/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | https://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Sara Golemon | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include "php_http.h" #include "php_ini.h" #include "url.h" #include "SAPI.h" #include "zend_exceptions.h" #include "basic_functions.h" #include "zend_enum.h" static void php_url_encode_scalar(zval *scalar, smart_str *form_str, int encoding_type, zend_ulong index_int, const char *index_string, size_t index_string_len, const char *num_prefix, size_t num_prefix_len, const zend_string *key_prefix, const zend_string *arg_sep) { if (form_str->s) { smart_str_append(form_str, arg_sep); } /* Simple key=value */ if (key_prefix) { smart_str_append(form_str, key_prefix); } if (index_string) { zend_string *encoded_key; if (encoding_type == PHP_QUERY_RFC3986) { encoded_key = php_raw_url_encode(index_string, index_string_len); } else { encoded_key = php_url_encode(index_string, index_string_len); } smart_str_append(form_str, encoded_key); zend_string_free(encoded_key); } else { /* Numeric key */ if (num_prefix) { smart_str_appendl(form_str, num_prefix, num_prefix_len); } smart_str_append_long(form_str, index_int); } if (key_prefix) { smart_str_appendl(form_str, "%5D", strlen("%5D")); } smart_str_appendc(form_str, '='); try_again: switch (Z_TYPE_P(scalar)) { case IS_STRING: { zend_string *encoded_data; if (encoding_type == PHP_QUERY_RFC3986) { encoded_data = php_raw_url_encode(Z_STRVAL_P(scalar), Z_STRLEN_P(scalar)); } else { encoded_data = php_url_encode(Z_STRVAL_P(scalar), Z_STRLEN_P(scalar)); } smart_str_append(form_str, encoded_data); zend_string_free(encoded_data); break; } case IS_LONG: smart_str_append_long(form_str, Z_LVAL_P(scalar)); break; case IS_DOUBLE: { zend_string *encoded_data; zend_string *tmp = zend_double_to_str(Z_DVAL_P(scalar)); if (encoding_type == PHP_QUERY_RFC3986) { encoded_data = php_raw_url_encode(ZSTR_VAL(tmp), ZSTR_LEN(tmp)); } else { encoded_data = php_url_encode(ZSTR_VAL(tmp), ZSTR_LEN(tmp)); } smart_str_append(form_str, encoded_data); zend_string_free(tmp); zend_string_free(encoded_data); break; } case IS_FALSE: smart_str_appendc(form_str, '0'); break; case IS_TRUE: smart_str_appendc(form_str, '1'); break; case IS_OBJECT: ZEND_ASSERT(Z_OBJCE_P(scalar)->ce_flags & ZEND_ACC_ENUM); if (Z_OBJCE_P(scalar)->enum_backing_type == IS_UNDEF) { zend_value_error("Unbacked enum %s cannot be converted to a string", ZSTR_VAL(Z_OBJCE_P(scalar)->name)); return; } scalar = zend_enum_fetch_case_value(Z_OBJ_P(scalar)); goto try_again; /* All possible types are either handled here or previously */ EMPTY_SWITCH_DEFAULT_CASE(); } } /* {{{ php_url_encode_hash */ PHPAPI void php_url_encode_hash_ex(HashTable *ht, smart_str *formstr, const char *num_prefix, size_t num_prefix_len, const zend_string *key_prefix, zval *type, const zend_string *arg_sep, int enc_type) { zend_string *key = NULL; const char *prop_name; size_t prop_len; zend_ulong idx; zval *zdata = NULL; ZEND_ASSERT(ht); if (GC_IS_RECURSIVE(ht)) { /* Prevent recursion */ return; } if (!arg_sep) { arg_sep = zend_ini_str("arg_separator.output", strlen("arg_separator.output"), false); if (ZSTR_LEN(arg_sep) == 0) { arg_sep = ZSTR_CHAR('&'); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_KEY_VAL(ht, idx, key, zdata) { bool is_dynamic = 1; if (Z_TYPE_P(zdata) == IS_INDIRECT) { zdata = Z_INDIRECT_P(zdata); if (Z_ISUNDEF_P(zdata)) { continue; } is_dynamic = 0; } /* handling for private & protected object properties */ if (key) { prop_name = ZSTR_VAL(key); prop_len = ZSTR_LEN(key); if (type != NULL && zend_check_property_access(Z_OBJ_P(type), key, is_dynamic) != SUCCESS) { /* property not visible in this scope */ continue; } if (ZSTR_VAL(key)[0] == '\0' && type != NULL) { const char *tmp; zend_unmangle_property_name_ex(key, &tmp, &prop_name, &prop_len); } else { prop_name = ZSTR_VAL(key); prop_len = ZSTR_LEN(key); } } else { prop_name = NULL; prop_len = 0; } ZVAL_DEREF(zdata); if (Z_TYPE_P(zdata) == IS_ARRAY || (Z_TYPE_P(zdata) == IS_OBJECT && !