1--TEST-- 2Bug #48555 (ImageFTBBox() differs from previous versions for texts with new lines) 3--SKIPIF-- 4<?php 5 if(!extension_loaded('gd')){ die('skip gd extension not available'); } 6 if(!function_exists('imageftbbox')) die('skip imageftbbox() not available'); 7?> 8--FILE-- 9<?php 10$cwd = dirname(__FILE__); 11$font = "$cwd/Tuffy.ttf"; 12$box = ImageFTBBox(14, 0, $font, "Text without line-break"); 13//echo 'Top without line-break: ' . $box[7] . "\n"; 14$without_line_break = $box[7]; 15$box = ImageFTBBox(14, 0, $font, "Text with\nline-break\none more"); 16//echo 'Top with line-break: ' . $box[7] . "\n"; 17$with_line_break = $box[7]; 18 19var_dump($without_line_break); 20var_dump($with_line_break); 21if ($with_line_break==$without_line_break) { 22 echo "with line break == without line break".PHP_EOL; 23} else { 24 echo "with line break != without line break".PHP_EOL; 25} 26 27?> 28--EXPECTF-- 29int(-%d) 30int(-%d) 31with line break == without line break 32