--TEST-- ReflectionFiber errors --FILE-- getTrace(); } catch (Error $error) { echo $error->getMessage(), "\n"; } try { $reflection->getExecutingFile(); } catch (Error $error) { echo $error->getMessage(), "\n"; } try { $reflection->getExecutingLine(); } catch (Error $error) { echo $error->getMessage(), "\n"; } $fiber->start(); var_dump($reflection->getExecutingFile()); var_dump($reflection->getExecutingLine()); $fiber->resume(); try { $reflection->getTrace(); } catch (Error $error) { echo $error->getMessage(), "\n"; } try { $reflection->getExecutingFile(); } catch (Error $error) { echo $error->getMessage(), "\n"; } try { $reflection->getExecutingLine(); } catch (Error $error) { echo $error->getMessage(), "\n"; } try { $reflection->getCallable(); } catch (Error $error) { echo $error->getMessage(), "\n"; } ?> --EXPECTF-- Cannot fetch information from a fiber that has not been started or is terminated Cannot fetch information from a fiber that has not been started or is terminated Cannot fetch information from a fiber that has not been started or is terminated string(%d) "%s%eReflectionFiber_errors.php" int(4) Cannot fetch information from a fiber that has not been started or is terminated Cannot fetch information from a fiber that has not been started or is terminated Cannot fetch information from a fiber that has not been started or is terminated Cannot fetch the callable from a fiber that has terminated