(Z_OBJCE_P(zdata)->ce_flags & ZEND_ACC_ENUM))) { zend_string *new_prefix; if (key) { zend_string *encoded_key; if (enc_type == PHP_QUERY_RFC3986) { encoded_key = php_raw_url_encode(prop_name, prop_len); } else { encoded_key = php_url_encode(prop_name, prop_len); } if (key_prefix) { new_prefix = zend_string_concat3(ZSTR_VAL(key_prefix), ZSTR_LEN(key_prefix), ZSTR_VAL(encoded_key), ZSTR_LEN(encoded_key), "%5D%5B", strlen("%5D%5B")); } else { new_prefix = zend_string_concat2(ZSTR_VAL(encoded_key), ZSTR_LEN(encoded_key), "%5B", strlen("%5B")); } zend_string_release_ex(encoded_key, false); } else { /* is integer index */ char *index_int_as_str; size_t index_int_as_str_len; index_int_as_str_len = spprintf(&index_int_as_str, 0, ZEND_LONG_FMT, idx); if (key_prefix && num_prefix) { /* zend_string_concat4() */ size_t len = ZSTR_LEN(key_prefix) + num_prefix_len + index_int_as_str_len + strlen("%5D%5B"); new_prefix = zend_string_alloc(len, 0); memcpy(ZSTR_VAL(new_prefix), ZSTR_VAL(key_prefix), ZSTR_LEN(key_prefix)); memcpy(ZSTR_VAL(new_prefix) + ZSTR_LEN(key_prefix), num_prefix, num_prefix_len); memcpy(ZSTR_VAL(new_prefix) + ZSTR_LEN(key_prefix) + num_prefix_len, index_int_as_str, index_int_as_str_len); memcpy(ZSTR_VAL(new_prefix) + ZSTR_LEN(key_prefix) + num_prefix_len +index_int_as_str_len, "%5D%5B", strlen("%5D%5B")); ZSTR_VAL(new_prefix)[len] = '\0'; } else if (key_prefix) { new_prefix = zend_string_concat3(ZSTR_VAL(key_prefix), ZSTR_LEN(key_prefix), index_int_as_str, index_int_as_str_len, "%5D%5B", strlen("%5D%5B")); } else if (num_prefix) { new_prefix = zend_string_concat3(num_prefix, num_prefix_len, index_int_as_str, index_int_as_str_len, "%5B", strlen("%5B")); } else { new_prefix = zend_string_concat2(index_int_as_str, index_int_as_str_len, "%5B", strlen("%5B")); } efree(index_int_as_str); } GC_TRY_PROTECT_RECURSION(ht); php_url_encode_hash_ex(HASH_OF(zdata), formstr, NULL, 0, new_prefix, (Z_TYPE_P(zdata) == IS_OBJECT ? zdata : NULL), arg_sep, enc_type); GC_TRY_UNPROTECT_RECURSION(ht); zend_string_release_ex(new_prefix, false); } else if (Z_TYPE_P(zdata) == IS_NULL || Z_TYPE_P(zdata) == IS_RESOURCE) { /* Skip these types */ continue; } else { php_url_encode_scalar(zdata, formstr, enc_type, idx, prop_name, prop_len, num_prefix, num_prefix_len, key_prefix, arg_sep); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } /* }}} */ /* If there is a prefix we need to close the key with an encoded ] ("%5D") */ /* {{{ Generates a form-encoded query string from an associative array or object. */ PHP_FUNCTION(http_build_query) { zval *formdata; char *prefix = NULL; size_t prefix_len = 0; zend_string *arg_sep = NULL; smart_str formstr = {0}; zend_long enc_type = PHP_QUERY_RFC1738; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 4) Z_PARAM_ARRAY_OR_OBJECT(formdata) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STRING(prefix, prefix_len) Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(arg_sep) Z_PARAM_LONG(enc_type) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); if (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(formdata) == IS_OBJECT && (Z_OBJCE_P(formdata)->ce_flags & ZEND_ACC_ENUM))) { zend_argument_type_error(1, "must be of type array, %s given", zend_zval_value_name(formdata)); RETURN_THROWS(); } php_url_encode_hash_ex(HASH_OF(formdata), &formstr, prefix, prefix_len, /* key_prefix */ NULL, (Z_TYPE_P(formdata) == IS_OBJECT ? formdata : NULL), arg_sep, (int)enc_type); RETURN_STR(smart_str_extract(&formstr)); } /* }}} */ static zend_result cache_request_parse_body_option(HashTable *options, zval *option, int cache_offset) { if (option) { zend_long