1--TEST-- 2SimpleXMLElement: Test to ensure that the required attribute name correctly is giving a warning 3--CREDITS-- 4Havard Eide <nucleuz@gmail.com> 5#PHPTestFest2009 Norway 2009-06-09 \o/ 6--SKIPIF-- 7<?php if (!extension_loaded("simplexml")) { echo "skip extension not available"; } ?> 8--FILE-- 9<?php 10$a = new SimpleXMLElement("<php>testfest</php>"); 11$a->addAttribute( "", "" ); 12echo $a->asXML(); 13?> 14--EXPECTF-- 15Warning: SimpleXMLElement::addAttribute(): Attribute name is required in %s on line %d 16<?xml version="1.0"?> 17<php>testfest</php> 18 19