xref: /openssl/include/internal/hashtable.h (revision 71fe7f09)
1 /*
2  * Copyright 2024 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License").  You may not use
5  * this file except in compliance with the License.  You can obtain a copy
6  * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
7  * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
8  */
12 # pragma once
14 #include <stddef.h>
15 #include <stdint.h>
16 #include <openssl/e_os2.h>
17 #include <internal/rcu.h>
18 #include "crypto/context.h"
20 typedef struct ht_internal_st HT;
22 /*
23  * Represents a key to a hashtable
24  */
25 typedef struct ht_key_header_st {
26     size_t keysize;
27     uint8_t *keybuf;
28 } HT_KEY;
30 /*
31  * Represents a value in the hash table
32  */
33 typedef struct ht_value_st {
34     void *value;
35     uintptr_t *type_id;
36     HT_KEY key;
37 } HT_VALUE;
39 /*
40  * Represents a list of values filtered from a hash table
41  */
42 typedef struct ht_value_list_st {
43     size_t list_len;
44     HT_VALUE **list;
47 /*
48  * Hashtable configuration
49  */
50 typedef struct ht_config_st {
51     OSSL_LIB_CTX *ctx;
52     void (*ht_free_fn)(HT_VALUE *obj);
53     uint64_t (*ht_hash_fn)(uint8_t *key, size_t keylen);
54     size_t init_neighborhoods;
55     uint32_t collision_check;
56     uint32_t lockless_reads;
59 /*
60  * Hashtable key rules
61  * Any struct can be used to formulate a hash table key, as long as the
62  * following rules
63  * 1) The first element of the struct defining the key must be an HT_KEY
64  * 2) All struct elements must have a compile time defined length
65  * 3) Pointers can be used, but the value of the pointer, rather than
66  *    the contents of the address it points to will be used to compute
67  *    the hash
68  * The key definition macros will assist with enforcing these rules
69  */
71 /*
72  * Starts the definition of a hash table key
73  */
74 #define HT_START_KEY_DEFN(keyname) \
75 typedef struct keyname##_st { \
76     HT_KEY key_header; \
77     struct {
79 /*
80  * Ends a hash table key definitions
81  */
82 #define HT_END_KEY_DEFN(keyname) \
83     } keyfields; \
84 } keyname;
86 /*
87  * Defines a field in a hash table key
88  */
89 #define HT_DEF_KEY_FIELD(name, type) type name;
91 /*
92  * convenience macro to define a static char
93  * array field in a hash table key
94  */
95 #define HT_DEF_KEY_FIELD_CHAR_ARRAY(name, size) \
96      HT_DEF_KEY_FIELD(name[size], char)
98 /*
99  * Defines a uint8_t (blob) field in a hash table key
100  */
101 #define HT_DEF_KEY_FIELD_UINT8T_ARRAY(name, size) \
102     HT_DEF_KEY_FIELD(name[size], uint8_t)
104 /*
105  * Initializes a key
106  */
107 #define HT_INIT_KEY(key) do { \
108 memset((key), 0, sizeof(*(key))); \
109 (key)->key_header.keysize = (sizeof(*(key)) - sizeof(HT_KEY)); \
110 (key)->key_header.keybuf = (((uint8_t *)key) + sizeof(HT_KEY)); \
111 } while(0)
113 /*
114  * Resets a hash table key to a known state
115  */
116 #define HT_KEY_RESET(key) memset((key)->key_header.keybuf, 0, (key)->key_header.keysize)
118 /*
119  * Sets a scalar field in a hash table key
120  */
121 #define HT_SET_KEY_FIELD(key, member, value) (key)->keyfields.member = value;
123 /*
124  * Sets a string field in a hash table key, preserving
125  * null terminator
126  */
127 #define HT_SET_KEY_STRING(key, member, value) do { \
128     if ((value) != NULL) \
129         strncpy((key)->keyfields.member, value, sizeof((key)->keyfields.member) - 1); \
130 } while(0)
132 /*
133  * This is the same as HT_SET_KEY_STRING, except that it uses
134  * ossl_ht_strcase to make the value being passed case insensitive
135  * This is useful for instances in which we want upper and lower case
136  * key value to hash to the same entry
137  */
138 #define HT_SET_KEY_STRING_CASE(key, member, value) do { \
139    ossl_ht_strcase((key)->keyfields.member, value, sizeof((key)->keyfields.member) -1); \
140 } while(0)
142 /*
143  * Sets a uint8_t (blob) field in a hash table key
144  */
145 #define HT_SET_KEY_BLOB(key, member, value, len) do { \
146     if (value != NULL) \
147         memcpy((key)->keyfields.member, value, len); \
148 } while(0)
150 /*
151  * Converts a defined key type to an HT_KEY
152  */
153 #define TO_HT_KEY(key) &(key)->key_header
155 /*
