/PHP-8.1/ext/date/tests/ |
H A D | DateTimeImmutable_constants.phpt | 2 DateTimeImmutable constants 7 DATE_ATOM === DateTimeImmutable::ATOM, 8 DATE_COOKIE === DateTimeImmutable::COOKIE, 9 DATE_ISO8601 === DateTimeImmutable::ISO8601, 10 DATE_RFC822 === DateTimeImmutable::RFC822, 11 DATE_RFC850 === DateTimeImmutable::RFC850, 12 DATE_RFC1036 === DateTimeImmutable::RFC1036, 13 DATE_RFC1123 === DateTimeImmutable::RFC1123, 14 DATE_RFC2822 === DateTimeImmutable::RFC2822, 16 DATE_RSS === DateTimeImmutable::RSS, [all …]
H A D | DateTimeImmutable_createFromInterface-001.phpt | 2 Tests for DateTimeImmutable::createFromInterface 9 $i = DateTimeImmutable::createFromInterface( date_create( $current ) ); 12 $i = DateTimeImmutable::createFromInterface( date_create_immutable( $current ) ); 17 $i = DateTimeImmutable::createFromInterface( date_create( $current ) ); 25 $i = DateTimeImmutable::createFromInterface( date_create( $current ) ); 32 object(DateTimeImmutable)#%d (3) { 40 object(DateTimeImmutable)#%d (3) { 48 object(DateTimeImmutable)#%d (3) { 56 object(DateTimeImmutable)#%d (3) { 64 object(DateTimeImmutable)#%d (3) { [all …]
H A D | DateTimeImmutable_createFromMutable-001.phpt | 2 Tests for DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable 9 $i = DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable( date_create( $current ) ); 13 DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable( date_create_immutable( $current ) ); 19 object(DateTimeImmutable)#%d (3) { 27 DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable(): Argument #1 ($object) must be of type DateTime, DateTimeImm…
H A D | bug72719.phpt | 5 echo (new DateTimeImmutable('Monday next week 13:00'))->format('l'), "\n"; 6 echo (new DateTimeImmutable('Tuesday next week 14:00'))->format('l'), "\n"; 7 echo (new DateTimeImmutable('Wednesday next week 14:00'))->format('l'), "\n"; 8 echo (new DateTimeImmutable('Thursday next week 15:00'))->format('l'), "\n"; 9 echo (new DateTimeImmutable('Friday next week 16:00'))->format('l'), "\n"; 10 echo (new DateTimeImmutable('Saturday next week 17:00'))->format('l'), "\n"; 11 echo (new DateTimeImmutable('Sunday next week 18:00'))->format('l'), "\n";
H A D | bug80047.phpt | 2 Bug #80047: DatePeriod doesn't support custom DateTimeImmutable 8 class CustomDateTimeImmutable extends DateTimeImmutable {} 11 $dti = new DateTimeImmutable('2022-06-24'); 36 DateTimeImmutable 37 DateTimeImmutable 38 DateTimeImmutable 39 DateTimeImmutable
H A D | bug78751.phpt | 2 Bug #78751 (Serialising DatePeriod converts DateTimeImmutable) 5 $oDay = new DateTimeImmutable('2019-10-25'); 10 $oDays->start instanceof DateTimeImmutable, 11 $oDays->end instanceof DateTimeImmutable
H A D | DateTimeImmutable_createFromMutable-002.phpt | 2 Tests for inherited DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable 7 class MyDateTimeImmutable extends DateTimeImmutable {} 29 DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable(): Argument #1 ($object) must be of type DateTime, DateTimeImm…
H A D | gh9866.phpt | 6 \DateTimeImmutable $startDate, 7 \DateTimeImmutable $endDate, 13 $start = new \DateTimeImmutable('2000-11-01 09:29:22.907606', new \DateTimeZone('America/Chicago')); 14 $end = new \DateTimeImmutable('2022-06-06 11:00:00.000000', new \DateTimeZone('America/New_York'));
H A D | bug65502.phpt | 2 Test for bug #65502: DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat returns DateTime 9 echo get_class(DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('j-M-Y', '12-Sep-2013')); 12 DateTimeImmutable
H A D | DateTimeImmutable_modify_invalid_format.phpt | 2 DateTimeImmutable::modify() with invalid format 6 $datetime = new DateTimeImmutable; 11 Warning: DateTimeImmutable::modify(): Failed to parse time string () at position 0 ( in %s on line …
H A D | bug80057.phpt | 2 Bug #80057 (DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat() does not populate time) 5 $now = new DateTimeImmutable; 6 $parsed = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2020-09-04');
H A D | gh9699.phpt | 2 Bug GH-9699 (DateTimeImmutable::diff differences in 8.1.10 onwards - timezone related) 6 $date = new DateTimeImmutable('2022-10-09 02:41:54.515330', new DateTimeZone('America/Los_Angeles')… 7 $now = new DateTimeImmutable('2022-10-10 08:41:54.534620', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
