--TEST-- Test tempnam() function: usage variations - obscure prefixes --SKIPIF-- --CONFLICTS-- obscure_filename --FILE-- getMessage(), "\n"; continue; } /* creating the files in existing dir */ if (file_exists($file_name) && !$res_arr[$i]) { echo "Failed\n"; } if ($res_arr[$i]) { $file_dir = dirname($file_name); if (realpath($file_dir) == $file_path || realpath($file_dir . "\\") == $file_path) { echo "OK\n"; } else { echo "Failed, not created in the correct directory " . realpath($file_dir) . ' vs ' . $file_path ."\n"; } if (!is_writable($file_name)) { printf("%o\n", fileperms($file_name) ); } } else { echo "OK\n"; } @unlink($file_name); } rmdir($file_path); ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing tempnam() with obscure prefixes *** -- Iteration 0 -- OK -- Iteration 1 -- OK -- Iteration 2 -- OK -- Iteration 3 -- OK -- Iteration 4 -- Notice: tempnam(): file created in the system's temporary directory in %stempnam_variation3-win32.php on line %d Failed, not created in the correct directory %s vs %s 0 -- Iteration 5 -- tempnam(): Argument #2 ($prefix) must not contain any null bytes -- Iteration 6 -- tempnam(): Argument #2 ($prefix) must be of type string, array given -- Iteration 7 -- OK -- Iteration 8 -- OK