xref: /PHP-8.2/ext/opcache/jit/ir/ir_dump.c (revision c50255c6)
1 /*
2  * IR - Lightweight JIT Compilation Framework
3  * (debug dumps)
4  * Copyright (C) 2022 Zend by Perforce.
5  * Authors: Dmitry Stogov <dmitry@php.net>
6  */
8 #include "ir.h"
9 #include "ir_private.h"
ir_dump(const ir_ctx * ctx,FILE * f)11 void ir_dump(const ir_ctx *ctx, FILE *f)
12 {
13 	ir_ref i, j, n, ref, *p;
14 	ir_insn *insn;
15 	uint32_t flags;
17 	for (i = 1 - ctx->consts_count, insn = ctx->ir_base + i; i < IR_UNUSED; i++, insn++) {
18 		fprintf(f, "%05d %s %s(", i, ir_op_name[insn->op], ir_type_name[insn->type]);
19 		ir_print_const(ctx, insn, f, true);
20 		fprintf(f, ")\n");
21 	}
23 	for (i = IR_UNUSED + 1, insn = ctx->ir_base + i; i < ctx->insns_count; i++, insn++) {
24 		flags = ir_op_flags[insn->op];
25 		fprintf(f, "%05d %s", i, ir_op_name[insn->op]);
26 		if ((flags & IR_OP_FLAG_DATA) || ((flags & IR_OP_FLAG_MEM) && insn->type != IR_VOID)) {
27 			fprintf(f, " %s", ir_type_name[insn->type]);
28 		}
29 		n = ir_operands_count(ctx, insn);
30 		for (j = 1, p = insn->ops + 1; j <= 3; j++, p++) {
31 			ref = *p;
32 			if (ref) {
33 				fprintf(f, " %05d", ref);
34 			}
35 		}
36 		if (n > 3) {
37 			n -= 3;
38 			do {
39 				i++;
40 				insn++;
41 				fprintf(f, "\n%05d", i);
42 				for (j = 0; j < 4; j++, p++) {
43 					ref = *p;
44 					if (ref) {
45 						fprintf(f, " %05d", ref);
46 					}
47 				}
48 				n -= 4;
49 			} while (n > 0);
50 		}
51 		fprintf(f, "\n");
52 	}
53 }
ir_dump_dot(const ir_ctx * ctx,const char * name,FILE * f)55 void ir_dump_dot(const ir_ctx *ctx, const char *name, FILE *f)
56 {
57 	int DATA_WEIGHT    = 0;
58 	int CONTROL_WEIGHT = 5;
59 	int REF_WEIGHT     = 4;
60 	ir_ref i, j, n, ref, *p;
61 	ir_insn *insn;
62 	uint32_t flags;
64 	fprintf(f, "digraph %s {\n", name);
65 	fprintf(f, "\trankdir=TB;\n");
66 	for (i = 1 - ctx->consts_count, insn = ctx->ir_base + i; i < IR_UNUSED; i++, insn++) {
67 		fprintf(f, "\tc%d [label=\"C%d: CONST %s(", -i, -i, ir_type_name[insn->type]);
68 		/* FIXME(tony): We still cannot handle strings with escaped double quote inside */
69 		ir_print_const(ctx, insn, f, false);
70 		fprintf(f, ")\",style=filled,fillcolor=yellow];\n");
71 	}
73 	for (i = IR_UNUSED + 1, insn = ctx->ir_base + i; i < ctx->insns_count;) {
74 		flags = ir_op_flags[insn->op];
75 		if (flags & IR_OP_FLAG_CONTROL) {
76 			if (insn->op == IR_START) {
77 				fprintf(f, "\t{rank=min; n%d [label=\"%d: %s\",shape=box,style=\"rounded,filled\",fillcolor=red];}\n", i, i, ir_op_name[insn->op]);
78 			} else if (insn->op == IR_ENTRY) {
79 				fprintf(f, "\t{n%d [label=\"%d: %s\",shape=box,style=\"rounded,filled\",fillcolor=red];}\n", i, i, ir_op_name[insn->op]);
80 			} else if (flags & IR_OP_FLAG_TERMINATOR) {
81 				fprintf(f, "\t{rank=max; n%d [label=\"%d: %s\",shape=box,style=\"rounded,filled\",fillcolor=red];}\n", i, i, ir_op_name[insn->op]);
82 			} else if (flags & IR_OP_FLAG_MEM) {