result; ZVAL_DEREF(option); if (Z_TYPE_P(option) == IS_STRING) { zend_string *errstr; result = zend_ini_parse_quantity(Z_STR_P(option), &errstr); if (errstr) { zend_error(E_WARNING, "%s", ZSTR_VAL(errstr)); zend_string_release(errstr); } } else if (Z_TYPE_P(option) == IS_LONG) { result = Z_LVAL_P(option); } else { zend_value_error("Invalid %s value in $options argument", zend_zval_value_name(option)); return FAILURE; } SG(request_parse_body_context).options_cache[cache_offset].set = true; SG(request_parse_body_context).options_cache[cache_offset].value = result; } else { SG(request_parse_body_context).options_cache[cache_offset].set = false; } return SUCCESS; } static zend_result cache_request_parse_body_options(HashTable *options) { zend_string *key; zval *value; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY_VAL(options, key, value) { if (!key) { zend_value_error("Invalid integer key in $options argument"); return FAILURE; } if (ZSTR_LEN(key) == 0) { zend_value_error("Invalid empty string key in $options argument"); return FAILURE; } #define CHECK_OPTION(name) \ if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(key, #name)) { \ if (cache_request_parse_body_option(options, value, REQUEST_PARSE_BODY_OPTION_ ## name) == FAILURE) { \ return FAILURE; \ } \ continue; \ } switch (ZSTR_VAL(key)[0]) { case 'm': case 'M': CHECK_OPTION(max_file_uploads); CHECK_OPTION(max_input_vars); CHECK_OPTION(max_multipart_body_parts); break; case 'p': case 'P': CHECK_OPTION(post_max_size); break; case 'u': case 'U': CHECK_OPTION(upload_max_filesize); break; } zend_value_error("Invalid key \"%s\" in $options argument", ZSTR_VAL(key)); return FAILURE; } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); #undef CACHE_OPTION return SUCCESS; } PHP_FUNCTION(request_parse_body) { HashTable *options = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(0, 1) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_ARRAY_HT_OR_NULL(options) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); SG(request_parse_body_context).throw_exceptions = true; if (options) { if (cache_request_parse_body_options(options) == FAILURE) { goto exit; } } if (!SG(request_info).content_type) { zend_throw_error(zend_ce_request_parse_body_exception, "Request does not provide a content type"); goto exit; } sapi_read_post_data(); if (!SG(request_info).post_entry) { zend_throw_error(zend_ce_request_parse_body_exception, "Content-Type \"%s\" is not supported", SG(request_info).content_type); goto exit; } zval post, files, old_post, old_files; zval *global_post = &PG(http_globals)[TRACK_VARS_POST]; zval *global_files = &PG(http_globals)[TRACK_VARS_FILES]; ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&old_post, global_post); ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&old_files, global_files); array_init(global_post); array_init(global_files); sapi_handle_post(global_post); ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&post, global_post); ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&files, global_files); ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(global_post, &old_post); ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(global_files, &old_files); RETVAL_ARR(zend_new_pair(&post, &files)); exit: SG(request_parse_body_context).throw_exceptions = false; memset(&SG(request_parse_body_context).options_cache, 0, sizeof(SG(request_parse_body_context).options_cache)); } PHP_FUNCTION(http_get_last_response_headers) { if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } if (!Z_ISUNDEF(BG(last_http_headers))) { RETURN_COPY(&BG(last_http_headers)); } else { RETURN_NULL(); } } PHP_FUNCTION(http_clear_last_response_headers) { if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } zval_ptr_dtor(&BG(last_http_headers)); ZVAL_UNDEF(&BG(last_http_headers)); }