--TEST-- Pdo\Pgsql::setNoticeCallback() --EXTENSIONS-- pdo pdo_pgsql --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- setNoticeCallback($callback); } $rounds = [ 'disp', // Correct. 3, // Error, so the old callback is kept, and will be used in the call that follows the caught error. null, // No callback. Hopefully this clears everything. 'wouldAnyoneNameAFunctionThatWay', // So this one will crash and *no output will follow*. ]; require __DIR__ . '/issue78621.inc'; ?> --EXPECTF-- NOTICE: I tampered your data, did you know? Caught TypeError: %s: Argument #1 ($callback) %s NOTICE: I tampered your data, did you know? Caught TypeError: %s: Argument #1 ($callback) %s array(1) { [0]=> array(1) { ["a"]=> string(2) "oh" } } Done