83 				fprintf(f, "\tn%d [label=\"%d: %s\",shape=box,style=filled,fillcolor=pink];\n", i, i, ir_op_name[insn->op]);
84 			} else {
85 				fprintf(f, "\tn%d [label=\"%d: %s\",shape=box,style=filled,fillcolor=lightcoral];\n", i, i, ir_op_name[insn->op]);
86 			}
87 		} else if (flags & IR_OP_FLAG_DATA) {
88 			if (IR_OPND_KIND(flags, 1) == IR_OPND_DATA) {
89 				/* not a leaf */
90 				fprintf(f, "\tn%d [label=\"%d: %s\"", i, i, ir_op_name[insn->op]);
91 				fprintf(f, ",shape=diamond,style=filled,fillcolor=deepskyblue];\n");
92 			} else {
93 				if (insn->op == IR_PARAM) {
94 					fprintf(f, "\tn%d [label=\"%d: %s %s \\\"%s\\\"\",style=filled,fillcolor=lightblue];\n",
95 						i, i, ir_op_name[insn->op], ir_type_name[insn->type], ir_get_str(ctx, insn->op2));
96 				} else if (insn->op == IR_VAR) {
97 					fprintf(f, "\tn%d [label=\"%d: %s %s \\\"%s\\\"\"];\n", i, i, ir_op_name[insn->op], ir_type_name[insn->type], ir_get_str(ctx, insn->op2));
98 				} else {
99 					fprintf(f, "\tn%d [label=\"%d: %s %s\",style=filled,fillcolor=deepskyblue];\n", i, i, ir_op_name[insn->op], ir_type_name[insn->type]);
100 				}
101 			}
102 		}
103 		n = ir_operands_count(ctx, insn);
104 		for (j = 1, p = insn->ops + 1; j <= n; j++, p++) {
105 			ref = *p;
106 			if (ref) {
107 				switch (IR_OPND_KIND(flags, j)) {
108 					case IR_OPND_DATA:
109 						if (IR_IS_CONST_REF(ref)) {
110 							fprintf(f, "\tc%d -> n%d [color=blue,weight=%d];\n", -ref, i, DATA_WEIGHT);
111 						} else if (insn->op == IR_PHI
112 								&& ctx->ir_base[insn->op1].op == IR_LOOP_BEGIN
113 								&& ctx->ir_base[ir_insn_op(&ctx->ir_base[insn->op1], j - 1)].op == IR_LOOP_END) {
114 							fprintf(f, "\tn%d -> n%d [color=blue,dir=back];\n", i, ref);
115 						} else {
116 							fprintf(f, "\tn%d -> n%d [color=blue,weight=%d];\n", ref, i, DATA_WEIGHT);
117 						}
118 						break;
119 					case IR_OPND_CONTROL:
120 						if (insn->op == IR_LOOP_BEGIN && ctx->ir_base[ref].op == IR_LOOP_END) {
121 							fprintf(f, "\tn%d -> n%d [style=bold,color=red,dir=back];\n", i, ref);
122 						} else if (insn->op == IR_ENTRY) {
123 							fprintf(f, "\tn%d -> n%d [style=bold,color=red,style=dashed,weight=%d];\n", ref, i, CONTROL_WEIGHT);
124 						} else {
125 							fprintf(f, "\tn%d -> n%d [style=bold,color=red,weight=%d];\n", ref, i, CONTROL_WEIGHT);
126 						}
127 						break;
128 					case IR_OPND_CONTROL_DEP:
129 					case IR_OPND_CONTROL_REF:
130 						fprintf(f, "\tn%d -> n%d [style=dashed,dir=back,weight=%d];\n", ref, i, REF_WEIGHT);
131 						break;
132 				}
133 			}
134 		}
135 		n = ir_insn_inputs_to_len(n);
136 		i += n;
137 		insn += n;
138 	}
139 	fprintf(f, "}\n");
140 }
ir_dump_use_lists(const ir_ctx * ctx,FILE * f)142 void ir_dump_use_lists(const ir_ctx *ctx, FILE *f)
143 {
144 	ir_ref i, j, n, *p;
145 	ir_use_list *list;
147 	if (ctx->use_lists) {
148 		fprintf(f, "{ # Use Lists\n");
149 		for (i = 1, list = &ctx->use_lists[1]; i < ctx->insns_count; i++, list++) {
150 			n = list->count;
