--TEST-- Test chunk_split() function : usage variations - different integer values for 'chunklen' argument(Bug#42796) --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- getMessage(), "\n"; } catch (\ValueError $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } } ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing chunk_split() : different integer values for 'chunklen' *** -- Iteration 0 -- chunk_split(): Argument #2 ($length) must be greater than 0 -- Iteration 1 -- string(213) "T||h||i||s|| ||c||o||n||t||a||i||n||s|| ||a||n||d|| ||s||p||e||c||i||a||l|| ||c||h||a||r|| ||&|| ||n||u||m||b||e||r||s|| ||1||2||3||.|| ||I||t|| ||a||l||s||o|| ||c||h||e||c||k||s|| ||f||o||r|| ||%0|| ||c||h||a||r||" -- Iteration 2 -- chunk_split(): Argument #2 ($length) must be greater than 0 -- Iteration 3 -- string(73) "This contains and special char & numbers 123. It also checks for %0 char||" -- Iteration 4 -- string(77) "This contains and special ||char & numbers 123. It als||o checks for %0 char||" -- Iteration 5 -- string(73) "This contains and special char & numbers 123. It also checks for %0 char||" -- Iteration 6 -- chunk_split(): Argument #2 ($length) must be of type int, float given -- Iteration 7 -- chunk_split(): Argument #2 ($length) must be greater than 0