xref: /PHP-5.4/ext/standard/http.c (revision c0d060f5)
1 /*
2    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
3    | PHP Version 5                                                        |
4    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5    | Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group                                |
6    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
7    | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
8    | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
9    | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
10    | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt                                  |
11    | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
12    | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
13    | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
14    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
15    | Authors: Sara Golemon <pollita@php.net>                              |
16    +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
17 */
19 /* $Id$ */
21 #include "php_http.h"
22 #include "php_ini.h"
23 #include "url.h"
25 #define URL_DEFAULT_ARG_SEP "&"
27 /* {{{ php_url_encode_hash */
php_url_encode_hash_ex(HashTable * ht,smart_str * formstr,const char * num_prefix,int num_prefix_len,const char * key_prefix,int key_prefix_len,const char * key_suffix,int key_suffix_len,zval * type,char * arg_sep,int enc_type TSRMLS_DC)28 PHPAPI int php_url_encode_hash_ex(HashTable *ht, smart_str *formstr,
29 				const char *num_prefix, int num_prefix_len,
30 				const char *key_prefix, int key_prefix_len,
31 				const char *key_suffix, int key_suffix_len,
32 			  zval *type, char *arg_sep, int enc_type TSRMLS_DC)
33 {
34 	char *key = NULL;
35 	char *ekey, *newprefix, *p;
36 	int arg_sep_len, ekey_len, key_type, newprefix_len;
37 	uint key_len;
38 	ulong idx;
39 	zval **zdata = NULL, *copyzval;
41 	if (!ht) {
42 		return FAILURE;
43 	}
45 	if (ht->nApplyCount > 0) {
46 		/* Prevent recursion */
47 		return SUCCESS;
48 	}
50 	if (!arg_sep) {
51 		arg_sep = INI_STR("arg_separator.output");
52 		if (!arg_sep || !strlen(arg_sep)) {
53 			arg_sep = URL_DEFAULT_ARG_SEP;
54 		}
55 	}
56 	arg_sep_len = strlen(arg_sep);
58 	for (zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(ht);
59 		(key_type = zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(ht, &key, &key_len, &idx, 0, NULL)) != HASH_KEY_NON_EXISTANT;
60 		zend_hash_move_forward(ht)
61 	) {
62 		if (key_type == HASH_KEY_IS_STRING && key_len && key[key_len-1] == '\0') {
63 			/* We don't want that trailing NULL */
64 			key_len -= 1;
65 		}
67 		/* handling for private & protected object properties */
68 		if (key && *key == '\0' && type != NULL) {
69 			const char *tmp;
71 			zend_object *zobj = zend_objects_get_address(type TSRMLS_CC);
72 			if (zend_check_property_access(zobj, key, key_len-1 TSRMLS_CC) != SUCCESS) {
73 				/* private or protected property access outside of the class */
74 				continue;
75 			}
76 			zend_unmangle_property_name(key, key_len-1, &tmp, (const char**)&key);
77 			key_len = strlen(key);
78 		}
80 		if (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ht, (void **)&zdata, NULL) == FAILURE || !zdata || !(*zdata)) {
81 			php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Error traversing form data array");
82 			return FAILURE;
83 		}
84 		if (Z_TYPE_PP(zdata) == IS_ARRAY || Z_TYPE_PP(zdata) == IS_OBJECT) {
85 			if (key_type == HASH_KEY_IS_STRING) {
86 				if (enc_type == PHP_QUERY_RFC3986) {
87 					ekey = php_raw_url_encode(key, key_len, &ekey_len);
88 				} else {
89 					ekey = php_url_encode(key, key_len, &ekey_len);
90 				}
91 				newprefix_len = key_suffix_len + ekey_len + key_prefix_len + 3 /* %5B */;
92 				newprefix = emalloc(newprefix_len + 1);
93 				p = newprefix;
95 				if (key_prefix) {
96 					memcpy(p, key_prefix, key_prefix_len);
97 					p += key_prefix_len;
98 				}
100 				memcpy(p, ekey, ekey_len);
101 				p += ekey_len;
102 				efree(ekey);
104 				if (key_suffix) {
105 					memcpy(p, key_suffix, key_suffix_len);
106 					p += key_suffix_len;
107 				}
108 				*(p++) = '%';
109 				*(p++) = '5';
110 				*(p++) = 'B';
111 				*p = '\0';
112 			} else {
113 				/* Is an integer key */
114 				ekey_len = spprintf(&ekey, 0, "%ld", idx);
115 				newprefix_len = key_prefix_len + num_prefix_len + ekey_len + key_suffix_len + 3 /* %5B */;