151 			if (n > 0) {
152 				p = &ctx->use_edges[list->refs];
153 				fprintf(f, "%05d(%d): [%05d", i, n, *p);
154 				p++;
155 				for (j = 1; j < n; j++, p++) {
156 					fprintf(f, ", %05d", *p);
157 				}
158 				fprintf(f, "]\n");
159 			}
160 		}
161 		fprintf(f, "}\n");
162 	}
163 }
ir_dump_dessa_moves(const ir_ctx * ctx,int b,ir_block * bb,FILE * f)165 static void ir_dump_dessa_moves(const ir_ctx *ctx, int b, ir_block *bb, FILE *f)
166 {
167 	uint32_t succ;
168 	ir_block *succ_bb;
169 	ir_use_list *use_list;
170 	ir_ref k, i, *p, use_ref, input;
171 	ir_insn *use_insn;
173 	IR_ASSERT(bb->successors_count == 1);
174 	succ = ctx->cfg_edges[bb->successors];
175 	succ_bb = &ctx->cfg_blocks[succ];
176 	IR_ASSERT(succ_bb->predecessors_count > 1);
177 	use_list = &ctx->use_lists[succ_bb->start];
178 	k = ir_phi_input_number(ctx, succ_bb, b);
180 	for (i = 0, p = &ctx->use_edges[use_list->refs]; i < use_list->count; i++, p++) {
181 		use_ref = *p;
182 		use_insn = &ctx->ir_base[use_ref];
183 		if (use_insn->op == IR_PHI) {
184 			input = ir_insn_op(use_insn, k);
185 			if (IR_IS_CONST_REF(input)) {
186 				fprintf(f, "\t# DESSA MOV c_%d", -input);
187 			} else if (ctx->vregs[input] != ctx->vregs[use_ref]) {
188 				fprintf(f, "\t# DESSA MOV d_%d {R%d}", input, ctx->vregs[input]);
189 			} else {
190 				continue;
191 			}
192 			if (ctx->regs) {
193 				int8_t *regs = ctx->regs[use_ref];
194 				int8_t reg = regs[k];
195 				if (reg != IR_REG_NONE) {
196 					fprintf(f, " {%%%s%s}", ir_reg_name(IR_REG_NUM(reg), ctx->ir_base[input].type),
197 						(reg & (IR_REG_SPILL_LOAD|IR_REG_SPILL_SPECIAL)) ? ":load" : "");
198 				}
199 			}
200 			fprintf(f, " -> d_%d {R%d}", use_ref, ctx->vregs[use_ref]);
201 			if (ctx->regs) {
202 				int8_t reg = ctx->regs[use_ref][0];
203 				if (reg != IR_REG_NONE) {
204 					fprintf(f, " {%%%s%s}", ir_reg_name(IR_REG_NUM(reg), ctx->ir_base[use_ref].type),
205 						(reg & (IR_REG_SPILL_STORE|IR_REG_SPILL_SPECIAL)) ? ":store" : "");
206 				}
207 			}
208 			fprintf(f, "\n");
209 		}
210 	}
211 }
ir_dump_cfg(ir_ctx * ctx,FILE * f)213 void ir_dump_cfg(ir_ctx *ctx, FILE *f)
214 {
215 	if (ctx->cfg_blocks) {
216 		uint32_t  b, i, bb_count = ctx->cfg_blocks_count;
217 		ir_block *bb = ctx->cfg_blocks + 1;
219 		fprintf(f, "{ # CFG\n");
220 		for (b = 1; b <= bb_count; b++, bb++) {
221 			fprintf(f, "BB%d:\n", b);
222 			fprintf(f, "\tstart=%d\n", bb->start);
223 			fprintf(f, "\tend=%d\n", bb->end);
224 			if (bb->successors_count) {
225 				fprintf(f, "\tsuccessors(%d) [BB%d", bb->successors_count, ctx->cfg_edges[bb->successors]);
226 				for (i = 1; i < bb->successors_count; i++) {
227 					fprintf(f, ", BB%d", ctx->cfg_edges[bb->successors + i]);
228 				}
229 				fprintf(f, "]\n");
230 			}
231 			if (bb->predecessors_count) {
232 				fprintf(f, "\tpredecessors(%d) [BB%d", bb->predecessors_count, ctx->cfg_edges[bb->predecessors]);
233 				for (i = 1; i < bb->predecessors_count; i++) {
