1# Copyright 2023-2024 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License").  You may not use
4# this file except in compliance with the License.  You can obtain a copy
5# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
6# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
8# This verifies that FIPS and legacy providers built against some earlier
9# released versions continue to run against the current branch.
11name: Provider compatibility for PRs
13on: [pull_request]
16  contents: read
19  opts: enable-rc5 enable-md2 enable-ssl3 enable-weak-ssl-ciphers enable-zlib
22  fips-releases:
23    if: ${{ contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name,'extended tests') }}
24    strategy:
25      matrix:
26        release: [
27          # Formally released versions should be added here.
28          #     `dir' it the directory inside the tarball.
29          #     `tgz' is the name of the tarball.
30          #     `url' is the download URL.
31          {
32            dir: openssl-3.0.0,
33            tgz: openssl-3.0.0.tar.gz,
34            url: "https://www.openssl.org/source/old/3.0/openssl-3.0.0.tar.gz",
35          },
36          {
37            dir: openssl-3.0.8,
38            tgz: openssl-3.0.8.tar.gz,
39            url: "https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-3.0.8.tar.gz",
40          },
41          {
42            dir: openssl-3.0.9,
43            tgz: openssl-3.0.9.tar.gz,
44            url: "https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-3.0.9.tar.gz",
45          },
46          {
47            dir: openssl-3.1.2,
48            tgz: openssl-3.1.2.tar.gz,
49            url: "https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-3.1.2.tar.gz",
50          },
51        ]
53    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
54    steps:
55      - name: create download directory
56        run: mkdir downloads
57      - name: download release source
58        run: wget --no-verbose ${{ matrix.release.url }}
59        working-directory: downloads
60      - name: unpack release source
61        run: tar xzf downloads/${{ matrix.release.tgz }}
63      - name: localegen
64        run: sudo locale-gen tr_TR.UTF-8
66      - name: config release
67        run: |
68          ./config --banner=Configured enable-shared enable-fips ${{ env.opts }}
69        working-directory: ${{ matrix.release.dir }}
70      - name: config dump release
71        run: ./configdata.pm --dump
72        working-directory: ${{ matrix.release.dir }}
74      - name: make release
75        run: make -s -j4
76        working-directory: ${{ matrix.release.dir }}
78      - name: create release artifacts
79        run: |
80          tar cz -H posix -f ${{ matrix.release.tgz }} ${{ matrix.release.dir }}
82      - name: show module versions from release
83        run: |
84          ./util/wrap.pl -fips apps/openssl list -provider-path providers   \
85                                                 -provider base             \
86                                                 -provider default          \
87                                                 -provider fips             \
88                                                 -provider legacy           \
89                                                 -providers
90        working-directory: ${{ matrix.release.dir }}
92      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
93        with:
94          name: ${{ matrix.release.tgz }}
95          path: ${{ matrix.release.tgz }}
96          retention-days: 7
98  development-branches:
99    if: ${{ contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name,'extended tests') }}
100    strategy:
101      matrix:
102        branch: [
103          # Currently supported FIPS capable branches should be added here.
104          #     `name' is the branch name used to checkout out.
105          #     `dir' directory that will be used to build and test in.
106          #     `tgz' is the name of the tarball use to keep the artifacts of
107          #         the build.
