/PHP-8.4/tests/security/ |
H A D | open_basedir_copy.phpt | 8 test_open_basedir_before("copy"); 10 var_dump(copy("ok.txt", "../bad")); 11 var_dump(copy("ok.txt", "../bad/bad.txt")); 12 var_dump(copy("ok.txt", "..")); 13 var_dump(copy("ok.txt", "../")); 14 var_dump(copy("ok.txt", "/")); 15 var_dump(copy("ok.txt", "../bad/.")); 17 var_dump(copy("ok.txt", "./../.")); 19 var_dump(copy("ok.txt", "copy.txt")); 20 var_dump(unlink("copy.txt")); [all …]
H A D | open_basedir_copy_variation1.phpt | 8 test_open_basedir_before("copy"); 10 var_dump(copy("../bad/bad.txt", "copy.txt")); 11 var_dump(unlink("copy.txt")); 13 test_open_basedir_after("copy"); 21 *** Testing open_basedir configuration [copy] *** 28 Warning: copy(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(../bad/bad.txt) is not within the allowed… 31 Warning: unlink(copy.txt): No such file or directory in %s on line %d 33 *** Finished testing open_basedir configuration [copy] ***
/PHP-8.4/ext/standard/tests/file/ |
H A D | copy_variation11.phpt | 2 Test copy() function: usage variations - existing dir as destination 5 /* Test copy(): Trying to copy the file to a destination, where destination is an existing dir */ 9 echo "*** Test copy() function: Trying to create a copy of source file as a dir ***\n"; 18 echo "Size of source before copy operation => "; 21 echo "Size of destination before copy operation => "; 25 echo "\n-- Now applying copy() operation --\n"; 26 var_dump( copy($file, $dir) ); //expected: bool(false) 48 *** Test copy() function: Trying to create a copy of source file as a dir *** 49 Size of source before copy operation => int(300) 50 Size of destination before copy operation => int(%d) [all …]
H A D | copy_variation14.phpt | 2 Test copy() function: usage variations - non existing src/dest 5 /* Test copy(): Trying to create a copy of non-existing source in an existing destination 10 echo "*** Test copy() function: Trying to create a copy of non-existing source in existing destinat… 16 var_dump( copy($file_path."/nosuchfile.tmp", $file_path."/copy_nosuchfile.tmp") ); //With non-exis… 19 echo "\n*** Test copy() function: Trying to create copy of an existing source in non-existing desti… 20 var_dump( copy($file, $file_path."/nodir/copy_nosuchfile.tmp") ); //With non-existing dir path 31 *** Test copy() function: Trying to create a copy of non-existing source in existing destination *** 32 Warning: copy(%s): %s 36 *** Test copy() function: Trying to create copy of an existing source in non-existing destination *… 37 Warning: copy(%s): %s
H A D | copy_variation13.phpt | 2 Test copy() function: usage variations - src as dir and dest as an existing file(Bug #42243) 5 /* Test copy(): Trying to copy dir to an existing file */ 7 echo "*** Test copy() function: Trying to copy dir to file ***\n"; 14 echo "*** Testing copy() in copying dir to file ***\n"; 15 var_dump( copy($dir, $file) ); 37 *** Test copy() function: Trying to copy dir to file *** 38 *** Testing copy() in copying dir to file *** 40 Warning: copy(): The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory in %scopy_variation13.…
H A D | copy_variation12-win32.phpt | 2 Test copy() function: usage variations - dir as source 10 /* Test copy(): Trying to create a copy of an existing dir */ 14 echo "*** Test copy() function: Trying to create a copy of an existing dir ***\n"; 20 var_dump( copy($src_dir, $dest) ); 33 *** Test copy() function: Trying to create a copy of an existing dir *** 35 Warning: copy(): The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory in %s on line %d
H A D | copy_variation12.phpt | 2 Test copy() function: usage variations - dir as source (Bug #42111) 10 /* Test copy(): Trying to create a copy of an existing dir */ 14 echo "*** Test copy() function: Trying to create a copy of an existing dir ***\n"; 20 var_dump( copy($src_dir, $dest) ); 34 *** Test copy() function: Trying to create a copy of an existing dir *** 36 Warning: copy(): The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory in %scopy_variation12.…