234 					fprintf(f, ", BB%d", ctx->cfg_edges[bb->predecessors + i]);
235 				}
236 				fprintf(f, "]\n");
237 			}
238 			if (bb->dom_parent > 0) {
239 				fprintf(f, "\tdom_parent=BB%d\n", bb->dom_parent);
240 			}
241 			fprintf(f, "\tdom_depth=%d\n", bb->dom_depth);
242 			if (bb->dom_child > 0) {
243 				int child = bb->dom_child;
244 				fprintf(f, "\tdom_children [BB%d", child);
245 				child = ctx->cfg_blocks[child].dom_next_child;
246 				while (child > 0) {
247 					fprintf(f, ", BB%d", child);
248 					child = ctx->cfg_blocks[child].dom_next_child;
249 				}
250 				fprintf(f, "]\n");
251 			}
252 			if (bb->flags & IR_BB_ENTRY) {
253 				fprintf(f, "\tENTRY\n");
254 			}
255 			if (bb->flags & IR_BB_UNREACHABLE) {
256 				fprintf(f, "\tUNREACHABLE\n");
257 			}
258 			if (bb->flags & IR_BB_LOOP_HEADER) {
259 				if (bb->flags & IR_BB_LOOP_WITH_ENTRY) {
260 					fprintf(f, "\tLOOP_HEADER, LOOP_WITH_ENTRY\n");
261 				} else {
262 					fprintf(f, "\tLOOP_HEADER\n");
263 				}
264 			}
265 			if (bb->flags & IR_BB_IRREDUCIBLE_LOOP) {
266 				fprintf(stderr, "\tIRREDUCIBLE_LOOP\n");
267 			}
268 			if (bb->loop_header > 0) {
269 				fprintf(f, "\tloop_header=BB%d\n", bb->loop_header);
270 			}
271 			if (bb->loop_depth != 0) {
272 				fprintf(f, "\tloop_depth=%d\n", bb->loop_depth);
273 			}
274 			if (bb->flags & IR_BB_OSR_ENTRY_LOADS) {
275 				ir_list *list = (ir_list*)ctx->osr_entry_loads;
276 				uint32_t pos = 0, i, count;
278 				IR_ASSERT(list);
279 				while (1) {
280 					i = ir_list_at(list, pos);
281 					if (b == i) {
282 						break;
283 					}
284 					IR_ASSERT(i != 0); /* end marker */
285 					pos++;
286 					count = ir_list_at(list, pos);
287 					pos += count + 1;
288 				}
289 				pos++;
290 				count = ir_list_at(list, pos);
291 				pos++;
293 				for (i = 0; i < count; i++, pos++) {
294 					ir_ref ref = ir_list_at(list, pos);
295 					fprintf(f, "\tOSR_ENTRY_LOAD=d_%d\n", ref);
296 				}
297 			}
298 			if (bb->flags & IR_BB_DESSA_MOVES) {
299 				ir_dump_dessa_moves(ctx, b, bb, f);
300 			}
301 		}
302 		fprintf(f, "}\n");
303 	}
304 }
ir_dump_cfg_map(const ir_ctx * ctx,FILE * f)306 void ir_dump_cfg_map(const ir_ctx *ctx, FILE *f)
307 {
308 	ir_ref i;
309     uint32_t *_blocks = ctx->cfg_map;
311     if (_blocks) {
312 		fprintf(f, "{ # CFG map (insn -> bb)\n");
313 		for (i = IR_UNUSED + 1; i < ctx->insns_count; i++) {
314 			fprintf(f, "%d -> %d\n", i, _blocks[i]);
315 		}
316 		fprintf(f, "}\n");
317 	}
318 }
ir_dump_live_ranges(const ir_ctx * ctx,FILE * f)320 void ir_dump_live_ranges(const ir_ctx *ctx, FILE *f)
321 {
322     ir_ref i, j, n;
324 	if (!ctx->live_intervals) {
325 		return;
326 	}
327 	fprintf(f, "{ # LIVE-RANGES (vregs_count=%d)\n", ctx->vregs_count);
328 	for (i = 0; i <= ctx->vregs_count; i++) {
329 		ir_live_interval *ival = ctx->live_intervals[i];
331 		if (ival) {
332 			ir_live_range *p;
333 			ir_use_pos *use_pos;
335 			if (i == 0) {
336 				fprintf(f, "TMP");
