1--TEST-- 2If SIGQUIT and SIGTERM during reloading fail, SIGKILL should be sent 3--SKIPIF-- 4<?php 5include "skipif.inc"; 6if (!function_exists('pcntl_sigprocmask')) die('skip Requires pcntl_sigprocmask()'); 7if (getenv('SKIP_SLOW_TESTS')) die('skip slow tests excluded by request'); 8?> 9--FILE-- 10<?php 11 12require_once "tester.inc"; 13 14$cfg = <<<EOT 15[global] 16error_log = {{FILE:LOG}} 17pid = {{FILE:PID}} 18process_control_timeout=1 19[unconfined] 20listen = {{ADDR}} 21ping.path = /ping 22ping.response = pong 23pm = dynamic 24pm.max_children = 5 25pm.start_servers = 1 26pm.min_spare_servers = 1 27pm.max_spare_servers = 1 28EOT; 29 30$code = <<<EOT 31<?php 32pcntl_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [SIGQUIT, SIGTERM]); 33EOT; 34 35$tester = new FPM\Tester($cfg, $code); 36$tester->start(); 37$tester->expectLogStartNotices(); 38$tester->request()->expectEmptyBody(); 39$tester->signal('USR2'); 40$tester->expectLogNotice('Reloading in progress ...'); 41$tester->expectLogNotice('reloading: .*'); 42// The timeout needs to elapse twice until the process will be killed, 43// so we have to wait at least two seconds. 44sleep(2); 45$tester->expectLogNotice('using inherited socket fd=\d+, "\d+"'); 46$tester->expectLogStartNotices(); 47$tester->ping('{{ADDR}}'); 48$tester->terminate(); 49$tester->expectLogTerminatingNotices(); 50$tester->close(); 51 52?> 53Done 54--EXPECT-- 55Done 56--CLEAN-- 57<?php 58require_once "tester.inc"; 59FPM\Tester::clean(); 60?> 61