import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; const httpHost = process.env.HTTP_HOST if (typeof httpHost !== 'string') { throw new Error('Environment variable "HTTP_HOST" is not set.') } test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.goto(httpHost); }); const openSearchModal = async (page) => { await page.getByRole('button', {name: 'Search'}).click(); const modal = await page.getByRole('dialog', { name: 'Search modal' }); // Wait for the modal animation to finish await expect(page.locator('')).not.toHaveClass('showing'); expect(modal).toBeVisible(); return modal; } const expectModalToBeHidden = async (page, modal) => { await expect(page.locator('#search-modal__backdrop')).not.toHaveClass(['show', 'hiding']); await expect(modal).toBeHidden(); } const expectOption = async (modal, name) => { await expect(modal.getByRole('option', { name })).toBeVisible(); } const expectSelectedOption = async (modal, name) => { await expect(modal.getByRole('option', { name, selected: true })).toBeVisible(); } test('should open search modal when search button is clicked', async ({ page }) => { const searchModal = await openSearchModal(page); await expect(searchModal).toBeVisible(); }); test('should disable window scroll when search modal is open', async ({ page }) => { await openSearchModal(page); await page.mouse.wheel(0, 100); await page.waitForTimeout(100); const currentScrollY = await page.evaluate(() => window.scrollY); expect(currentScrollY).toBe(0); }); test('should focus on search input when modal is opened', async ({ page }) => { const modal = await openSearchModal(page); const searchInput = modal.getByRole('searchbox', { name: 'Search docs' }); await expect(searchInput).toBeFocused(); await expect(searchInput).toHaveValue(''); }); test('should close search modal when close button is clicked', async ({ page }) => { const modal = await openSearchModal(page); await modal.getByRole('button', { name: 'Close' }).click(); await expectModalToBeHidden(page, modal); }); test('should re-enable window scroll when search modal is closed', async ({ page }) => { const modal = await openSearchModal(page); await modal.getByRole('button', { name: 'Close' }).click(); await expectModalToBeHidden(page, modal); await page.mouse.wheel(0, 100); await page.waitForTimeout(100); // wait for scroll event to be processed const currentScrollY = await page.evaluate(() => window.scrollY); expect(currentScrollY).toBe(100); }); test('should close search modal when Escape key is pressed', async ({ page }) => { const modal = await openSearchModal(page); await'Escape'); await expectModalToBeHidden(page, modal); }); test('should close search modal when clicking outside of it', async ({ page }) => { const modal = await openSearchModal(page); await'#search-modal__backdrop', { position: { x: 10, y: 10 } }); await expectModalToBeHidden(page, modal); }); test('should perform search and display results', async ({ page }) => { const modal = await openSearchModal(page); await modal.getByRole('searchbox').fill('array'); await expect( await modal.getByRole('listbox', { name: 'Search results' }).getByRole('option') ).toHaveCount(30); }); test('should navigate through search results with arrow keys', async ({ page }) => { const modal = await openSearchModal(page); await modal.getByRole('searchbox').fill('strlen'); await expectOption(modal, /^strlen$/); await'ArrowDown'); await expectSelectedOption(modal, /^strlen$/); await'ArrowDown'); await'ArrowDown'); await'ArrowDown'); await expectSelectedOption(modal, /^mb_strlen$/); await'ArrowUp'); await expectSelectedOption(modal, /^iconv_strlen$/); }); test('should navigate to selected result page when Enter is pressed', async ({ page }) => { const modal = await openSearchModal(page); await modal.getByRole('searchbox').fill('strpos'); await expectOption(modal, /^strpos$/); await'ArrowDown'); await'Enter'); await expect(page).toHaveURL(`http://${httpHost}/manual/en/function.strpos.php`); }); test('should navigate to search page when Enter is pressed with no selection', async ({ page }) => { const modal = await openSearchModal(page); await modal.getByRole('searchbox').fill('php basics'); await'Enter'); await expect(page).toHaveURL(`http://${httpHost}/search.php?lang=en&q=php%20basics`); });