "#";
828        # We use ¦undef¦ as a marker for a new line from the file.
829        # Since we convert one line to several and unshift that into @lines,
830        # that's the only safe way we have to track the original lines
831        my @lines = map { ( undef, $_ ) } split m|\R|, $line;
833        # Remember that extra # we added above?  Now we remove it
834        pop @lines;
835        pop @lines;             # Don't forget the undef
837        while (@lines) {
838            if (!defined($lines[0])) {
839                shift @lines;
840                $state{current_line}++;
841                if (!defined($_)) {
842                    $opts{PLACE} = " at ".$opts{filename}." line ".$state{current_line}."\n";
843                    $opts{PLACE2} = $opts{filename}.":".$state{current_line};
844                }
845                next;
846            }
848            $_ = "" unless defined $_;
849            $_ .= shift @lines;
851            if (m|\\$|) {
852                $_ = $`;
853                next;
854            }
856            if ($opts{debug}) {
857                print STDERR "DEBUG:----------------------------\n";
858                print STDERR "DEBUG: \$_      = '$_'\n";
859            }
861            ##########################################################
862            # Now that we have a full line, let's process through it
863            while(1) {
864                unless ($state{in_comment}) {
865                    # Begin with checking if the current $normalized_line
866                    # contains a preprocessor directive
867                    # This is only done if we're not inside a comment and
868                    # if it's a preprocessor directive and it's finished.
869                    if ($normalized_line =~ m|^#| && $_ eq "") {
870                        print STDERR "DEBUG[OPENSSL CPP]: \$normalized_line = '$normalized_line'\n"
871                            if $opts{debug};
872                        $opts{debug_type} = "OPENSSL CPP";
873                        my @r = ( _run_handlers($normalized_line,
874                                                @opensslcpphandlers,
875                                                \%opts) );
876                        if (shift @r) {
877                            # Checking if there are lines to inject.
878                            if (@r) {
879                                @r = split $/, (pop @r).$_;
880                                print STDERR "DEBUG[OPENSSL CPP]: injecting '", join("', '", @r),"'\n"
881                                    if $opts{debug} && @r;
882                                @lines = ( @r, @lines );
884                                $_ = "";
885                            }
886                        } else {
887                            print STDERR "DEBUG[CPP]: \$normalized_line = '$normalized_line'\n"
888                                if $opts{debug};
889                            $opts{debug_type} = "CPP";
890                            my @r = ( _run_handlers($normalized_line,
891                                                    @cpphandlers,
892                                                    \%opts) );
893                            if (shift @r) {
894                                if (ref($r[0]) eq "HASH") {
895                                    push @result, shift @r;
896                                }
898                                # Now, check if there are lines to inject.
899                                # Really, this should never happen, it IS a
900                                # preprocessor directive after all...
901                                if (@r) {
902                                    @r = split $/, pop @r;
903                                    print STDERR "DEBUG[CPP]: injecting '", join("', '", @r),"'\n"
904                                    if $opts{debug} && @r;
905                                    @lines = ( @r, @lines );
906                                    $_ = "";
907                                }
908                            }
909                        }
911                        # Note: we simply ignore all directives that no
912                        # handler matches
913                        $normalized_line = "";
914                    }
916                    # If the two strings end and start with a character that
917                    # shouldn't get concatenated, add a space
918                    my $space =
919                        ($collected_stmt =~ m/(?:"|')$/
920                         || ($collected_stmt =~ m/(?:\w|\d)$/
921                             && $normalized_line =~ m/^(?:\w|\d)/)) ? " " : "";
923                    # Now, unless we're building up a preprocessor directive or
924                    # are in the middle of a string, or the parens et al aren't
925                    # balanced up yet, let's try and see if there's a OpenSSL
926                    # or C handler that can make sense of what we have so far.
927                    if ( $normalized_line !~ m|^#|
928                         && ($collected_stmt ne "" || $normalized_line ne "")
929                         && ! @{$state{c_parens}}
930                         && ! $state{in_string} ) {
931                        if ($opts{debug}) {
932                            print STDERR "DEBUG[OPENSSL C]: \$collected_stmt  = '$collected_stmt'\n";
933                            print STDERR "DEBUG[OPENSSL C]: \$normalized_line = '$normalized_line'\n";
934                        }
935                        $opts{debug_type} = "OPENSSL C";
936                        my @r = ( _run_handlers($collected_stmt
937                                                    .$space
938                                                    .$normalized_line,
939                                                @opensslchandlers,
940                                                \%opts) );
941                        if (shift @r) {
942                            # Checking if there are lines to inject.
943                            if (@r) {
944                                @r = split $/, (pop @r).$_;
945                                print STDERR "DEBUG[OPENSSL]: injecting '", join("', '", @r),"'\n"
946                                    if $opts{debug} && @r;
947                                @lines = ( @r, @lines );
949                                $_ = "";
950                            }
951                            $normalized_line = "";
952                            $collected_stmt = "";
953                        } else {
954                            if ($opts{debug}) {
955                                print STDERR "DEBUG[C]: \$collected_stmt  = '$collected_stmt'\n";
956                                print STDERR "DEBUG[C]: \$normalized_line = '$normalized_line'\n";
957                            }
958                            $opts{debug_type} = "C";
959                            my @r = ( _run_handlers($collected_stmt
960                                                        .$space
961                                                        .$normalized_line,
962                                                    @chandlers,
963                                                    \%opts) );
964                            if (shift @r) {
965                                if (ref($r[0]) eq "HASH") {
966                                    push @result, shift @r;
967                                }
969                                # Checking if there are lines to inject.
