xref: /PHP-5.6/ext/oci8/php_oci8_int.h (revision 49493a2d)
1 /*
2    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
3    | PHP Version 5                                                        |
4    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5    | Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group                                |
6    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
7    | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
8    | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
9    | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
10    | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt                                  |
11    | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
12    | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
13    | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
14    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
15    | Authors: Stig S�ther Bakken <ssb@php.net>                            |
16    |          Thies C. Arntzen <thies@thieso.net>                         |
17    |                                                                      |
18    | Collection support by Andy Sautins <asautins@veripost.net>           |
19    | Temporary LOB support by David Benson <dbenson@mancala.com>          |
20    | ZTS per process OCIPLogon by Harald Radi <harald.radi@nme.at>        |
21    |                                                                      |
22    | Redesigned by: Antony Dovgal <antony@zend.com>                       |
23    |                Andi Gutmans <andi@zend.com>                          |
24    |                Wez Furlong <wez@omniti.com>                          |
25    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
26 */
28 /* $Id$ */
30 #if HAVE_OCI8
31 # ifndef PHP_OCI8_INT_H
32 #  define PHP_OCI8_INT_H
34 /* {{{ misc defines */
35 # if (defined(__osf__) && defined(__alpha))
36 #  ifndef A_OSF
37 #	define A_OSF
38 #  endif
39 #  ifndef OSF1
40 #	define OSF1
41 #  endif
42 #  ifndef _INTRINSICS
43 #	define _INTRINSICS
44 #  endif
45 # endif /* osf alpha */
47 #ifdef HAVE_OCI8_DTRACE
48 #include "oci8_dtrace_gen.h"
49 #endif
51 #if defined(min)
52 #undef min
53 #endif
54 #if defined(max)
55 #undef max
56 #endif
57 /* }}} */
59 #include "ext/standard/php_string.h"
60 #include <oci.h>
62 extern int le_connection;
63 extern int le_pconnection;
64 extern int le_statement;
65 extern int le_descriptor;
66 extern int le_collection;
67 extern int le_server;
68 extern int le_session;
70 extern zend_class_entry *oci_lob_class_entry_ptr;
71 extern zend_class_entry *oci_coll_class_entry_ptr;
73 /* {{{ constants */
74 #define PHP_OCI_SEEK_SET 0
75 #define PHP_OCI_SEEK_CUR 1
76 #define PHP_OCI_SEEK_END 2
78 #define PHP_OCI_MAX_NAME_LEN  64
80 #define PHP_OCI_PIECE_SIZE	  ((64*1024)-1)
81 #define PHP_OCI_LOB_BUFFER_SIZE 1048576l  /* 1Mb seems to be the most reasonable buffer size for LOB reading */
83 #define PHP_OCI_ASSOC				(1<<0)
84 #define PHP_OCI_NUM					(1<<1)
87 #define PHP_OCI_RETURN_NULLS		(1<<2)
88 #define PHP_OCI_RETURN_LOBS			(1<<3)
96 #define PHP_OCI_LOB_BUFFER_USED     2
98 /* The mode parameter for oci_connect() is overloaded and accepts both
99  * privilege and external authentication flags OR'd together.
100  * PHP_OCI_CRED_EXT must be distinct from the OCI_xxx privilege
101  * values.
102  */
103 #define PHP_OCI_CRED_EXT                    (1<<31)
105 #error Invalid value for PHP_OCI_CRED_EXT
106 #endif
108 #define PHP_OCI_IMPRES_UNKNOWN			0
111 #define PHP_OCI_IMPRES_IS_CHILD			3
113 /*
114  * Name passed to Oracle for tracing.  Note some DB views only show
115  * the first nine characters of the driver name.
