/PHP-5.6/ext/gd/tests/ |
H A D | bug39273.phpt | 9 $small = imagecreatetruecolor(10, 10); 10 $c1 = imagecolorallocatealpha($small, 255,0,0,50); 11 imagecolortransparent($small, 0); 12 imagealphablending($small, 0); 13 imagefilledrectangle($small, 0,0, 6,6, $c1); 17 $srcw = imagesx($small); 18 $srch = imagesy($small); 24 imagecopyresized($img, $small, 0,0, 0,0, $width, $height, $srcw, $srch);
H A D | bug39508.phpt | 2 Bug #39508 (imagefill crashes with small images 3 pixels or less)
H A D | bug39286.phpt | 2 Bug #39508 (imagefill crashes with small images 3 pixels or less)
H A D | bug51671.phpt | 2 Bug #51671 (imagefill does not work correctly for small images)
H A D | bug60160.phpt | 2 Bug #60160 (imagefill does not work correctly for small images) @see bug51671
/PHP-5.6/ext/standard/tests/image/ |
H A D | bug70052.phpt | 2 Bug #70052 (getimagesize() fails for very large and very small WBMP)
/PHP-5.6/ext/standard/tests/strings/ |
H A D | bug36306.phpt | 9 Have to find some small strings to truly reproduce
H A D | strtoupper.phpt | 13 // this one. A small array based on PHP_OS should
/PHP-5.6/ext/zlib/tests/ |
H A D | gzinflate_error1.phpt | 30 echo "\n-- Testing with a buffer that is too small --\n"; 63 -- Testing with a buffer that is too small --
H A D | gzuncompress_error1.phpt | 30 echo "\n-- Testing with a buffer that is too small --\n"; 65 -- Testing with a buffer that is too small --
H A D | gzencode_variation2-win32.phpt | 24 $data = "A small string to encode\n";
H A D | gzencode_variation2.phpt | 24 $data = "A small string to encode\n";
/PHP-5.6/ext/standard/tests/array/ |
H A D | array_filter_variation10.phpt | 17 $small = array(123); 37 var_dump( array_filter($small, 'dump', false) );
H A D | array_change_key_case_variation3.phpt | 46 12.3456789000E-10 => 'small', 133 string(5) "small"
H A D | array_shift_variation3.phpt | 45 12.3456789000E-10 => 'small', 133 string(5) "small"
H A D | array_values_variation3.phpt | 46 12.3456789000E-10 => 'small', 136 string(5) "small"
H A D | array_merge_variation4.phpt | 49 12.3456789000E-10 => 'small', 174 string(5) "small" 188 string(5) "small"
H A D | array_slice_variation7.phpt | 50 12.3456789000E-10 => 'small', 167 string(5) "small" 174 string(5) "small"
H A D | natcasesort_variation11.phpt | 45 12.3456789000E-10 => 'small', 148 string(5) "small"
H A D | natcasesort_variation4.phpt | 25 // array contains combination of capital/small letters
/PHP-5.6/ext/phar/tests/ |
H A D | 011.phpt | 2 Phar::mapPhar filesize too small in manifest
/PHP-5.6/ext/bz2/ |
H A D | bz2.c | 86 ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, small) 547 long small = 0; in PHP_FUNCTION() local 555 …FAILURE == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s|l", &source, &source_len, &small)) { in PHP_FUNCTION() 562 if (BZ2_bzDecompressInit(&bzs, 0, small) != BZ_OK) { in PHP_FUNCTION()
/PHP-5.6/ext/spl/tests/ |
H A D | fixedarray_021.phpt | 2 SPL: FixedArray: misc small tests
/PHP-5.6/ext/mysqli/tests/ |
H A D | mysqli_debug_ini.phpt | 42 printf("[004] Trace file '%s' is very small. filesize() reports only %d bytes. Please check.\n",
H A D | mysqli_fetch_assoc_zerofill.phpt | 50 printf("[%03d] Length reported is too small to run test\n", $offset);