1--TEST-- 2Bug #74968 PHP crashes when calling mysqli_result::fetch_object with an abstract class 3--SKIPIF-- 4<?php 5require_once('skipif.inc'); 6require_once('skipifconnectfailure.inc'); 7?> 8--FILE-- 9<?php 10 require_once("connect.inc"); 11 12 $mysqli = new mysqli("$host:$port", $user, $passwd, $db); 13 abstract class test { 14 public $a; 15 } 16 $mysqli->query("SELECT 1 as a")->fetch_object("test"); 17?> 18==DONE== 19--EXPECTF-- 20Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'test' cannot be instantiated in %sbug74968.php:%d 21Stack trace: 22#0 %sbug74968.php(%d): mysqli_result->fetch_object('test') 23#1 {main} 24 thrown in %sbug74968.php on line %d 25