H A D | copy_variation18.phpt | 2 Test copy() function: usage variations - stat after copy 5 /* Test copy(): checking stat of file before and after after copy operation */ 11 echo "*** Test copy() function: stat of file before and after copy ***\n"; 25 var_dump( copy($src_file_name, $dest_file_name) ); 35 echo "Comparing the stats of file before and after copy operation => "; 46 *** Test copy() function: stat of file before and after copy *** 48 Comparing the stats of file before and after copy operation => bool(true)
H A D | copy_variation17.phpt | 2 Test copy() function: usage variations - wildcard chars in source 5 /* Test copy(): Trying to copy the source file which is given with the combination of wild-card cha… 9 echo "*** Test copy() function: With source file names containing wild-card chars ***\n"; 20 $file_path."/copy*17.tmp", 30 var_dump( copy($src_file_name, $dest_file_name) ); 49 *** Test copy() function: With source file names containing wild-card chars *** 54 Warning: copy(%s): %s 58 Warning: copy(%s): %s 62 Warning: copy(%s): %s 66 Warning: copy(%s): %s
H A D | copy_variation4.phpt | 36 echo "Size of the source file before copy operation => "; 46 echo "Existence of destination file before copy => "; 50 var_dump( copy($src_file_name, $dest_file_name) ); 85 Existence of destination file before copy => bool(true) 87 Warning: copy(): The second argument to copy() function cannot be a directory in %s on line %d 97 Existence of destination file before copy => bool(true) 99 Warning: copy(): The second argument to copy() function cannot be a directory in %s on line %d 109 Existence of destination file before copy => bool(true) 111 Warning: copy(): The second argument to copy() function cannot be a directory in %s on line %d 121 Existence of destination file before copy => bool(true) [all …]
H A D | copy_basic.phpt | 2 Test copy() function: basic functionality 5 echo "*** Testing copy() function: to copy file from source to destination --\n"; 13 var_dump( copy(__FILE__, $file_name1) ); 14 var_dump( copy($file_name1, $file_name2) ); 16 echo "-- Checking whether the copy of file exists --\n"; 39 *** Testing copy() function: to copy file from source to destination -- 43 -- Checking whether the copy of file exists --
H A D | copy_variation10.phpt | 2 Test copy() function: usage variations - identical names 5 /* Test copy(): Try copying source file to desntination file, where destination file name is identi… 9 echo "*** Test copy(): Trying to create a copy of file with the same source name ***\n"; 15 var_dump( copy($file, $file) ); 26 *** Test copy(): Trying to create a copy of file with the same source name ***
H A D | copy_variation15.phpt | 2 Test copy() function: usage variations - destination dir access perms 11 /* Test copy(): Trying to create a copy of file in a dir which doesn't have write permissions */ 15 echo "*** Test copy() function: Trying to create a copy of file in a dir which doesn't have write p… 30 var_dump( copy($file, $dir."/copy_copy_variation15.tmp") ); 44 *** Test copy() function: Trying to create a copy of file in a dir which doesn't have write permiss… 45 Warning: copy(%s): %s
H A D | copy_variation3-win32.phpt | 2 Test copy() function: usage variations - destination file names(white spaces) 27 "copy variation3.tmp", //file name containing blank space 29 "copy\tvariation3.tmp", 33 echo "Size of the source file before copy operation => "; 37 echo "\n-- Now applying copy() on source file to create copies --"; 45 var_dump( copy($src_file_name, $dest_file_name) ); 76 Size of the source file before copy operation => int(1500) 78 -- Now applying copy() on source file to create copies -- 82 Destination file name => copy variation3.tmp 95 Warning: copy(%s): %s [all …]
H A D | copy_error.phpt | 2 Test copy() function: error conditions 5 echo "*** Testing copy() function: error conditions --\n"; 7 var_dump( copy("/no/file", "file") ); 12 *** Testing copy() function: error conditions -- 14 Warning: copy(/no/file): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in %s on line %d