116  */
119 /* }}} */
121 /* {{{ php_oci_spool */
122 typedef struct {
123 	int			  id;					/* resource id */
124 	OCIEnv		 *env;					/* env of this session pool */
125 	OCIError	 *err;					/* pool's error handle	*/
126 	OCISPool	 *poolh;				/* pool handle */
127 	void		 *poolname;				/* session pool name */
128 	unsigned int  poolname_len;			/* length of session pool name */
129 	char		 *spool_hash_key;		/* Hash key for session pool in plist */
130 } php_oci_spool;
131 /* }}} */
133 /* {{{ php_oci_connection */
134 typedef struct {
135 	int				id;							/* resource ID */
136 	OCIEnv		   *env;						/* private env handle */
137 	ub2				charset;					/* charset ID */
138 	OCIServer	   *server;						/* private server handle */
139 	OCISvcCtx	   *svc;						/* private service context handle */
140 	OCISession	   *session;					/* private session handle */
141 	OCIAuthInfo	   *authinfo;					/* Cached authinfo handle for OCISessionGet */
142 	OCIError	   *err;						/* private error handle */
143 	php_oci_spool  *private_spool;				/* private session pool (for persistent) */
144 	sb4				errcode;					/* last ORA- error number */
146 	HashTable	   *descriptors;				/* descriptors hash, used to flush all the LOBs using this connection on commit */
147 	ulong			descriptor_count;			/* used to index the descriptors hash table.  Not an accurate count */
148 	unsigned		is_open:1;					/* hels to determine if the connection is dead or not */
149 	unsigned		is_attached:1;				/* hels to determine if we should detach from the server when closing/freeing the connection */
150 	unsigned		is_persistent:1;			/* self-descriptive */
151 	unsigned		used_this_request:1;		/* helps to determine if we should reset connection's next ping time and check its timeout */
152 	unsigned		rb_on_disconnect:1;			/* helps to determine if we should rollback this connection on close/shutdown */
153 	unsigned		passwd_changed:1;			/* helps determine if a persistent connection hash should be invalidated after a password change */
154 	unsigned		is_stub:1;					/* flag to keep track whether the connection structure has a real OCI connection associated */
155 	unsigned		using_spool:1;				/* Is this connection from session pool? */
156 	time_t			idle_expiry;				/* time when the connection will be considered as expired */
157 	time_t		   *next_pingp;					/* (pointer to) time of the next ping */
158 	char		   *hash_key;					/* hashed details of the connection */
159 #ifdef HAVE_OCI8_DTRACE
160 	char		   *client_id;					/* The oci_set_client_identifier() value */
161 #endif
162 } php_oci_connection;
163 /* }}} */
165 /* {{{ php_oci_descriptor */
166 typedef struct {
167 	int					 id;
168 	ulong				 index;		            /* descriptors hash table index */
169 	php_oci_connection	*connection;			/* parent connection handle */
170 	dvoid				*descriptor;			/* OCI descriptor handle */
171 	ub4					 type;					/* descriptor type (FILE/LOB) */
172 	int					 lob_current_position;	/* LOB internal pointer */
173 	int					 lob_size;				/* cached LOB size. -1 = Lob wasn't initialized yet */
174 	int					 buffering;				/* cached buffering flag. 0 - off, 1 - on, 2 - on and buffer was used */
175 	ub4					 chunk_size;			/* chunk size of the LOB. 0 - unknown */
176 	ub1					 charset_form;			/* charset form, required for NCLOBs */
177 	ub2					 charset_id;			/* charset ID */
178 	unsigned			 is_open:1;				/* helps to determine if lob is open or not */
179 } php_oci_descriptor;
180 /* }}} */
182 /* {{{ php_oci_lob_ctx */
183 typedef struct {
184 	char			   **lob_data;				/* address of pointer to LOB data */
185 	ub4					*lob_len;				/* address of LOB length variable (bytes) */
186 	ub4					 alloc_len;
187 } php_oci_lob_ctx;
188 /* }}} */
190 /* {{{ php_oci_collection */
191 typedef struct {
192 	int					 id;
193 	php_oci_connection	*connection;			/* parent connection handle */
194 	OCIType				*tdo;					/* collection's type handle */
195 	OCITypeCode			 coll_typecode;			/* collection's typecode handle */
196 	OCIRef				*elem_ref;				/* element's reference handle */
197 	OCIType				*element_type;			/* element's type handle */
198 	OCITypeCode			 element_typecode;		/* element's typecode handle */
199 	OCIColl				*collection;			/* collection handle */
200 } php_oci_collection;
201 /* }}} */
203 /* {{{ php_oci_define */
204 typedef struct {
205 	zval		*zval;			/* zval used in define */
206 	text		*name;			/* placeholder's name */
207 	ub4			 name_len;		/* placeholder's name length */
208 	ub4			 type;			/* define type */
209 } php_oci_define;
210 /* }}} */
212 /* {{{ php_oci_statement */
