$notes */ function manual_notes($notes, $repo = 'en'):void { // Get needed values list($filename) = $GLOBALS['PGI']['this']; // Drop file extension from the name if (substr($filename, -4) == '.php') { $filename = substr($filename, 0, -4); } $sorter = new Sorter(); $sorter->sort($notes); // Link target to add a note to the current manual page, // and it's extended form with a [+] image $addnotelink = '/manual/add-note.php?sect=' . $filename . '&repo=' . $repo . '&redirect=' . $_SERVER['BASE_HREF']; $addnotesnippet = make_link( $addnotelink, "+add a note", ); $num_notes = count($notes); $noteCountHtml = ''; if ($num_notes) { $noteCountHtml = "$num_notes note" . ($num_notes == 1 ? '' : 's') . ""; } echo <<

User Contributed Notes {$noteCountHtml}

END_USERNOTE_HEADER; // If we have no notes, then inform the user if ($num_notes === 0) { echo "\n
There are no user contributed notes for this page.
"; } else { // If we have notes, print them out echo '
'; foreach ($notes as $note) { manual_note_display($note); } echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } echo ""; } /** * Get user notes from the appropriate text dump * * @return array */ function manual_notes_load(string $id): array { $hash = substr(md5($id), 0, 16); $notes_file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/backend/notes/" . substr($hash, 0, 2) . "/$hash"; // Open the note file for reading and get the data (12KB) // ..if it exists if (!file_exists($notes_file)) { return []; } $notes = []; if ($fp = @fopen($notes_file, "r")) { while (!feof($fp)) { $line = chop(fgets($fp, 12288)); if ($line == "") { continue; } @list($id, $sect, $rate, $ts, $user, $note, $up, $down) = explode("|", $line); $notes[$id] = new UserNote($id, $sect, $rate, $ts, $user, base64_decode($note, true), (int) $up, (int) $down); } fclose($fp); } return $notes; } // Print out one user note entry function manual_note_display(UserNote $note, $voteOption = true): void { if ($note->user) { $name = "\n " . htmlspecialchars($note->user) . ""; } else { $name = "Anonymous"; } $name = ($note->id ? "\n id}\" class=\"name\">$nameid}\"> ¶" : "\n $name"); // New date style will be relative time $date = new DateTime("@{$note->ts}"); $datestr = relTime($date); $fdatestr = $date->format("Y-m-d h:i"); $text = clean_note($note->text); // Calculate note rating by up/down votes $vote = $note->upvotes - $note->downvotes; $p = floor(($note->upvotes / (($note->upvotes + $note->downvotes) ?: 1)) * 100); $rate = !$p && !($note->upvotes + $note->downvotes) ? "no votes..." : "$p% like this..."; // Vote User Notes Div if ($voteOption) { list($redir_filename) = $GLOBALS['PGI']['this']; if (substr($redir_filename, -4) == '.php') { $redir_filename = substr($redir_filename, 0, -4); } $rredir_filename = urlencode($redir_filename); $votediv = <<
VOTEDIV; } else { $votediv = null; } // If the viewer is logged in, show admin options if (isset($_COOKIE['IS_DEV']) && $note->id) { $admin = "\n \n " . make_popup_link( 'https://main.php.net/manage/user-notes.php?action=edit+' . $note->id, 'edit note', 'admin', 'scrollbars=yes,width=650,height=400', ) . "\n " . make_popup_link( 'https://main.php.net/manage/user-notes.php?action=reject+' . $note->id, 'reject note', 'admin', 'scrollbars=no,width=300,height=200', ) . "\n " . make_popup_link( 'https://main.php.net/manage/user-notes.php?action=delete+' . $note->id, 'delete note', 'admin', 'scrollbars=no,width=300,height=200', ) . "\n "; } else { $admin = ''; } echo <<{$votediv}{$name}{$admin}
USER_NOTE_TEXT; } function manual_navigation_breadcrumbs(array $setup) { $menu = []; foreach (array_reverse($setup["parents"]) as $parent) { $menu[] = [ "title" => $parent[1], "link" => $parent[0], ]; } // The index manual page has no parent.. if ($setup["up"][0]) { $last_item = [ "title" => $setup["up"][1], "link" => $setup["up"][0], ]; $menu[] = $last_item; } return $menu; } function manual_navigation_related(array $setup) { $siblings = []; foreach ($setup['toc'] as $entry) { $siblings[] = [ "title" => manual_navigation_methodname($entry[1]), "link" => $entry[0], "current" => $setup["this"][0] == $entry[0], ]; } // The index manual page has no parent.. if ($setup["up"][0]) { $last_item = [ "title" => $setup["up"][1], "link" => $setup["up"][0], ]; $siblings = [array_merge($last_item, ["children" => $siblings])]; } return $siblings; } function manual_navigation_deprecated(array $setup) { $methods = []; foreach ((array)$setup['toc_deprecated'] as $entry) { $methods[] = [ "title" => manual_navigation_methodname($entry[1]), "link" => $entry[0], "current" => $setup["this"][0] == $entry[0], ]; } return $methods; } function manual_navigation_methodname($methodname) { // We strip out any class prefix here, we only want method names if (strpos($methodname, '::') !