/PHP-8.1/Zend/tests/ |
H A D | closure_compare.phpt | 9 $closures[0] = Closure::fromCallable('foo'); 10 $closures[1] = Closure::fromCallable('foo'); 14 $closures[0] = Closure::fromCallable('strlen'); 15 $closures[1] = Closure::fromCallable('strlen'); 19 $closures[0] = Closure::fromCallable('strlen'); 20 $closures[1] = Closure::fromCallable('strrev'); 55 $closures[0] = Closure::fromCallable([$foo, "exists"]); 72 $closures[0] = Closure::fromCallable([$foo, "exists"]); 73 $closures[1] = Closure::fromCallable([$foo, "exists"]); 77 $closures[0] = Closure::fromCallable([$foo, "method"]); [all …]
H A D | bug78689.phpt | 2 Bug #78689: Closure::fromCallable() doesn't handle [Closure, '__invoke'] 8 $b = Closure::fromCallable($a);
H A D | bug81626.phpt | 2 Bug #81626: Error on use static:: in __сallStatic() wrapped to Closure::fromCallable() 13 $closure = Closure::fromCallable([TestClass::class, 'foo']);
H A D | bug75474.phpt | 13 var_dump(Closure::fromCallable("bar")(1, 1)); 15 var_dump(Closure::fromCallable("bar")(3, 3));
H A D | closure_call_internal.phpt | 6 var_dump(Closure::fromCallable([new DateTime(), 'getTimestamp'])->call(new DateTime('@123')));
H A D | closure_063.phpt | 8 Closure::fromCallable('foo')->bindTo(new stdClass);
H A D | closure_call_bind.phpt | 14 Closure::fromCallable([$foo, $name . "bar"])->bindTo(new Foo)();
/PHP-8.1/Zend/tests/closures/ |
H A D | closure_from_callable.inc | 58 return Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'privateInstanceFunc']); 73 return Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'publicInstanceFunc']); 78 return Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'publicInstanceFunc']); 83 return Closure::fromCallable('self::publicInstanceFunc'); 99 return Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'privateInstanceFunc']); 114 return Closure::fromCallable('parent::publicInstanceFunc'); 119 return Closure::fromCallable('self::publicInstanceFunc'); 125 return Closure::fromCallable('self::protectedInstanceFunc'); 130 return Closure::fromCallable('self::privateInstanceFunc'); 176 return Closure::fromCallable([$foo, 'privateStaticFunction']); [all …]
H A D | closure_from_callable_lsb.phpt | 2 Testing Closure::fromCallable() functionality: Late static binding 15 Closure::fromCallable(['A', 'test'])(); 16 Closure::fromCallable(['B', 'test'])();
H A D | closure_from_callable_gc.phpt | 2 Closure::fromCallable() and GC 15 $fn = Closure::fromCallable([new Test, 'method2']); 20 $fn = Closure::fromCallable([new Test, 'method']);
H A D | closure_from_callable_basic.phpt | 2 Testing Closure::fromCallable() functionality: Basic 9 $fn = Closure::fromCallable(['Foo', 'publicStaticFunction']); 13 $fn = Closure::fromCallable(['fOo', 'publicStaticfUNCTION']); 17 $fn = Closure::fromCallable('Foo::publicStaticFunction'); 21 $fn = Closure::fromCallable([new Foo, 'publicInstanceFunc']); 25 $fn = Closure::fromCallable([new Foo, 'publicInstanceFunc']); 29 $fn = Closure::fromCallable('bar'); 33 $fn = Closure::fromCallable('BAR'); 37 $fn = Closure::fromCallable($closure); 41 $fn = Closure::fromCallable(new PublicInvocable); [all …]
H A D | closure_from_callable_rebinding.phpt | 2 Testing Closure::fromCallable() functionality: Rebinding 15 $fn = Closure::fromCallable([new A, 'method']);
H A D | closure_from_callable_non_static_statically.phpt | 2 Testing Closure::fromCallable() functionality: Getting non-static method statically 12 $fn = Closure::fromCallable(['A', 'method']);
H A D | closure_from_callable_error.phpt | 2 Testing Closure::fromCallable() functionality: Errors 10 $fn = Closure::fromCallable(['Foo', 'privateInstanceFunc']); 23 $fn = Closure::fromCallable('Foo::privateInstanceFunc'); 35 $fn = Closure::fromCallable([new Foo, 'privateInstanceFunc']); 47 $fn = Closure::fromCallable([new SubFoo, 'privateInstanceFunc']); 59 $fn = Closure::fromCallable([new Foo, 'privateStaticFunction']); 71 $fn = Closure::fromCallable(['Foo', 'privateStaticFunction']); 83 $fn = Closure::fromCallable('Foo::privateStaticFunction'); 95 $fn = Closure::fromCallable('Foo::nonExistentFunction'); 107 $fn = Closure::fromCallable(['NonExistentClass', 'foo']); [all …]
H A D | closure_from_callable_reflection.phpt | 2 Testing Closure::fromCallable() functionality: Reflection 27 $closure = Closure::fromCallable($callable);
H A D | bug80929.phpt | 21 $this->listener = Closure::fromCallable([$this, $params]);
/PHP-8.1/ext/reflection/tests/ |
H A D | ReflectionFunction_getClosureCalledClass.phpt | 33 $d = \Closure::fromCallable($c); 39 $d = \Closure::fromCallable($c); 45 $d = \Closure::fromCallable($c); 51 $d = \Closure::fromCallable($c); 57 $d = \Closure::fromCallable($c);
/PHP-8.1/Zend/ |
H A D | zend_closures_arginfo.h | 32 ZEND_METHOD(Closure, fromCallable); 40 ZEND_ME(Closure, fromCallable, arginfo_class_Closure_fromCallable, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC|ZEND_ACC_STATIC)
H A D | zend_closures.stub.php | 23 public static function fromCallable(callable $callback): Closure {} function in Closure
H A D | zend_closures.c | 356 ZEND_METHOD(Closure, fromCallable) in ZEND_METHOD() argument
/PHP-8.1/ext/zend_test/tests/ |
H A D | observer_closure_02.phpt | 20 $closure = \Closure::fromCallable($callable);
/PHP-8.1/ |
H A D | UPGRADING | 203 which is the same as `Closure::fromCallable('myFunc')`. Yes, the `...` is