213 typedef struct {
214 	int					 id;
215 	int					 parent_stmtid;			/* parent statement id */
216 	struct php_oci_statement *impres_child_stmt;/* child of current Implicit Result Set statement handle */
217 	ub4                  impres_count;          /* count of remaining Implicit Result children on parent statement handle */
218 	php_oci_connection	*connection;			/* parent connection handle */
219 	sb4					 errcode;				/* last ORA- error number */
220 	OCIError			*err;					/* private error handle */
221 	OCIStmt				*stmt;					/* statement handle */
222 	char				*last_query;			/* last query issued. also used to determine if this is a statement or a refcursor received from Oracle */
223 	char                 impres_flag;           /* PHP_OCI_IMPRES_*_ */
224 	long				 last_query_len;		/* last query length */
225 	HashTable			*columns;				/* hash containing all the result columns */
226 	HashTable			*binds;					/* binds hash */
227 	HashTable			*defines;				/* defines hash */
228 	int					 ncolumns;				/* number of columns in the result */
229 	unsigned			 executed:1;			/* statement executed flag */
230 	unsigned			 has_data:1;			/* statement has more data flag */
231 	unsigned			 has_descr:1;			/* statement has at least one descriptor or cursor column */
232 	ub2					 stmttype;				/* statement type */
233 	ub4                  prefetch_count;        /* current prefetch count */
234 } php_oci_statement;
235 /* }}} */
237 /* {{{ php_oci_bind */
238 typedef struct {
239 	OCIBind				*bind;					/* bind handle */
240 	zval				*zval;					/* value */
241 	dvoid				*descriptor;			/* used for binding of LOBS etc */
242 	OCIStmt				*statement;				/* used for binding REFCURSORs */
243 	php_oci_statement	*parent_statement;		/* pointer to the parent statement */
244 	ub2 type;						/* bind type */
245 	struct {
246 		void	*elements;
247 		sb2		*indicators;
248 		ub2		*element_lengths;
249 		ub4		 current_length;
250 		ub4		 old_length;
251 		ub4		 max_length;
252 		long	 type;
253 	} array;
254 	sb2					 indicator;				/* -1 means NULL */
255 	ub2					 retcode;
256 	ub4					 dummy_len;				/* a dummy var to store alenpp value in bind OUT callback */
257 } php_oci_bind;
258 /* }}} */
260 /* {{{ php_oci_out_column */
261 typedef struct {
262 	php_oci_statement	*statement;				/* statement handle. used when fetching REFCURSORS */
263 	php_oci_statement	*nested_statement;		/* statement handle. used when fetching REFCURSORS */
264 	OCIDefine			*oci_define;			/* define handle */
265 	char				*name;					/* column name */
266 	ub4					 name_len;				/* column name length */
267 	ub2					 data_type;				/* column data type */
268 	ub2					 data_size;				/* data size */
269 	ub4					 storage_size4;			/* size used when allocating buffers */
270 	sb2					 indicator;
271 	ub2					 retcode;				/* code returned when fetching this particular column */
272 	ub2					 retlen;
273 	ub4					 retlen4;
274 	ub2					 is_descr;				/* column contains a descriptor */
275 	ub2					 is_cursor;				/* column contains a cursor */
276 	int					 stmtid;				/* statement id for cursors */
277 	int					 descid;				/* descriptor id for descriptors */
278 	void				*data;
279 	php_oci_define		*define;				/* define handle */
280 	int					 piecewise;				/* column is fetched piece-by-piece */
281 	ub4					 cb_retlen;
282 	sb1					 scale;					/* column scale */
283 	sb2					 precision;				/* column precision */
284 	ub1					 charset_form;			/* charset form, required for NCLOBs */
285 	ub2					 charset_id;			/* charset ID */
286 	ub4					 chunk_size;			/* LOB chunk size */
287 } php_oci_out_column;
288 /* }}} */
290 /* {{{ macros */
292 #define PHP_OCI_CALL(func, params)								\
293 	do {																\
294 		OCI_G(in_call) = 1;												\
295 		func params;													\
296 		OCI_G(in_call) = 0;												\
297 	} while (0)
299 #define PHP_OCI_CALL_RETURN(__retval, func, params)			\
300 	do {																\
301 		OCI_G(in_call) = 1;												\
302 		__retval = func params;											\
303 		OCI_G(in_call) = 0;												\
304 	} while (0)
306 /* Check for errors that indicate the connection to the DB is no
307  * longer valid.  If it isn't, then the PHP connection is marked to be
308  * reopened by the next PHP OCI8 connect command.  This is most useful
309  * for persistent connections.	The error number list is not
310  * exclusive.  The error number comparisons and the
311  * OCI_ATTR_SERVER_STATUS check are done for maximum cross-version
312  * compatibility. In the far future, only the attribute check will be
313  * needed.