337 			} else {
338 				for (j = 1; j < ctx->insns_count; j++) {
339 					if (ctx->vregs[j] == (uint32_t)i) {
340 						break;
341 					}
342 				}
343 				fprintf(f, "R%d (d_%d", i, j);
344 				for (j++; j < ctx->insns_count; j++) {
345 					if (ctx->vregs[j] == (uint32_t)i) {
346 						fprintf(f, ", d_%d", j);
347 					}
348 				}
349 				fprintf(f, ")");
350 				if (ival->stack_spill_pos != -1) {
351 					if (ival->flags & IR_LIVE_INTERVAL_SPILL_SPECIAL) {
352 						IR_ASSERT(ctx->spill_base >= 0);
353 						fprintf(f, " [SPILL=0x%x(%%%s)]", ival->stack_spill_pos, ir_reg_name(ctx->spill_base, IR_ADDR));
354 					} else {
355 						fprintf(f, " [SPILL=0x%x]", ival->stack_spill_pos);
356 					}
357 				}
358 			}
359 			if (ival->next) {
360 				fprintf(f, "\n\t");
361 			} else if (ival->reg != IR_REG_NONE) {
362 				fprintf(f, " ");
363 			}
364 			do {
365 				if (ival->reg != IR_REG_NONE) {
366 					fprintf(f, "[%%%s]", ir_reg_name(ival->reg, ival->type));
367 				}
368 				p = &ival->range;
369 				fprintf(f, ": [%d.%d-%d.%d)",
370 					IR_LIVE_POS_TO_REF(p->start), IR_LIVE_POS_TO_SUB_REF(p->start),
371 					IR_LIVE_POS_TO_REF(p->end), IR_LIVE_POS_TO_SUB_REF(p->end));
372 				if (i == 0) {
373 					/* This is a TMP register */
374 					if (ival->tmp_ref == IR_LIVE_POS_TO_REF(p->start)) {
375 						fprintf(f, "/%d", ival->tmp_op_num);
376 					} else {
377 						fprintf(f, "/%d.%d", ival->tmp_ref, ival->tmp_op_num);
378 					}
379 				} else {
380 					p = p->next;
381 					while (p) {
382 						fprintf(f, ", [%d.%d-%d.%d)",
383 							IR_LIVE_POS_TO_REF(p->start), IR_LIVE_POS_TO_SUB_REF(p->start),
384 							IR_LIVE_POS_TO_REF(p->end), IR_LIVE_POS_TO_SUB_REF(p->end));
385 						p = p->next;
386 					}
387 				}
388 				use_pos = ival->use_pos;
389 				while (use_pos) {
390 					if (use_pos->flags & IR_PHI_USE) {
391 						IR_ASSERT(use_pos->op_num > 0);
392 						fprintf(f, ", PHI_USE(%d.%d, phi=d_%d/%d)",
393 							IR_LIVE_POS_TO_REF(use_pos->pos), IR_LIVE_POS_TO_SUB_REF(use_pos->pos),
394 							-use_pos->hint_ref, use_pos->op_num);
395 					} else if (use_pos->flags & IR_FUSED_USE) {
396 						fprintf(f, ", USE(%d.%d/%d.%d",
397 							IR_LIVE_POS_TO_REF(use_pos->pos), IR_LIVE_POS_TO_SUB_REF(use_pos->pos),
398 							-use_pos->hint_ref, use_pos->op_num);
399 						if (use_pos->hint >= 0) {
400 							fprintf(f, ", hint=%%%s", ir_reg_name(use_pos->hint, ival->type));
401 						}
402 						fprintf(f, ")");
403 						if (use_pos->flags & IR_USE_MUST_BE_IN_REG) {
404 							fprintf(f, "!");
405 						}
406 					} else {
407 						if (!use_pos->op_num) {
408 							fprintf(f, ", DEF(%d.%d",
409 								IR_LIVE_POS_TO_REF(use_pos->pos), IR_LIVE_POS_TO_SUB_REF(use_pos->pos));
410 						} else {
411 							fprintf(f, ", USE(%d.%d/%d",
412 								IR_LIVE_POS_TO_REF(use_pos->pos), IR_LIVE_POS_TO_SUB_REF(use_pos->pos),
413 								use_pos->op_num);
414 						}
415 						if (use_pos->hint >= 0) {
