We're happy to announce that the Call for Papers has commenced for PHPDetroit 2018. We will be accepting submissions through March 22nd, 2018.
The conference will consist of a tutorial day featuring 4 separate 3-4 hour tutorials, 2 in the morning, and 2 in the afternoon, followed by 2 days of 1 hour sessions. We're also having an opening keynote on the first conference day, and a closing keynote on the last day. We're inviting world-class PHP speakers from around the world to submit their best talks to put together an event that will forever be remembered.
Being a first year conference, we're offering an attractive speaker package, and a special bonus for our Tutorial speakers.
If you're interested in speaking for either a session, tutorial, or keynote, please head over to our CFP page and submit your abstracts for consideration. We look forward to seeing you all in July!