314  */
315 #define PHP_OCI_HANDLE_ERROR(connection, errcode) \
316 	do {										  \
317 		ub4 serverStatus = OCI_SERVER_NORMAL;	  \
318 		switch (errcode) {						  \
319 			case  1013:							  \
320 				zend_bailout();					  \
321 				break;							  \
322 			case	22:							  \
323 			case	28:							  \
324 			case   378:							  \
325 			case   602:							  \
326 			case   603:							  \
327 			case   604:							  \
328 			case   609:							  \
329 			case  1012:							  \
330 			case  1033:							  \
331 			case  1041:							  \
332 			case  1043:							  \
333 			case  1089:							  \
334 			case  1090:							  \
335 			case  1092:							  \
336 			case  3113:							  \
337 			case  3114:							  \
338 			case  3122:							  \
339 			case  3135:							  \
340 			case 12153:							  \
341 			case 27146:							  \
342 			case 28511:							  \
343 				(connection)->is_open = 0;		  \
344 				break;							  \
345 			default:										\
346 			{												\
347 				PHP_OCI_CALL(OCIAttrGet, ((dvoid *)(connection)->server, OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, (dvoid *)&serverStatus, \
348 										  (ub4 *)0, OCI_ATTR_SERVER_STATUS, (connection)->err)); \
349 				if (serverStatus != OCI_SERVER_NORMAL) {	\
350 					(connection)->is_open = 0;				\
351 				}											\
352 			}												\
353 			break;											\
354 		}													\
355 		php_oci_dtrace_check_connection(connection, errcode, serverStatus); \
356 	} while (0)
358 #define PHP_OCI_REGISTER_RESOURCE(resource, le_resource) \
359 	do { \
360 		resource->id = ZEND_REGISTER_RESOURCE(NULL, resource, le_resource); \
361 	} while (0)
363 #define PHP_OCI_ZVAL_TO_CONNECTION(zval, connection) \
364 	ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE2(connection, php_oci_connection *, &zval, -1, "oci8 connection", le_connection, le_pconnection)
366 #define PHP_OCI_ZVAL_TO_STATEMENT(zval, statement) \
367 	ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(statement, php_oci_statement *, &zval, -1, "oci8 statement", le_statement)
369 #define PHP_OCI_ZVAL_TO_DESCRIPTOR(zval, descriptor) \
370 	ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(descriptor, php_oci_descriptor *, &zval, -1, "oci8 descriptor", le_descriptor)
372 #define PHP_OCI_ZVAL_TO_COLLECTION(zval, collection) \
373 	ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(collection, php_oci_collection *, &zval, -1, "oci8 collection", le_collection)
375 #define PHP_OCI_FETCH_RESOURCE_EX(zval, var, type, name, resource_type)						 \
376 	do { \
377 		var = (type) zend_fetch_resource(&zval TSRMLS_CC, -1, name, NULL, 1, resource_type); \
378 		if (!var) {																			 \
379 			return 1;																		 \
380 		} \
381 	} while (0)
383 #define PHP_OCI_ZVAL_TO_CONNECTION_EX(zval, connection) \
384 	PHP_OCI_FETCH_RESOURCE_EX(zval, connection, php_oci_connection *, "oci8 connection", le_connection)
386 #define PHP_OCI_ZVAL_TO_STATEMENT_EX(zval, statement) \
387 	PHP_OCI_FETCH_RESOURCE_EX(zval, statement, php_oci_statement *, "oci8 statement", le_statement)
389 #define PHP_OCI_ZVAL_TO_DESCRIPTOR_EX(zval, descriptor) \
390 	PHP_OCI_FETCH_RESOURCE_EX(zval, descriptor, php_oci_descriptor *, "oci8 descriptor", le_descriptor)
392 #define PHP_OCI_ZVAL_TO_COLLECTION_EX(zval, collection) \
