Name Date Size #Lines LOC


LICENSEH A D25-Sep-20241.3 KiB2722

PATENTSH A D25-Sep-20245.6 KiB10885

README.mdH A D25-Sep-2024554 129

avifinfo.cH A D25-Sep-202432.7 KiB746584

avifinfo.hH A D25-Sep-20244.3 KiB9333

1# AVIF-info
3There is no compact, reliable way to determine the size of an AVIF image. A
4standalone C snippet called
5[libavifinfo]( was created to
6partially parse an AVIF payload and to extract the width, height, bit depth and
7channel count without depending on the full libavif library.
9`avifinfo.h`, `avifinfo.c`, `LICENSE` and `PATENTS` were copied verbatim from: \
10 \
11They can easily be kept up-to-date the same way.