== false && strpos($methodname, ' ') === false) { $tmp = explode('::', $methodname); $methodname = $tmp[1]; } // Add zero-width spaces to allow line-breaks at various characters return str_replace(['-', '_'], ['-​', '_​'], $methodname); } // Set up variables important for this page // including HTTP header information function manual_setup($setup): void { global $PGI, $MYSITE, $USERNOTES; global $ACTIVE_ONLINE_LANGUAGES; //TODO: get rid of this hack to get the related items into manual_footer global $__RELATED; if (!isset($setup["toc_deprecated"])) { $setup["toc_deprecated"] = []; } $PGI = $setup; // Set base href for this manual page $base = 'manual/' . language_convert($setup['head'][1]) . "/"; $_SERVER['BASE_PAGE'] = $base . $setup['this'][0]; $_SERVER['BASE_HREF'] = $MYSITE . $_SERVER['BASE_PAGE']; $timestamps = [ filemtime($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/" . $_SERVER["BASE_PAGE"]), filemtime($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/include/prepend.inc"), filemtime($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/styles/theme-base.css"), ]; // Load user note for this page $filename = $PGI['this'][0]; // Drop file extension from the name if (substr($filename, -4) == '.php') { $filename = substr($filename, 0, -4); } $USERNOTES = manual_notes_load($filename); if ($USERNOTES) { $note = current($USERNOTES); $timestamps[] = $note->ts; } $lastmod = max($timestamps); $breadcrumbs = manual_navigation_breadcrumbs($setup); $__RELATED['toc'] = manual_navigation_related($setup); $__RELATED['toc_deprecated'] = manual_navigation_deprecated($setup); $config = [ "current" => "docs", "breadcrumbs" => $breadcrumbs, "languages" => array_keys($ACTIVE_ONLINE_LANGUAGES), "meta-navigation" => [ "contents" => $base . $setup["home"][0], "index" => $base . $setup["up"][0], "prev" => $base . $setup["prev"][0], "next" => $base . $setup["next"][0], ], "lang" => $setup["head"][1], "thispage" => $setup["this"][0], "prev" => $setup["prev"], "next" => $setup["next"], "cache" => $lastmod, ]; site_header($setup["this"][1] . " - Manual ", $config); $languageChooser = manual_language_chooser($config['lang'], $config['thispage']); echo <<
PAGE_TOOLS; } function manual_language_chooser($currentlang, $currentpage) { global $ACTIVE_ONLINE_LANGUAGES; // Prepare the form with all the options $othersel = ' selected="selected"'; $out = []; foreach ($ACTIVE_ONLINE_LANGUAGES as $lang => $text) { $selected = ''; if ($lang == $currentlang) { $selected = ' selected="selected"'; $othersel = ''; } $out[] = ""; } $out[] = ""; $format_options = implode("\n" . str_repeat(' ', 6), $out); $r = <<
CHANGE_LANG; return trim($r); } function manual_footer($setup): void { global $USERNOTES, $__RELATED; $id = substr($setup['this'][0], 0, -4); $repo = strtolower($setup["head"][1]); // pt_BR etc. $edit_url = "https://github.com/php/doc-{$repo}"; // If the documentation source information is available (generated using // doc-base/configure.php and PhD) then try and make a source-specific URL. if (isset($setup['source'])) { $source_lang = $setup['source']['lang']; if ($source_lang === $repo || $source_lang === 'base') { $edit_url = "https://github.com/php/doc-{$source_lang}/blob/master/{$setup['source']['path']}"; } } $lastUpdate = ''; if (isset($setup["history"]['modified']) && $setup["history"]['modified'] !== "") { $modifiedDateTime = date_create($setup["history"]['modified']); if ($modifiedDateTime !== false) { $lastUpdate .= "Last updated on " . date_format($modifiedDateTime,"M d, Y (H:i T)"); $lastUpdate .= (isset($setup["history"]['contributors'][0]) ? " by " . $setup["history"]['contributors'][0] : "") . "."; } } $contributors = ''; if (isset($setup["history"]['contributors']) && count($setup["history"]['contributors']) > 0) { $contributors = 'All contributors.'; } echo <<

Improve This Page

$lastUpdate $contributors
CONTRIBUTE; manual_notes($USERNOTES, $repo); site_footer([ 'related_menu' => $__RELATED['toc'], 'related_menu_deprecated' => $__RELATED['toc_deprecated'], ]); } // This function takes a DateTime object and returns a formated string of the time difference relative to now function relTime(DateTime $date) { $current = new DateTime(); $diff = $current->diff($date); $units = ["year" => $diff->format("%y"), "month" => $diff->format("%m"), "day" => $diff->format("%d"), "hour" => $diff->format("%h"), "minute" => $diff->format("%i"), "second" => $diff->format("%s"), ]; $out = "just now..."; foreach ($units as $unit => $amount) { if (empty($amount)) { continue; } $out = $amount . " " . ($amount == 1 ? $unit : $unit . "s") . " ago"; break; } return $out; } function contributors($setup) { if (!isset($_GET["contributors"]) || !isset($setup["history"]["contributors"]) || count($setup["history"]["contributors"]) < 1) { return; } $contributorList = "
  • " . implode("
  • ", $setup["history"]["contributors"]) . "
  • "; echo <<

    Output Buffering Control

    The following have authored commits that contributed to this page:
    CONTRIBUTORS; manual_footer($setup); exit; }