0) { $query .= " php_version LIKE '{$phpver}%' AND"; } /* Categories which are excluded from bug count */ $excluded = "'Feature/Change Request', 'Systems problem', 'Website Problem', 'PEAR related', 'PECL related', 'Documentation problem', 'Translation problem', 'PHP-GTK related', 'Online Doc Editor problem'"; if ($category != '') { $query.= " {$status} AND bug_type = 'Bug' AND package_name = " . $dbh->quote($category); } else { $query.= " status='{$status}' "; } $query.= "AND bug_type NOT IN({$excluded})"; $res = $dbh->prepare($query)->execute([]); $row = $res->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_NUM); return $row[0]; } // Input $phpver = (isset($_GET['phpver']) ? (int) $_GET['phpver'] : false); if (!$phpver || ($phpver !== 5 && $phpver !== 7)) { echo "
\n"; } else { echo "Bug stats for PHP $phpver:
\n\n"; } if (isset($_GET['per_category'])) { $packageRepository = $container->get(PackageRepository::class); $pseudo_pkgs = $packageRepository->findAll($_GET['project'] ?? ''); $totals = []; foreach ($pseudo_pkgs as $category => $data) { $count = get_status_count ("status NOT IN('to be documented', 'closed', 'not a bug', 'duplicate', 'wont fix', 'no feedback')", $category); if ($count > 0) { $totals[$category] = $count; } } arsort($totals); foreach ($totals as $category => $total) { status_print($category, $total, 40); } } else { foreach ($tla as $status => $short) { if (!in_array($status, ['Duplicate'])) { $count = get_status_count ($status); status_print($status, $count, 30); } } } echo "\n\n";