393 	PHP_OCI_FETCH_RESOURCE_EX(zval, collection, php_oci_collection *, "oci8 collection", le_collection)
395 /* }}} */
397 /* PROTOS */
399 /* {{{ main prototypes */
401 void php_oci_column_hash_dtor(void *data);
402 void php_oci_define_hash_dtor(void *data);
403 void php_oci_bind_hash_dtor(void *data);
404 void php_oci_descriptor_flush_hash_dtor(void *data);
405 void php_oci_connection_descriptors_free(php_oci_connection *connection TSRMLS_DC);
406 sb4 php_oci_error(OCIError *err_p, sword status TSRMLS_DC);
407 sb4 php_oci_fetch_errmsg(OCIError *error_handle, text **error_buf TSRMLS_DC);
408 int php_oci_fetch_sqltext_offset(php_oci_statement *statement, text **sqltext, ub2 *error_offset TSRMLS_DC);
409 void php_oci_do_connect(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int persistent, int exclusive);
410 php_oci_connection *php_oci_do_connect_ex(char *username, int username_len, char *password, int password_len, char *new_password, int new_password_len, char *dbname, int dbname_len, char *charset, long session_mode, int persistent, int exclusive TSRMLS_DC);
411 int php_oci_connection_rollback(php_oci_connection *connection TSRMLS_DC);
412 int php_oci_connection_commit(php_oci_connection *connection TSRMLS_DC);
413 int php_oci_connection_release(php_oci_connection *connection TSRMLS_DC);
414 int php_oci_password_change(php_oci_connection *connection, char *user, int user_len, char *pass_old, int pass_old_len, char *pass_new, int pass_new_len TSRMLS_DC);
415 void php_oci_client_get_version(char **version TSRMLS_DC);
416 int php_oci_server_get_version(php_oci_connection *connection, char **version TSRMLS_DC);
417 void php_oci_fetch_row(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int mode, int expected_args);
418 int php_oci_column_to_zval(php_oci_out_column *column, zval *value, int mode TSRMLS_DC);
419 void php_oci_dtrace_check_connection(php_oci_connection *connection, sb4 errcode, ub4 serverStatus);
421 /* }}} */
423 /* {{{ lob related prototypes */
425 php_oci_descriptor *php_oci_lob_create(php_oci_connection *connection, long type TSRMLS_DC);
426 int php_oci_lob_get_length(php_oci_descriptor *descriptor, ub4 *length TSRMLS_DC);
427 int php_oci_lob_read(php_oci_descriptor *descriptor, long read_length, long inital_offset, char **data, ub4 *data_len TSRMLS_DC);
428 int php_oci_lob_write(php_oci_descriptor *descriptor, ub4 offset, char *data, int data_len, ub4 *bytes_written TSRMLS_DC);
429 int php_oci_lob_flush(php_oci_descriptor *descriptor, long flush_flag TSRMLS_DC);
430 int php_oci_lob_set_buffering(php_oci_descriptor *descriptor, int on_off TSRMLS_DC);
431 int php_oci_lob_get_buffering(php_oci_descriptor *descriptor);
432 int php_oci_lob_copy(php_oci_descriptor *descriptor, php_oci_descriptor *descriptor_from, long length TSRMLS_DC);
433 int php_oci_lob_close(php_oci_descriptor *descriptor TSRMLS_DC);
434 int php_oci_temp_lob_close(php_oci_descriptor *descriptor TSRMLS_DC);
435 int php_oci_lob_write_tmp(php_oci_descriptor *descriptor, long type, char *data, int data_len TSRMLS_DC);
436 void php_oci_lob_free(php_oci_descriptor *descriptor TSRMLS_DC);
437 int php_oci_lob_import(php_oci_descriptor *descriptor, char *filename TSRMLS_DC);