H A D | bug-gh8471.phpt | 9 $immutable = \DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable($mutable); 19 $immutable = \DateTimeImmutable::createFromInterface($mutable); 25 $reflection = new ReflectionClass('\DateTimeImmutable'); 35 $reflection = new ReflectionClass('\DateTimeImmutable'); 49 The DateTimeImmutable object has not been correctly initialized by its constructor
H A D | date_time_fractions.phpt | 15 $dt = new DateTimeImmutable( "2016-10-03 12:47:18.819210" ); 18 $dt = new DateTimeImmutable( "2016-10-03 12:47:18.081921" ); 24 $dt = new DateTimeImmutable( "2016-10-03 12:47:18.081921" ); 27 $dt = new DateTimeImmutable( "2016-10-03 12:47:18.081921" ); 30 $dt = new DateTimeImmutable( "2016-10-03 12:47:18.081921" ); 35 $dt1 = new DateTimeImmutable( "2016-10-03 13:20:07.103123" ); 36 $dt2 = new DateTimeImmutable( "2016-10-03 13:20:07.481312" );
H A D | DateTimeImmutable_set_state.phpt | 2 Test __set_state magic method for recreating a DateTimeImmutable object 8 $datettimeObject = new DateTimeImmutable('2017-10-06 23:30:00', new DateTimezone('UTC')); 18 object(DateTimeImmutable)#%d (3) {
H A D | bug81263.phpt | 2 Bug #81263 (Wrong result from DateTimeImmutable::diff) 6 $dt1 = new DateTimeImmutable('2020-07-19 18:30:00', new DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin')); 7 $dt2 = new DateTimeImmutable('2020-07-19 16:30:00', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
H A D | date_period-immutable.phpt | 6 $db1 = new DateTimeImmutable( '2008-01-01' ); 28 DateTimeImmutable 33 DateTimeImmutable 38 DateTimeImmutable
H A D | bug65548.phpt | 2 Test for bug #65548: Comparison for DateTimeImmutable doesn't work 9 $iToday = new DateTimeImmutable('today'); 10 $iTomorrow = new DateTimeImmutable('tomorrow');
H A D | bug60302-002.phpt | 2 Test for bug #60302: DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat should new static(), not new self() 6 class MyDateTime extends DateTimeImmutable { }
H A D | bug79716.phpt | 5 $datetime = new \DateTimeImmutable( 14 object(DateTimeImmutable)#%d (%d) {
H A D | bug74173.phpt | 2 Bug #74173 (DateTimeImmutable::getTimestamp() triggers DST switch in incorrect time) 5 $utc = new \DateTimeImmutable('2016-10-30T00:00:00+00:0');
/PHP-8.1/ext/intl/tests/ |
H A D | dateformat_format_relative.phpt | 30 function printFormat(int $dateFormat, int $timeFormat, DateTimeImmutable $time) { 42 function getToday(): DateTimeImmutable { 43 return new DateTimeImmutable(); 46 function getYesterday(): DateTimeImmutable { 47 return new DateTimeImmutable("-1 day"); 50 function getTomorrow(): DateTimeImmutable { 51 return new DateTimeImmutable("+1 day"); 54 function getDayInPast(): DateTimeImmutable { 55 return new DateTimeImmutable("2020-01-20 20:20:20");
H A D | dateformat_bug65683.phpt | 2 Bug #65683 IntlDateFormatter accepts DateTimeImmutable 9 var_dump($formatter->format(new DateTimeImmutable('2017-03-27 00:00:00 UTC'))) . "\n";
/PHP-8.1/ext/date/ |
H A D | php_date_arginfo.h | 524 ZEND_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, __construct); 525 ZEND_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, __wakeup); 526 ZEND_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, __set_state); 527 ZEND_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, modify); 528 ZEND_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, add); 529 ZEND_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, sub); 530 ZEND_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, setTimezone); 531 ZEND_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, setTime); 532 ZEND_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, setDate); 533 ZEND_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, setISODate); [all …]
H A D | php_date.stub.php | 56 string $datetime = "now", ?DateTimeZone $timezone = null): DateTimeImmutable|false {} 221 public static function createFromImmutable(DateTimeImmutable $object): DateTime {} 317 class DateTimeImmutable implements DateTimeInterface class 325 public static function __set_state(array $array): DateTimeImmutable {} 371 public function modify(string $modifier): DateTimeImmutable|false {} 374 public function add(DateInterval $interval): DateTimeImmutable {} 377 public function sub(DateInterval $interval): DateTimeImmutable {} 380 public function setTimezone(DateTimeZone $timezone): DateTimeImmutable {} 386 public function setDate(int $year, int $month, int $day): DateTimeImmutable {} 392 public function setTimestamp(int $timestamp): DateTimeImmutable {} [all …]