156  * Converts an HT_KEY back to its defined
157  * type
158  */
159 #define FROM_HT_KEY(key, type) (type)(key)
161 /*
162  * Implements the following type safe operations for a hash table
163  * ossl_ht_NAME_TYPE_insert - insert a value to a hash table of type TYPE
164  * ossl_ht_NAME_TYPE_get - gets a value of a specific type from the hash table
165  * ossl_ht_NAME_TYPE_from_value - converts an HT_VALUE to its type
166  * ossl_ht_NAME_TYPE_to_value - converts a TYPE to an HT_VALUE
167  * ossl_ht_NAME_TYPE_type - boolean to detect if a value is of TYPE
168  */
169 #define IMPLEMENT_HT_VALUE_TYPE_FNS(vtype, name, pfx) \
170 static uintptr_t name##_##vtype##_id = 0; \
171 pfx ossl_unused int ossl_ht_##name##_##vtype##_insert(HT *h, HT_KEY *key,      \
172                                                       vtype *data,             \
173                                                       vtype **olddata) {       \
174     HT_VALUE inval;                                                            \
175     HT_VALUE *oval = NULL;                                                     \
176     int rc;                                                                    \
177                                                                                \
178     inval.value = data;                                                        \
179     inval.type_id = &name##_##vtype##_id;                                      \
180     rc = ossl_ht_insert(h, key, &inval, olddata == NULL ? NULL : &oval);       \
181     if (oval != NULL)                                                          \
182         *olddata = (vtype *)oval->value;                                       \
183     return rc;                                                                 \
184 }                                                                              \
185                                                                                \
186 pfx ossl_unused vtype *ossl_ht_##name##_##vtype##_from_value(HT_VALUE *v)      \
187 {                                                                              \
188     uintptr_t *expect_type = &name##_##vtype##_id;                             \
189     if (v == NULL)                                                             \
190         return NULL;                                                           \
191     if (v->type_id != expect_type)                                             \
192         return NULL;                                                           \
193     return (vtype *)v->value;                                                  \
194 }                                                                              \
195                                                                                \
196 pfx ossl_unused vtype *ossl_unused ossl_ht_##name##_##vtype##_get(HT *h,       \
197                                                                   HT_KEY *key, \
198                                                                   HT_VALUE **v)\
199 {                                                                              \
200     HT_VALUE *vv;                                                              \
201     vv = ossl_ht_get(h, key);                                                  \
202     if (vv == NULL)                                                            \
203         return NULL;                                                           \
204     *v = ossl_rcu_deref(&vv);                                                  \
205     return ossl_ht_##name##_##vtype##_from_value(*v);                          \
206 }                                                                              \
207                                                                                \
208 pfx ossl_unused HT_VALUE *ossl_ht_##name##_##vtype##_to_value(vtype *data,     \
209                                                               HT_VALUE *v)     \
210 {                                                                              \
211     v->type_id = &name##_##vtype##_id;                                         \
212     v->value = data;                                                           \
213     return v;                                                                  \