438 int php_oci_lob_append(php_oci_descriptor *descriptor_dest, php_oci_descriptor *descriptor_from TSRMLS_DC);
439 int php_oci_lob_truncate(php_oci_descriptor *descriptor, long new_lob_length TSRMLS_DC);
440 int php_oci_lob_erase(php_oci_descriptor *descriptor, long offset, ub4 length, ub4 *bytes_erased TSRMLS_DC);
441 int php_oci_lob_is_equal(php_oci_descriptor *descriptor_first, php_oci_descriptor *descriptor_second, boolean *result TSRMLS_DC);
442 sb4 php_oci_lob_callback(dvoid *ctxp, CONST dvoid *bufxp, oraub8 len, ub1 piece, dvoid **changed_bufpp, oraub8 *changed_lenp);
443 /* }}} */
445 /* {{{ collection related prototypes */
447 php_oci_collection *php_oci_collection_create(php_oci_connection *connection, char *tdo, int tdo_len, char *schema, int schema_len TSRMLS_DC);
448 int php_oci_collection_size(php_oci_collection *collection, sb4 *size TSRMLS_DC);
449 int php_oci_collection_max(php_oci_collection *collection, long *max TSRMLS_DC);
450 int php_oci_collection_trim(php_oci_collection *collection, long trim_size TSRMLS_DC);
451 int php_oci_collection_append(php_oci_collection *collection, char *element, int element_len TSRMLS_DC);
452 int php_oci_collection_element_get(php_oci_collection *collection, long index, zval **result_element TSRMLS_DC);
453 int php_oci_collection_element_set(php_oci_collection *collection, long index, char *value, int value_len TSRMLS_DC);
454 int php_oci_collection_element_set_null(php_oci_collection *collection, long index TSRMLS_DC);
455 int php_oci_collection_element_set_date(php_oci_collection *collection, long index, char *date, int date_len TSRMLS_DC);
456 int php_oci_collection_element_set_number(php_oci_collection *collection, long index, char *number, int number_len TSRMLS_DC);
457 int php_oci_collection_element_set_string(php_oci_collection *collection, long index, char *element, int element_len TSRMLS_DC);
458 int php_oci_collection_assign(php_oci_collection *collection_dest, php_oci_collection *collection_from TSRMLS_DC);
459 void php_oci_collection_close(php_oci_collection *collection TSRMLS_DC);
460 int php_oci_collection_append_null(php_oci_collection *collection TSRMLS_DC);
461 int php_oci_collection_append_date(php_oci_collection *collection, char *date, int date_len TSRMLS_DC);
462 int php_oci_collection_append_number(php_oci_collection *collection, char *number, int number_len TSRMLS_DC);
463 int php_oci_collection_append_string(php_oci_collection *collection, char *element, int element_len TSRMLS_DC);
466 /* }}} */
468 /* {{{ statement related prototypes */
470 php_oci_statement *php_oci_statement_create(php_oci_connection *connection, char *query, int query_len TSRMLS_DC);
471 php_oci_statement *php_oci_get_implicit_resultset(php_oci_statement *statement TSRMLS_DC);
472 int php_oci_statement_set_prefetch(php_oci_statement *statement, ub4 prefetch TSRMLS_DC);
473 int php_oci_statement_fetch(php_oci_statement *statement, ub4 nrows TSRMLS_DC);
474 php_oci_out_column *php_oci_statement_get_column(php_oci_statement *statement, long column_index, char *column_name, int column_name_len TSRMLS_DC);
475 int php_oci_statement_execute(php_oci_statement *statement, ub4 mode TSRMLS_DC);
476 int php_oci_statement_cancel(php_oci_statement *statement TSRMLS_DC);