416 							fprintf(f, ", hint=%%%s", ir_reg_name(use_pos->hint, ival->type));
417 						}
418 						if (use_pos->hint_ref) {
419 							fprintf(f, ", hint=R%d", ctx->vregs[use_pos->hint_ref]);
420 						}
421 						fprintf(f, ")");
422 						if (use_pos->flags & IR_USE_MUST_BE_IN_REG) {
423 							fprintf(f, "!");
424 						}
425 					}
426 					use_pos = use_pos->next;
427 				}
428 				if (ival->next) {
429 					fprintf(f, "\n\t");
430 				}
431 				ival = ival->next;
432 			} while (ival);
433 			fprintf(f, "\n");
434 		}
435 	}
436 #if 1
437 	n = ctx->vregs_count + ir_regs_number() + 2;
438 	for (i = ctx->vregs_count + 1; i <= n; i++) {
439 		ir_live_interval *ival = ctx->live_intervals[i];
441 		if (ival) {
442 			ir_live_range *p = &ival->range;
443 			fprintf(f, "[%%%s] : [%d.%d-%d.%d)",
444 				ir_reg_name(ival->reg, ival->type),
445 				IR_LIVE_POS_TO_REF(p->start), IR_LIVE_POS_TO_SUB_REF(p->start),
446 				IR_LIVE_POS_TO_REF(p->end), IR_LIVE_POS_TO_SUB_REF(p->end));
447 			p = p->next;
448 			while (p) {
449 				fprintf(f, ", [%d.%d-%d.%d)",
450 					IR_LIVE_POS_TO_REF(p->start), IR_LIVE_POS_TO_SUB_REF(p->start),
451 					IR_LIVE_POS_TO_REF(p->end), IR_LIVE_POS_TO_SUB_REF(p->end));
452 				p = p->next;
453 			}
454 			fprintf(f, "\n");
455 		}
456 	}
457 #endif
458 	fprintf(f, "}\n");
459 }
ir_dump_codegen(const ir_ctx * ctx,FILE * f)461 void ir_dump_codegen(const ir_ctx *ctx, FILE *f)
462 {
463 	ir_ref i, j, n, ref, *p;
464 	ir_insn *insn;
465 	uint32_t flags, b;
466 	ir_block *bb;
467 	bool first;
469 	fprintf(f, "{\n");
470 	for (i = IR_UNUSED + 1, insn = ctx->ir_base - i; i < ctx->consts_count; i++, insn--) {
471 		fprintf(f, "\t%s c_%d = ", ir_type_cname[insn->type], i);
472 		if (insn->op == IR_FUNC) {
473 			fprintf(f, "func %s", ir_get_str(ctx, insn->val.name));
474 			ir_print_proto(ctx, insn->proto, f);
475 		} else if (insn->op == IR_SYM) {
476 			fprintf(f, "sym(%s)", ir_get_str(ctx, insn->val.name));
477 		} else if (insn->op == IR_FUNC_ADDR) {
478 			fprintf(f, "func *");
479 			ir_print_const(ctx, insn, f, true);
480 			ir_print_proto(ctx, insn->proto, f);
481 		} else {
482 			ir_print_const(ctx, insn, f, true);
483 		}
484 		fprintf(f, ";\n");
485 	}
487 	for (b = 1, bb = ctx->cfg_blocks + b; b <= ctx->cfg_blocks_count; b++, bb++) {
488 		fprintf(f, "#BB%d:\n", b);
490 		for (i = bb->start, insn = ctx->ir_base + i; i <= bb->end;) {
491 			flags = ir_op_flags[insn->op];
492 			if (flags & IR_OP_FLAG_CONTROL) {
493 				if (!(flags & IR_OP_FLAG_MEM) || insn->type == IR_VOID) {
494 					fprintf(f, "\tl_%d = ", i);
495 				} else {
496 					fprintf(f, "\t%s d_%d", ir_type_cname[insn->type], i);
497 					if (ctx->vregs && ctx->vregs[i]) {
498 						fprintf(f, " {R%d}", ctx->vregs[i]);
499 					}
500 					if (ctx->regs) {
501 						int8_t reg = ctx->regs[i][0];
502 						if (reg != IR_REG_NONE) {
503 							fprintf(f, " {%%%s%s}", ir_reg_name(IR_REG_NUM(reg), insn->type),
504 								(reg & (IR_REG_SPILL_STORE|IR_REG_SPILL_SPECIAL)) ? ":store" : "");