108          {
109            name: '',
110            dir: PR,
111            tgz: PR.tar.gz,
112          }, {
113            name: openssl-3.0,
114            dir: branch-3.0,
115            tgz: branch-3.0.tar.gz,
116          }, {
117            name: openssl-3.1,
118            dir: branch-3.1,
119            tgz: branch-3.1.tar.gz,
120          }, {
121            name: openssl-3.2,
122            dir: branch-3.2,
123            tgz: branch-3.2.tar.gz,
124          }, {
125            name: openssl-3.3,
126            dir: branch-3.3,
127            tgz: branch-3.3.tar.gz,
128          }, {
129            name: master,
130            dir: branch-master,
131            tgz: branch-master.tar.gz,
132          },
133        ]
135    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
136    steps:
137      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
138        with:
139          path: ${{ matrix.branch.dir }}
140          repository: openssl/openssl
141          ref: ${{ matrix.branch.name }}
142      - name: localegen
143        run: sudo locale-gen tr_TR.UTF-8
145      - name: config branch
146        run: |
147          ./config --banner=Configured enable-shared enable-fips ${{ env.opts }}
148        working-directory: ${{ matrix.branch.dir }}
149      - name: config dump current
150        run: ./configdata.pm --dump
151        working-directory: ${{ matrix.branch.dir }}
153      - name: make branch
154        run: make -s -j4
155        working-directory: ${{ matrix.branch.dir }}
157      - name: create branch artifacts
158        run: |
159          tar cz -H posix -f ${{ matrix.branch.tgz }} ${{ matrix.branch.dir }}
161      - name: show module versions from branch
162        run: |
163          ./util/wrap.pl -fips apps/openssl list -provider-path providers   \
164                                                 -provider base             \
165                                                 -provider default          \
166                                                 -provider fips             \
167                                                 -provider legacy           \
168                                                 -providers
169        working-directory: ${{ matrix.branch.dir }}
171      - name: get cpu info
172        run: |
173          cat /proc/cpuinfo
174          ./util/opensslwrap.sh version -c
175        working-directory: ${{ matrix.branch.dir }}
177      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
178        with:
179          name: ${{ matrix.branch.tgz }}
180          path: ${{ matrix.branch.tgz }}
181          retention-days: 7
183  cross-testing:
184    if: ${{ contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name,'extended tests') }}
185    needs: [fips-releases, development-branches]
186    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
187    strategy:
188      fail-fast: false
189      matrix:
190        # These can't be figured out earlier and included here as a variable
191        # substitution.
192        #
193        # Note that releases are not used as a test environment for
194        # later providers.  Problems in these situations ought to be
195        # caught by cross branch testing before the release.
196        tree_a: [ branch-3.3, branch-3.2, branch-3.1, branch-3.0,
197                  openssl-3.0.0, openssl-3.0.8, openssl-3.0.9, openssl-3.1.2 ]
198        tree_b: [ PR ]
199        include:
200          - tree_a: PR
201            tree_b: branch-master
202          - tree_a: PR
203            tree_b: branch-3.3
204          - tree_a: PR
205            tree_b: branch-3.2
206          - tree_a: PR
207            tree_b: branch-3.1
208          - tree_a: PR
209            tree_b: branch-3.0
210    steps:
211      - name: early exit checks
212        id: early_exit
213        run: |
214          if [ "${{ matrix.tree_a }}" = "${{ matrix.tree_b }}" ];           \
215          then                                                              \
216            echo "Skipping because both are the same version";              \
217            exit 1;                                                         \
218          fi
219        continue-on-error: true
221      - uses: actions/download-artifact@v4.1.8
222        if: steps.early_exit.outcome == 'success'
223        with:
224          name: ${{ matrix.tree_a }}.tar.gz
225      - name: unpack first build
226        if: steps.early_exit.outcome == 'success'
227        run: tar xzf "${{ matrix.tree_a }}.tar.gz"
229      - uses: actions/download-artifact@v4.1.8
230        if: steps.early_exit.outcome == 'success'
231        with:
232          name: ${{ matrix.tree_b }}.tar.gz
233      - name: unpack second build
234        if: steps.early_exit.outcome == 'success'
235        run: tar xzf "${{ matrix.tree_b }}.tar.gz"
237      - name: set up cross validation of FIPS from A with tree from B
238        if: steps.early_exit.outcome == 'success'
239        run: |
240          cp providers/fips.so ../${{ matrix.tree_b }}/providers/
241          cp providers/fipsmodule.cnf ../${{ matrix.tree_b }}/providers/
242        working-directory: ${{ matrix.tree_a }}
244      - name: show module versions from cross validation
245        if: steps.early_exit.outcome == 'success'
246        run: |
247          ./util/wrap.pl -fips apps/openssl list -provider-path providers   \
248                                                 -provider base             \
249                                                 -provider default          \
250                                                 -provider fips             \
251                                                 -provider legacy           \
252                                                 -providers
253        working-directory: ${{ matrix.tree_b }}
255      - name: get cpu info
256        if: steps.early_exit.outcome == 'success'
257        run: |
258          cat /proc/cpuinfo
259          ./util/opensslwrap.sh version -c
260        working-directory: ${{ matrix.tree_b }}
262      - name: run cross validation tests of FIPS from A with tree from B
263        if: steps.early_exit.outcome == 'success'
264        run: |
265          make test HARNESS_JOBS=${HARNESS_JOBS:-4}
266        working-directory: ${{ matrix.tree_b }}