1--TEST-- 2Bug #14962 (::extractTo second argument is not really optional) 3--EXTENSIONS-- 4zip 5--FILE-- 6<?php 7 8$dir = __DIR__; 9$file = '__tmp14962.txt'; 10$fullpath = $dir . '/' . $file; 11$za = new ZipArchive; 12$za->open($dir . '/__14962.zip', ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE); 13$za->addFromString($file, '1234'); 14$za->close(); 15 16if (!is_file($dir . "/__14962.zip")) { 17 die('failed to create the archive'); 18} 19$za = new ZipArchive; 20$za->open($dir . '/__14962.zip'); 21$za->extractTo($dir, NULL); 22$za->close(); 23 24if (is_file($fullpath)) { 25 unlink($fullpath); 26 echo "Ok"; 27} 28unlink($dir . '/' . '__14962.zip'); 29?> 30--EXPECT-- 31Ok 32