505 						}
506 					}
507 					fprintf(f, ", l_%d = ", i);
508 				}
509 			} else {
510 				fprintf(f, "\t");
511 				if (flags & IR_OP_FLAG_DATA) {
512 					fprintf(f, "%s d_%d", ir_type_cname[insn->type], i);
513 					if (ctx->vregs && ctx->vregs[i]) {
514 						fprintf(f, " {R%d}", ctx->vregs[i]);
515 					}
516 					if (ctx->regs) {
517 						int8_t reg = ctx->regs[i][0];
518 						if (reg != IR_REG_NONE) {
519 							fprintf(f, " {%%%s%s}", ir_reg_name(IR_REG_NUM(reg), insn->type),
520 								(reg & (IR_REG_SPILL_STORE|IR_REG_SPILL_SPECIAL)) ? ":store" : "");
521 						}
522 					}
523 					fprintf(f, " = ");
524 				}
525 			}
526 			fprintf(f, "%s", ir_op_name[insn->op]);
527 			n = ir_operands_count(ctx, insn);
528 			if ((insn->op == IR_MERGE || insn->op == IR_LOOP_BEGIN) && n != 2) {
529 				fprintf(f, "/%d", n);
530 			} else if ((insn->op == IR_CALL || insn->op == IR_TAILCALL) && n != 2) {
531 				fprintf(f, "/%d", n - 2);
532 			} else if (insn->op == IR_PHI && n != 3) {
533 				fprintf(f, "/%d", n - 1);
534 			} else if (insn->op == IR_SNAPSHOT) {
535 				fprintf(f, "/%d", n - 1);
536 			}
537 			first = 1;
538 			for (j = 1, p = insn->ops + 1; j <= n; j++, p++) {
539 				uint32_t opnd_kind = IR_OPND_KIND(flags, j);
541 				ref = *p;
542 				if (ref) {
543 					switch (opnd_kind) {
544 						case IR_OPND_DATA:
545 							if (IR_IS_CONST_REF(ref)) {
546 								fprintf(f, "%sc_%d", first ? "(" : ", ", -ref);
547 							} else {
548 								fprintf(f, "%sd_%d", first ? "(" : ", ", ref);
549 							}
550 							if (ctx->vregs && ref > 0 && ctx->vregs[ref]) {
551 								fprintf(f, " {R%d}", ctx->vregs[ref]);
552 							}
553 							if (ctx->regs) {
554 								int8_t *regs = ctx->regs[i];
555 								int8_t reg = regs[j];
556 								if (reg != IR_REG_NONE) {
557 									fprintf(f, " {%%%s%s}", ir_reg_name(IR_REG_NUM(reg), ctx->ir_base[ref].type),
558 										(reg & (IR_REG_SPILL_LOAD|IR_REG_SPILL_SPECIAL)) ? ":load" : "");
559 								}
560 							}
561 							first = 0;
562 							break;
563 						case IR_OPND_CONTROL:
564 						case IR_OPND_CONTROL_DEP:
565 						case IR_OPND_CONTROL_REF:
566 							fprintf(f, "%sl_%d", first ? "(" : ", ", ref);
567 							first = 0;
568 							break;
569 						case IR_OPND_STR:
570 							fprintf(f, "%s\"%s\"", first ? "(" : ", ", ir_get_str(ctx, ref));
571 							first = 0;
572 							break;
573 						case IR_OPND_PROTO:
574 							fprintf(f, "%sfunc ", first ? "(" : ", ");
575 							ir_print_proto(ctx, ref, f);
576 							break;
577 						case IR_OPND_PROB:
578 							if (ref == 0) {
579 								break;
580 							}
581 							IR_FALLTHROUGH;
582 						case IR_OPND_NUM:
583 							fprintf(f, "%s%d", first ? "(" : ", ", ref);
584 							first = 0;
585 							break;
586 					}
587 				} else if (opnd_kind == IR_OPND_NUM) {
588 					fprintf(f, "%s%d", first ? "(" : ", ", ref);
589 					first = 0;
590 				} else if (j != n &&
