1name: Bug report
2description: Create a bug report
3labels: ["Bug", "Status: Needs Triage"]
5  - type: textarea
6    attributes:
7      label: Description
8      description: "Please provide a minimal way to reproduce the problem and describe what the expected vs actual behavior is. Provide a [3v4l.org](https://3v4l.org/) link if possible."
9      value: |
10        The following code:
12        ```php
13        <?php
14        ```
16        Resulted in this output:
17        ```
18        ```
20        But I expected this output instead:
21        ```
22        ```
23    validations:
24      required: true
25  - type: input
26    attributes:
27      label: PHP Version
28      description: "The used PHP version. Make sure it is [supported](https://www.php.net/supported-versions.php)."
29      placeholder: "PHP 8.0.12"
30    validations:
31      required: true
32  - type: input
33    attributes:
34      label: Operating System
35      description: "The used operating system, if relevant."
36      placeholder: "Ubuntu 20.04"