116 				newprefix = emalloc(newprefix_len + 1);
117 				p = newprefix;
119 				if (key_prefix) {
120 					memcpy(p, key_prefix, key_prefix_len);
121 					p += key_prefix_len;
122 				}
124 				memcpy(p, num_prefix, num_prefix_len);
125 				p += num_prefix_len;
127 				memcpy(p, ekey, ekey_len);
128 				p += ekey_len;
129 				efree(ekey);
131 				if (key_suffix) {
132 					memcpy(p, key_suffix, key_suffix_len);
133 					p += key_suffix_len;
134 				}
135 				*(p++) = '%';
136 				*(p++) = '5';
137 				*(p++) = 'B';
138 				*p = '\0';
139 			}
140 			ht->nApplyCount++;
141 			php_url_encode_hash_ex(HASH_OF(*zdata), formstr, NULL, 0, newprefix, newprefix_len, "%5D", 3, (Z_TYPE_PP(zdata) == IS_OBJECT ? *zdata : NULL), arg_sep, enc_type TSRMLS_CC);
142 			ht->nApplyCount--;
143 			efree(newprefix);
144 		} else if (Z_TYPE_PP(zdata) == IS_NULL || Z_TYPE_PP(zdata) == IS_RESOURCE) {
145 			/* Skip these types */
146 			continue;
147 		} else {
148 			if (formstr->len) {
149 				smart_str_appendl(formstr, arg_sep, arg_sep_len);
150 			}
151 			/* Simple key=value */
152 			smart_str_appendl(formstr, key_prefix, key_prefix_len);
153 			if (key_type == HASH_KEY_IS_STRING) {
154 				if (enc_type == PHP_QUERY_RFC3986) {
155 					ekey = php_raw_url_encode(key, key_len, &ekey_len);
156 				} else {
157 					ekey = php_url_encode(key, key_len, &ekey_len);
158 				}
159 				smart_str_appendl(formstr, ekey, ekey_len);
160 				efree(ekey);
161 			} else {
162 				/* Numeric key */
163 				if (num_prefix) {
164 					smart_str_appendl(formstr, num_prefix, num_prefix_len);
165 				}
166 				ekey_len = spprintf(&ekey, 0, "%ld", idx);
167 				smart_str_appendl(formstr, ekey, ekey_len);
168 				efree(ekey);
169 			}
170 			smart_str_appendl(formstr, key_suffix, key_suffix_len);
171 			smart_str_appendl(formstr, "=", 1);
172 			switch (Z_TYPE_PP(zdata)) {
173 				case IS_STRING:
174 					if (enc_type == PHP_QUERY_RFC3986) {
175 						ekey = php_raw_url_encode(Z_STRVAL_PP(zdata), Z_STRLEN_PP(zdata), &ekey_len);
176 					} else {
177 						ekey = php_url_encode(Z_STRVAL_PP(zdata), Z_STRLEN_PP(zdata), &ekey_len);
178 					}
179 					break;
180 				case IS_LONG:
181 				case IS_BOOL:
182 					ekey_len = spprintf(&ekey, 0, "%ld", Z_LVAL_PP(zdata));
183 					break;
184 				case IS_DOUBLE:
185 					ekey_len = spprintf(&ekey, 0, "%.*G", (int) EG(precision), Z_DVAL_PP(zdata));
186 					break;
187 				default:
188 					/* fall back on convert to string */
189 					MAKE_STD_ZVAL(copyzval);
190 					*copyzval = **zdata;
191 					zval_copy_ctor(copyzval);
192 					convert_to_string_ex(&copyzval);
193 					if (enc_type == PHP_QUERY_RFC3986) {
194 						ekey = php_raw_url_encode(Z_STRVAL_P(copyzval), Z_STRLEN_P(copyzval), &ekey_len);
195 					} else {
196 						ekey = php_url_encode(Z_STRVAL_P(copyzval), Z_STRLEN_P(copyzval), &ekey_len);
197 					}
198 					zval_ptr_dtor(&copyzval);
199 			}
200 			smart_str_appendl(formstr, ekey, ekey_len);
201 			efree(ekey);
202 		}
203 	}
205 	return SUCCESS;
206 }
207 /* }}} */
209 /* {{{ proto string http_build_query(mixed formdata [, string prefix [, string arg_separator [, int enc_type]]])
210    Generates a form-encoded query string from an associative array or object. */
PHP_FUNCTION(http_build_query)211 PHP_FUNCTION(http_build_query)
212 {
213 	zval *formdata;
214 	char *prefix = NULL, *arg_sep=NULL;
215 	int arg_sep_len = 0, prefix_len = 0;
216 	smart_str formstr = {0};
217 	long enc_type = PHP_QUERY_RFC1738;
219 	if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z|ssl", &formdata, &prefix, &prefix_len, &arg_sep, &arg_sep_len, &enc_type) != SUCCESS) {
221 	}
223 	if (Z_TYPE_P(formdata) != IS_ARRAY && Z_TYPE_P(formdata) != IS_OBJECT) {
224 		php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Parameter 1 expected to be Array or Object.  Incorrect value given");
226 	}
228 	if (php_url_encode_hash_ex(HASH_OF(formdata), &formstr, prefix, prefix_len, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, (Z_TYPE_P(formdata) == IS_OBJECT ? formdata : NULL), arg_sep, enc_type TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) {
229 		if (formstr.c) {
230 			efree(formstr.c);
231 		}
233 	}
235 	if (!formstr.c) {
237 	}
239 	smart_str_0(&formstr);
241 	RETURN_STRINGL(formstr.c, formstr.len, 0);
242 }
243 /* }}} */
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