--TEST-- Error conditions when setting invalid handler callables --EXTENSIONS-- xml --FILE-- getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } /* Create valid parser */ $parser = xml_parser_create(); echo 'Invalid callable type true:', PHP_EOL; try { xml_set_processing_instruction_handler($parser, true); } catch (\Throwable $e) { echo $e::class, ': ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } echo 'Invalid callable type int:', PHP_EOL; try { xml_set_processing_instruction_handler($parser, 10); } catch (\Throwable $e) { echo $e::class, ': ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } echo 'String not callable and no object set:', PHP_EOL; try { xml_set_processing_instruction_handler($parser, "nonexistent_method"); } catch (\Throwable $e) { echo $e::class, ': ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } echo 'String non existent method on set object:', PHP_EOL; xml_set_object($parser, $obj); try { xml_set_processing_instruction_handler($parser, "nonexistent_method"); } catch (\Throwable $e) { echo $e::class, ': ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } ?> --EXPECTF-- Invalid $parser: TypeError: xml_set_processing_instruction_handler(): Argument #1 ($parser) must be of type XMLParser, stdClass given Invalid callable type true: TypeError: xml_set_processing_instruction_handler(): Argument #2 ($handler) must be of type callable|string|null Invalid callable type int: TypeError: xml_set_processing_instruction_handler(): Argument #2 ($handler) must be of type callable|string|null String not callable and no object set: Deprecated: xml_set_processing_instruction_handler(): Passing non-callable strings is deprecated since 8.4 in %s on line %d ValueError: xml_set_processing_instruction_handler(): Argument #2 ($handler) an object must be set via xml_set_object() to be able to lookup method String non existent method on set object: Deprecated: Function xml_set_object() is deprecated since 8.4, provide a proper method callable to xml_set_*_handler() functions in %s on line %d Deprecated: xml_set_processing_instruction_handler(): Passing non-callable strings is deprecated since 8.4 in %s on line %d ValueError: xml_set_processing_instruction_handler(): Argument #2 ($handler) method stdClass::nonexistent_method() does not exist