/PHP-5.6/ext/date/tests/ |
H A D | mktime_error.phpt | 5 /* Prototype : int mktime ([ int $hour= date("H") [, int $minute= date("i") [, int $second= dat…
H A D | gmstrftime_variation6.phpt | 20 'Hour as decimal by 24-hour format' => "%H",
H A D | rfc-datetime_and_daylight_saving_time-type3-bd1.phpt | 9 $date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s T e';
H A D | strftime_variation6.phpt | 21 'Hour as decimal by 24-hour format' => "%H",
H A D | gmdate_variation9.phpt | 25 '24-hour format with leading zeros' => 'H',
H A D | rfc-datetime_and_daylight_saving_time-type3-bd2.phpt | 11 $date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s T e';
H A D | rfc-datetime_and_daylight_saving_time-type3-fa.phpt | 9 $date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s T e';
H A D | rfc-datetime_and_daylight_saving_time-type3-fd.phpt | 9 $date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s T e';
H A D | rfc-datetime_and_daylight_saving_time-type3-fs.phpt | 11 $date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s T e';
/PHP-5.6/ext/pdo_firebird/tests/ |
H A D | execute.phpt | 7 ibase.timestampformat=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
/PHP-5.6/ext/pdo_odbc/ |
H A D | php_pdo_odbc_int.h | 150 pdo_odbc_db_handle *H; member
/PHP-5.6/ext/pdo_pgsql/ |
H A D | php_pdo_pgsql_int.h | 62 pdo_pgsql_db_handle *H; member
/PHP-5.6/ext/hash/tests/ |
H A D | fnv1a32.phpt | 106 array( 'p<BC`}|5[Qm!;S,(uE,H', '50d88cac' ), 148 array( 'w~*-IHc!72/U$!bThYH$x|=@H>9+', '547a6b68' ), 154 array( 'lr+A0&h05sk=^{4\'M#\\H"t{sh kESS', '0c39d6ad' ), 176 array( 'H@aJ,^!&W02$4<-Q#MCANApR=]fD\'RqPrT', '2d094101' ), 209 array( 'WbVHP!H- rVratWPW7+a}Y&|\\AFBw{!O_Ww0YA>Y5', '26b7c332' ), 222 array( '}cb~>Xb)FmR,laznl:H^V?FKLC4z|9}{|`z<:^F`Lxm', 'c04f1349' ), 231 array( 'H}|-^7 ]ro_gEW;PD*N5]Q7S3u^c\' YP~W^^n^<bO{KuS', '8e947b43' ), 238 array( 't$U)x8*X/{,3W)H@hW m;\'bA+?mV}K(rP^|Iw("\'$/;\\9d', '5ec32f02' ), 267 array( 'J}EAe)ZBYl4nwlDAh9|HP}om&H&q5sy`q@#XI]z$K0rD}7efQc0#', 'bc868018' ), 277 array( 'PZtC Rf<oKSs</),uvf\\cbw/<W2lF@ v{u:{H"88Ml-i{6ur.]OqAH', '6aa6fe03' ),
/PHP-5.6/ext/pdo_dblib/ |
H A D | php_pdo_dblib_int.h | 119 pdo_dblib_db_handle *H; member
/PHP-5.6/ext/standard/tests/strings/ |
H A D | pack.phpt | 21 print_r(unpack("H", pack("H", 0x04)));
H A D | html_entity_decode_win1252.phpt | 63 $d = unpack("H*", $res); 69 $res = unpack("H*", $res)[1];
/PHP-5.6/ext/pcre/pcrelib/testdata/ |
H A D | testinput11 | 29 |8J\$WE\<\.rX\+ix\[d1b\!H\#\?vV0vrK\:ZH1\=2M\>iV\;\?aPhFB\<\*vW\@QW\@sO9\}cfZA\-i\'w\%hKd6gt1UJP\,1… 31 |\$\<\.X\+ix\[d1b\!H\#\?vV0vrK\:ZH1\=2M\>iV\;\?aPhFB\<\*vW\@QW\@sO9\}cfZA\-i\'w\%hKd6gt1UJP\,15_\#Q…
H A D | testinput5 | 224 /\H\h\V\v/8 230 /\H*\h+\V?\v{3,4}/8 237 /\H\h\V\v/8 243 /\H*\h+\V?\v{3,4}/8 258 /[\H]/8BZ 680 /\H+/8 686 /[\H\x{d7ff}]+/8BZ
H A D | testoutput2 | 8461 /\H++X/BZ 8474 /\H+\hY/BZ 8486 /\H+ Y/BZ 8531 / *\H/BZ 8535 \H 8609 \H 8629 /\H+\h\H+\d/BZ 8690 H 10851 /X\H*\R/BZ 10863 /X\H+\R/BZ [all …]
/PHP-5.6/ext/standard/tests/time/ |
H A D | strptime_error.phpt | 26 $format = '%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S';
/PHP-5.6/ext/mbstring/tests/ |
H A D | mb_decode_mimeheader_variation2.phpt | 28 "=?ISO-2022-JP?Q?=1B=24BF=7CK=5C=38l=25F=25-=25=39=25H=24G=24=39=1B=28B?=
/PHP-5.6/ext/session/ |
H A D | mod_files.bat | 36 IF /I %Bits% GEQ 5 SET HashChars=!HashChars! G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V
/PHP-5.6/ext/phar/tests/ |
H A D | 016.phpt | 17 $files['a'] = array('cont'=>b'a','comp'=> (binary)pack('H*', 'cbc80400'),'flags'=>0x00001000, 'ulen…
/PHP-5.6/ext/mysqli/tests/ |
H A D | mysqli_stmt_bind_result.phpt | 230 func_mysqli_stmt_bind_result($link, $engine, "s", "DATETIME", @date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 900); 231 func_mysqli_stmt_bind_result($link, $engine, "s", "DATETIME NOT NULL", @date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 920); 234 func_mysqli_stmt_bind_result($link, $engine, "s", "TIMESTAMP", @date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 960); 236 func_mysqli_stmt_bind_result($link, $engine, "s", "TIME", @date('H:i:s'), 980); 237 func_mysqli_stmt_bind_result($link, $engine, "s", "TIME NOT NULL", @date('H:i:s'), 1000);
/PHP-5.6/ext/pcre/tests/ |
H A D | preg_replace_basic.phpt | 13 var_dump(preg_replace('<\b[hH]\w{2,4}>', 'Bonjour', $string)); //finds h or H at the beginning of a…