591 						(IR_IS_REF_OPND_KIND(opnd_kind) || (opnd_kind == IR_OPND_UNUSED && p[n-j]))) {
592 					fprintf(f, "%snull", first ? "(" : ", ");
593 					first = 0;
594 				}
595 			}
596 			if (first) {
597 				fprintf(f, ";");
598 			} else {
599 				fprintf(f, ");");
600 			}
601 			if (((flags & IR_OP_FLAG_DATA) || ((flags & IR_OP_FLAG_MEM) && insn->type != IR_VOID)) && ctx->binding) {
602 				ir_ref var = ir_binding_find(ctx, i);
603 				if (var) {
604 					IR_ASSERT(var < 0);
605 					fprintf(f, " # BIND(0x%x);", -var);
606 				}
607 			}
608 			if (ctx->rules) {
609 				uint32_t rule = ctx->rules[i];
610 				uint32_t id = rule & ~(IR_FUSED_REG|IR_FUSED|IR_SKIPPED|IR_SIMPLE);
612 				if (id < IR_LAST_OP) {
613 					fprintf(f, " # RULE(%s", ir_op_name[id]);
614 				} else {
615 					IR_ASSERT(id > IR_LAST_OP /*&& id < IR_LAST_RULE*/);
616 					fprintf(f, " # RULE(%s", ir_rule_name[id - IR_LAST_OP]);
617 				}
618 				if (rule & IR_FUSED) {
619 					fprintf(f, ":FUSED");
620 				}
621 				if (rule & IR_SKIPPED) {
622 					fprintf(f, ":SKIPPED");
623 				}
624 				if (rule & IR_SIMPLE) {
625 					fprintf(f, ":SIMPLE");
626 				}
627 				fprintf(f, ")");
628 			}
629 			fprintf(f, "\n");
630 			n = ir_insn_inputs_to_len(n);
631 			i += n;
632 			insn += n;
633 		}
635 		if (bb->flags & IR_BB_DESSA_MOVES) {
636 			ir_dump_dessa_moves(ctx, b, bb, f);
637 		}
639 		insn = &ctx->ir_base[bb->end];
640 		if (insn->op == IR_END || insn->op == IR_LOOP_END) {
641 			uint32_t succ;
643 			if (bb->successors_count == 1) {
644 				succ = ctx->cfg_edges[bb->successors];
645 			} else {
646 				/* END may have a fake control edge to ENTRY */
647 				IR_ASSERT(bb->successors_count == 2);
648 				succ = ctx->cfg_edges[bb->successors];
649 				if (ctx->ir_base[ctx->cfg_blocks[succ].start].op == IR_ENTRY) {
650 					succ = ctx->cfg_edges[bb->successors + 1];
651 #ifdef IR_DEBUG
652 				} else {
653 					uint32_t fake_succ = ctx->cfg_edges[bb->successors + 1];
654 					IR_ASSERT(ctx->ir_base[ctx->cfg_blocks[fake_succ].start].op == IR_ENTRY);
655 #endif
656 				}
657 			}
658 			if (succ != b + 1) {
659 				fprintf(f, "\t# GOTO BB%d\n", succ);
660 			}
661 		} else if (insn->op == IR_IF) {
662 			uint32_t true_block, false_block, *p;
664 			p = &ctx->cfg_edges[bb->successors];
665 			true_block = *p;
666 			if (ctx->ir_base[ctx->cfg_blocks[true_block].start].op == IR_IF_TRUE) {
667 				false_block = *(p+1);
668 				IR_ASSERT(ctx->ir_base[ctx->cfg_blocks[false_block].start].op == IR_IF_FALSE);
669 			} else {
670 				false_block = true_block;
671 				IR_ASSERT(ctx->ir_base[ctx->cfg_blocks[false_block].start].op == IR_IF_FALSE);
672 				true_block = *(p+1);
673 				IR_ASSERT(ctx->ir_base[ctx->cfg_blocks[true_block].start].op == IR_IF_TRUE);
674 			}
675 			fprintf(f, "\t# IF_TRUE BB%d, IF_FALSE BB%d\n", true_block, false_block);
676 		} else if (insn->op == IR_SWITCH) {
677 			fprintf(f, "\t# SWITCH ...\n");
678 		}
679 	}
680 	fprintf(f, "}\n");
681 }