get(Captcha::class); $errors = []; $success = false; $bug_id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['id'] : 0; $bug_id = $bug_id ? $bug_id : ''; if (isset($_POST['captcha']) && $bug_id != '') { // Check if session answer is set, then compare it with the post captcha value. // If it's not the same, then it's an incorrect password. if (!isset($_SESSION['answer']) || $_POST['captcha'] != $_SESSION['answer']) { $errors[] = 'Incorrect Captcha'; } // Try to find the email and the password if (empty($errors)) { $query = "SELECT email, passwd FROM bugdb WHERE id = '{$bug_id}'"; // Run the query $row = $dbh->prepare($query)->execute()->fetch(); if (is_null($row)) { $errors[] = "Invalid bug id provided: #{$bug_id}"; } else { if (empty($row['passwd'])) { $errors[] = "No password found for #$bug_id bug report, sorry."; } else { $new_passwd = bugs_gen_passwd(); $dbh->prepare( 'UPDATE bugdb SET passwd = ? WHERE id = ? ')->execute([bugs_get_hash($new_passwd), $bug_id]); $resp = bugs_mail($row['email'], "Password for {$siteBig} bug report #{$bug_id}", "The password for {$siteBig} bug report #{$bug_id} has been set to: {$new_passwd}", 'From:'); if ($resp) { $success = "The password for bug report #{$bug_id} has been sent to the address associated with this report."; } else { $errors[] = 'Sorry. Mail can not be sent at this time, please try again later.'; } } } } } // Authenticate bugs_authenticate($user, $pw, $logged_in, $user_flags); response_header('Bug Report Password Finder'); echo "
If you need to modify a bug report that you submitted, but have forgotten what password you used, this utility can help you.
Enter in the number of the bug report, press the Send button and the password will be mailed to the email address specified in the bug report.