214 }                                                                              \
215                                                                                \
216 pfx ossl_unused int ossl_ht_##name##_##vtype##_type(HT_VALUE *h)               \
217 {                                                                              \
218     return h->type_id == &name##_##vtype##_id;                                 \
219 }
221 #define DECLARE_HT_VALUE_TYPE_FNS(vtype, name)                                 \
222 int ossl_ht_##name##_##vtype##_insert(HT *h, HT_KEY *key, vtype *data,         \
223                                       vtype **olddata);                        \
224 vtype *ossl_ht_##name##_##vtype##_from_value(HT_VALUE *v);                     \
225 vtype *ossl_unused ossl_ht_##name##_##vtype##_get(HT *h,                       \
226                                                   HT_KEY *key,                 \
227                                                   HT_VALUE **v);               \
228 HT_VALUE *ossl_ht_##name##_##vtype##_to_value(vtype *data, HT_VALUE *v);       \
229 int ossl_ht_##name##_##vtype##_type(HT_VALUE *h);                              \
231 /*
232  * Helper function to construct case insensitive keys
233  */
ossl_ht_strcase(char * tgt,const char * src,int len)234 static void ossl_unused ossl_ht_strcase(char *tgt, const char *src, int len)
235 {
236     int i;
237 #if defined(CHARSET_EBCDIC) && !defined(CHARSET_EBCDIC_TEST)
238     const long int case_adjust = ~0x40;
239 #else
240     const long int case_adjust = ~0x20;
241 #endif
243     if (src == NULL)
244         return;
246     for (i = 0; src[i] != '\0' && i < len; i++)
247         tgt[i] = case_adjust & src[i];
248 }
250 /*
251  * Create a new hashtable
252  */
253 HT *ossl_ht_new(const HT_CONFIG *conf);
255 /*
256  * Frees a hash table, potentially freeing all elements
257  */
258 void ossl_ht_free(HT *htable);
260 /*
261  * Lock the table for reading
262  */
263 void ossl_ht_read_lock(HT *htable);
265 /*
266  * Lock the table for writing
267  */
268 void ossl_ht_write_lock(HT *htable);
270 /*
271  * Read unlock
272  */
273 void ossl_ht_read_unlock(HT *htable);
275 /*
276  * Write unlock
277  */
278 void ossl_ht_write_unlock (HT *htable);
280 /*
281  * Empties a hash table, potentially freeing all elements
282  */
283 int  ossl_ht_flush(HT *htable);
285 /*
286  * Inserts an element to a hash table, optionally returning
287  * replaced data to caller
288  * Returns 1 if the insert was successful, 0 on error
289  */
290 int ossl_ht_insert(HT *htable, HT_KEY *key, HT_VALUE *data,
291                    HT_VALUE **olddata);
293 /*
294  * Deletes a value from a hash table, based on key
295  * Returns 1 if the key was removed, 0 if they key was not found
296  */
297 int ossl_ht_delete(HT *htable, HT_KEY *key);
299 /*
300  * Returns number of elements in the hash table
301  */
302 size_t ossl_ht_count(HT *htable);
304 /*
305  * Iterates over each element in the table.
306  * aborts the loop when cb returns 0
307  * Contents of elements in the list may be modified during
308  * this traversal, assuming proper thread safety is observed while doing
309  * so (holding the table write lock is sufficient).  However, elements of the
310  * table may not be inserted or removed while iterating.
311  */
312 void ossl_ht_foreach_until(HT *htable, int (*cb)(HT_VALUE *obj, void *arg),
313                            void *arg);
314 /*
315  * Returns a list of elements in a hash table based on
316  * filter function return value.  Returns NULL on error,
317  * or an HT_VALUE_LIST object on success.  Note it is possible
318  * That a list will be returned with 0 entries, if none were found.
319  * The zero length list must still be freed via ossl_ht_value_list_free
320  */
321 HT_VALUE_LIST *ossl_ht_filter(HT *htable, size_t max_len,
322                               int (*filter)(HT_VALUE *obj, void *arg),
323                               void *arg);
324 /*
325  * Frees the list returned from ossl_ht_filter
326  */
327 void ossl_ht_value_list_free(HT_VALUE_LIST *list);
329 /*
330  * Fetches a value from the hash table, based
331  * on key.  Returns NULL if the element was not found.
332  */
333 HT_VALUE *ossl_ht_get(HT *htable, HT_KEY *key);
335 #endif