970                                if (@r) {
971                                    @r = split $/, (pop @r).$_;
972                                    print STDERR "DEBUG[C]: injecting '", join("', '", @r),"'\n"
973                                        if $opts{debug} && @r;
974                                    @lines = ( @r, @lines );
976                                    $_ = "";
977                                }
978                                $normalized_line = "";
979                                $collected_stmt = "";
980                            }
981                        }
982                    }
983                    if ($_ eq "") {
984                        $collected_stmt .= $space.$normalized_line;
985                        $normalized_line = "";
986                    }
987                }
989                if ($_ eq "") {
990                    $_ = undef;
991                    last;
992                }
994                # Take care of inside string first.
995                if ($state{in_string}) {
996                    if (m/ (?:^|(?<!\\))        # Make sure it's not escaped
997                           $state{in_string}    # Look for matching quote
998                         /x) {
999                        $normalized_line .= $`.$&;
1000                        $state{in_string} = "";
1001                        $_ = $';
1002                        next;
1003                    } else {
1004                        die "Unfinished string without continuation found$opts{PLACE}\n";
1005                    }
1006                }
1007                # ... or inside comments, whichever happens to apply
1008                elsif ($state{in_comment}) {
1010                    # This should never happen
1011                    die "Something went seriously wrong, multiline //???$opts{PLACE}\n"
1012                        if ($state{in_comment} eq "//");
1014                    # A note: comments are simply discarded.
1016                    if (m/ (?:^|(?<!\\))        # Make sure it's not escaped
1017                           \*\/                 # Look for C comment end
1018                         /x) {
1019                        $state{in_comment} = "";
1020                        $_ = $';
1021                        print STDERR "DEBUG: Found end of comment, followed by '$_'\n"
1022                            if $opts{debug};
1023                        next;
1024                    } else {
1025                        $_ = "";
1026                        next;
1027                    }
1028                }
1030                # At this point, it's safe to remove leading whites, but
1031                # we need to be careful with some preprocessor lines
1032                if (m|^\s+|) {
1033                    my $rest = $';
1034                    my $space = "";
1035                    $space = " "
1036                        if ($normalized_line =~ m/^
1037                                                  \#define\s\w(?:\w|\d)*(?:<<<\([^\)]*\)>>>)?
1038                                                  | \#[a-z]+
1039                                                  $/x);
1040                    print STDERR "DEBUG: Processing leading spaces: \$normalized_line = '$normalized_line', \$space = '$space', \$rest = '$rest'\n"
1041                        if $opts{debug};
1042                    $_ = $space.$rest;
1043                }
1045                my $parens =
1046                    $normalized_line =~ m|^#| ? 'cpp_parens' : 'c_parens';
1047                (my $paren_singular = $parens) =~ s|s$||;
1049                # Now check for specific tokens, and if they are parens,
1050                # check them against $state{$parens}.  Note that we surround
1051                # the outermost parens with extra "<<<" and ">>>".  Those
1052                # are for the benefit of handlers who to need to detect
1053                # them, and they will be removed from the final output.
1054                if (m|^[\{\[\(]|) {
1055                    my $body = $&;
1056                    $_ = $';
1057                    if (!@{$state{$parens}}) {
1058                        if ("$normalized_line$body" =~ m|^extern "C"\{$|) {
1059                            $state{in_extern_C} = 1;
1060                            print STDERR "DEBUG: found start of 'extern \"C\"' ($normalized_line$body)\n"
1061                                if $opts{debug};
1062                            $normalized_line = "";
1063                        } else {
1064                            $normalized_line .= "<<<".$body;
1065                        }
1066                    } else {
1067                        $normalized_line .= $body;
1068                    }
1070                    if ($normalized_line ne "") {
1071                        print STDERR "DEBUG: found $paren_singular start '$body'\n"
1072                            if $opts{debug};
1073                        $body =~ tr|\{\[\(|\}\]\)|;
1074                        print STDERR "DEBUG: pushing $paren_singular end '$body'\n"
1075                            if $opts{debug};
1076                        push @{$state{$parens}}, $body;
1077                    }
1078                } elsif (m|^[\}\]\)]|) {
1079                    $_ = $';
1081                    if (!@{$state{$parens}}
1082                        && $& eq '}' && $state{in_extern_C}) {
1083                        print STDERR "DEBUG: found end of 'extern \"C\"'\n"
1084                            if $opts{debug};
1085                        $state{in_extern_C} = 0;
1086                    } else {
1087                        print STDERR "DEBUG: Trying to match '$&' against '"
1088                            ,join("', '", @{$state{$parens}})
1089                            ,"'\n"
1090                            if $opts{debug};
1091                        die "Unmatched parentheses$opts{PLACE}\n"
1092                            unless (@{$state{$parens}}
1093                                    && pop @{$state{$parens}} eq $&);
1094                        if (!@{$state{$parens}}) {
1095                            $normalized_line .= $&.">>>";
1096                        } else {
1097                            $normalized_line .= $&;
1098                        }
1099                    }
1100                } elsif (m|^["']|) { # string start
1101                    my $body = $&;
1102                    $_ = $';
1104                    # We want to separate strings from \w and \d with one space.