H A D | copy_variation3.phpt | 2 Test copy() function: usage variations - destination file names(white spaces) 27 "copy variation3.tmp", //file name containing blank space 29 "copy\tvariation3.tmp", 33 echo "Size of the source file before copy operation => "; 37 echo "\n-- Now applying copy() on source file to create copies --"; 45 var_dump( copy($src_file_name, $dest_file_name) ); 74 *** Test copy() function: destination file names containing whitespaces *** 75 Size of the source file before copy operation => int(1500) 77 -- Now applying copy() on source file to create copies -- 81 Destination file name => copy variation3.tmp [all …]
H A D | copy_variation9.phpt | 2 Test copy() function: usage variations - destination file access perms 11 /* Test copy(): Trying to copy source file to destination file with and without write permissions */ 15 echo "*** Test copy() function: destination with/without write permissions ***\n"; 26 var_dump( copy($src_file_name, $dest_file_name) ); 33 var_dump( copy($src_file_name, $dest_file_name) ); 45 *** Test copy() function: destination with/without write permissions ***
/PHP-8.4/Zend/tests/ |
H A D | bug72543.phpt | 11 function change_copy($copy) { 12 $copy['b']['z']['z'] = $copy['b']; 23 $copy = $data['a']; 24 var_dump($copy); 26 change_copy($copy); 27 var_dump($copy); //RECURSION
/PHP-8.4/ext/opcache/tests/jit/ |
H A D | fetch_dim_w_004.phpt | 15 function change_copy($copy) { 16 $copy['b']['z']['z'] = $copy['b']; 27 $copy = $data['a']; 28 var_dump($copy); 30 change_copy($copy); 31 var_dump($copy); //RECURSION
/PHP-8.4/ext/spl/tests/ |
H A D | arrayObject_exchangeArray_basic3.phpt | 16 $copy = $ao->exchangeArray($swapIn); 17 $copy['addedToCopy'] = 'added To Copy'; 23 var_dump($ao, $original, $swapIn, $copy); 27 unset($original, $ao, $swapIn, $copy); 31 $copy = $ao->exchangeArray(); 32 $copy['addedToCopy'] = 'added To Copy'; 37 var_dump($ao, $original, $copy); 40 unset($original, $ao, $swapIn, $copy); 44 $copy = $ao->exchangeArray(null); 45 $copy['addedToCopy'] = 'added To Copy'; [all …]
/PHP-8.4/ext/date/tests/ |
H A D | date_time_immutable.phpt | 104 copy: 2012-12-27 16:24:08 Europe/London 107 copy: 2012-12-29 16:24:08 Europe/London 112 copy: 2012-12-27 16:24:08 Europe/London 115 copy: 2012-12-29 16:24:10 Europe/London 120 copy: 2012-12-27 16:24:08 Europe/London 123 copy: 2012-12-25 16:24:06 Europe/London 128 copy: 2012-12-27 16:24:08 Europe/London 131 copy: 2012-12-28 01:24:08 Asia/Tokyo 134 copy: 2012-12-27 16:24:08 Europe/London 139 copy: 2012-12-27 16:24:08 Europe/London [all …]
/PHP-8.4/ext/gd/tests/ |
H A D | imagecopyresampled_variation1.phpt | 27 $copy = imagecreatetruecolor(5, 5); 28 imagealphablending($copy, false); 29 imagesavealpha($copy, true); 30 imagecopyresampled($copy, $im, 0,0, 0,0, 5,5, 10, 10); 33 $color = imagecolorat($copy, 3, 3); 34 for ($i = 0; $i < imagesx($copy); $i++) { 35 for ($j = 0; $j < imagesy($copy); $j++) { 36 if (imagecolorat($copy, $i, $j) != $color) { 62 imagedestroy($copy);
/PHP-8.4/ext/phar/tests/ |
H A D | phar_copy.phpt | 2 Phar: copy() 25 $p->copy('a', 'b'); 29 $p->copy('b', 'c'); 32 copy($fname, $fname2); 33 $p->copy('a', $ename); 47 $p2->copy('notexisting', 'another'); 52 $p2->copy('a', 'b'); 57 $p2->copy('a', 'd'); 60 $p2->copy('d', '.phar/stub.php'); 65 $p2->copy('.phar/stub.php', 'd'); [all …]
/PHP-8.4/ext/curl/tests/ |
H A D | curl_copy_handle_basic_006.phpt | 14 echo '*** Testing curl copy handle with User Agent ***' . "\n"; 24 $copy = curl_copy_handle($ch); 27 var_dump( curl_exec($copy) ); 29 …curl_close($ch); // cannot close original handle before curl_exec($copy) since it causes char * in… 30 curl_close($copy); 34 *** Testing curl copy handle with User Agent ***
H A D | curl_copy_handle_basic_001.phpt | 14 echo '*** Testing curl copy handle with simple GET ***' . "\n"; 23 $copy = curl_copy_handle($ch); 26 $curl_content = curl_exec($copy); 27 curl_close($copy); 32 *** Testing curl copy handle with simple GET ***