477 void php_oci_statement_free(php_oci_statement *statement TSRMLS_DC);
478 int php_oci_bind_pre_exec(void *data, void *result TSRMLS_DC);
479 int php_oci_bind_post_exec(void *data TSRMLS_DC);
480 int php_oci_bind_by_name(php_oci_statement *statement, char *name, int name_len, zval *var, long maxlength, ub2 type TSRMLS_DC);
481 sb4 php_oci_bind_in_callback(dvoid *ictxp, OCIBind *bindp, ub4 iter, ub4 index, dvoid **bufpp, ub4 *alenp, ub1 *piecep, dvoid **indpp);
482 sb4 php_oci_bind_out_callback(dvoid *octxp, OCIBind *bindp, ub4 iter, ub4 index, dvoid **bufpp, ub4 **alenpp, ub1 *piecep, dvoid **indpp, ub2 **rcodepp);
483 php_oci_out_column *php_oci_statement_get_column_helper(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int need_data);
484 int php_oci_cleanup_pre_fetch(void *data TSRMLS_DC);
485 int php_oci_statement_get_type(php_oci_statement *statement, ub2 *type TSRMLS_DC);
486 int php_oci_statement_get_numrows(php_oci_statement *statement, ub4 *numrows TSRMLS_DC);
487 int php_oci_bind_array_by_name(php_oci_statement *statement, char *name, int name_len, zval *var, long max_table_length, long maxlength, long type TSRMLS_DC);
488 php_oci_bind *php_oci_bind_array_helper_number(zval *var, long max_table_length TSRMLS_DC);
489 php_oci_bind *php_oci_bind_array_helper_double(zval *var, long max_table_length TSRMLS_DC);
490 php_oci_bind *php_oci_bind_array_helper_string(zval *var, long max_table_length, long maxlength TSRMLS_DC);
491 php_oci_bind *php_oci_bind_array_helper_date(zval *var, long max_table_length, php_oci_connection *connection TSRMLS_DC);
493 /* }}} */
495 ZEND_BEGIN_MODULE_GLOBALS(oci) /* {{{ Module globals */
496 	sb4			 errcode;						/* global last ORA- error number. Used when connect fails, for example */
497 	OCIError	*err;							/* global error handle */
499 	long		 max_persistent;				/* maximum number of persistent connections per process */
500 	long		 num_persistent;				/* number of existing persistent connections */
501 	long		 num_links;						/* non-persistent + persistent connections */
502 	long		 num_statements;				/* number of statements open */
503 	long		 ping_interval;					/* time interval between pings */
504 	long		 persistent_timeout;			/* time period after which idle persistent connection is considered expired */
505 	long		 statement_cache_size;			/* statement cache size. used with 9i+ clients only*/
506 	long		 default_prefetch;				/* default prefetch setting */
507 	zend_bool	 privileged_connect;			/* privileged connect flag (On/Off) */
508 	zend_bool	 old_oci_close_semantics;		/* old_oci_close_semantics flag (to determine the way oci_close() should behave) */
510 	int			 shutdown;						/* in shutdown flag */
512 	OCIEnv		*env;							/* global environment handle */
514 	zend_bool	 in_call;
515 	char		*connection_class;
516 	zend_bool	 events;
517 	char		*edition;
518 ZEND_END_MODULE_GLOBALS(oci) /* }}} */
520 #ifdef ZTS
521 #define OCI_G(v) TSRMG(oci_globals_id, zend_oci_globals *, v)
522 #else
523 #define OCI_G(v) (oci_globals.v)
524 #endif
528 # endif /* !PHP_OCI8_INT_H */
529 #else /* !HAVE_OCI8 */
531 # define oci8_module_ptr NULL
533 #endif /* HAVE_OCI8 */
535 /*
536  * Local variables:
537  * tab-width: 4
538  * c-basic-offset: 4
539  * End:
540  */