1105                    $normalized_line .= " " if $normalized_line =~ m/(\w|\d)$/;
1106                    $normalized_line .= $body;
1107                    $state{in_string} = $body;
1108                } elsif (m|^\/\*|) { # C style comment
1109                    print STDERR "DEBUG: found start of C style comment\n"
1110                        if $opts{debug};
1111                    $state{in_comment} = $&;
1112                    $_ = $';
1113                } elsif (m|^\/\/|) { # C++ style comment
1114                    print STDERR "DEBUG: found C++ style comment\n"
1115                        if $opts{debug};
1116                    $_ = "";    # (just discard it entirely)
1117                } elsif (m/^ (?| (?: 0[xX][[:xdigit:]]+ | 0[bB][01]+ | [0-9]+ )
1118                                 (?i: U | L | UL | LL | ULL )?
1119                               | [0-9]+\.[0-9]+(?:[eE][\-\+]\d+)? (?i: F | L)?
1120                               ) /x) {
1121                    print STDERR "DEBUG: Processing numbers: \$normalized_line = '$normalized_line', \$& = '$&', \$' = '$''\n"
1122                        if $opts{debug};
1123                    $normalized_line .= $&;
1124                    $_ = $';
1125                } elsif (m/^[[:alpha:]_]\w*/) {
1126                    my $body = $&;
1127                    my $rest = $';
1128                    my $space = "";
1130                    # Now, only add a space if it's needed to separate
1131                    # two \w characters, and we also surround strings with
1132                    # a space.  In this case, that's if $normalized_line ends
1133                    # with a \w, \d, " or '.
1134                    $space = " "
1135                        if ($normalized_line =~ m/("|')$/
1136                            || ($normalized_line =~ m/(\w|\d)$/
1137                                && $body =~ m/^(\w|\d)/));
1139                    print STDERR "DEBUG: Processing words: \$normalized_line = '$normalized_line', \$space = '$space', \$body = '$body', \$rest = '$rest'\n"
1140                        if $opts{debug};
1141                    $normalized_line .= $space.$body;
1142                    $_ = $rest;
1143                } elsif (m|^(?:\\)?.|) { # Catch-all
1144                    $normalized_line .= $&;
1145                    $_ = $';
1146                }
1147            }
1148        }
1149    }
1150    foreach my $handler (@endhandlers) {
1151        if ($handler->{massager}) {
1152            $handler->{massager}->(\%opts);
1153        }
1154    }
1155    return @result;
1158# arg1:    line to check
1159# arg2...: handlers to check
1160# return undef when no handler matched
1161sub _run_handlers {
1162    my %opts;
1163    if (ref($_[$#_]) eq "HASH") {
1164        %opts = %{$_[$#_]};
1165        pop @_;
1166    }
1167    my $line = shift;
1168    my @handlers = @_;
1170    foreach my $handler (@handlers) {
1171        if ($handler->{regexp}
1172            && $line =~ m|^$handler->{regexp}$|) {
1173            if ($handler->{massager}) {
1174                if ($opts{debug}) {
1175                    print STDERR "DEBUG[",$opts{debug_type},"]: Trying to handle '$line'\n";
1176                    print STDERR "DEBUG[",$opts{debug_type},"]: (matches /\^",$handler->{regexp},"\$/)\n";
1177                }
1178                my $saved_line = $line;
1179                my @massaged =
1180                    map { s/(<<<|>>>)//g; $_ }
1181                    $handler->{massager}->($saved_line, \%opts);
1182                print STDERR "DEBUG[",$opts{debug_type},"]: Got back '"
1183                    , join("', '", @massaged), "'\n"
1184                    if $opts{debug};
1186                # Because we may get back new lines to be
1187                # injected before whatever else that follows,
1188                # and the injected stuff might include
1189                # preprocessor lines, we need to inject them
1190                # in @lines and set $_ to the empty string to
1191                # break out from the inner loops
1192                my $injected_lines = shift @massaged || "";
1194                if (@massaged) {
1195                    return (1,
1196                            {
1197                                name    => shift @massaged,
1198                                type    => shift @massaged,
1199                                returntype => shift @massaged,
1200                                value   => shift @massaged,
1201                                conds   => [ @massaged ]
1202                            },
1203                            $injected_lines
1204                        );
1205                } else {
1206                    print STDERR "DEBUG[",$opts{debug_type},"]:   (ignore, possible side effects)\n"
1207                        if $opts{debug} && $injected_lines eq "";
1208                    return (1, $injected_lines);
1209                }
1210            }
1211            return (1);
1212        }
1213    }
1214    return (0);