--TEST-- PDO_Firebird: bug 48877 The "bindValue" and "bindParam" do not work for PDO Firebird if we use named parameters (:parameter). --EXTENSIONS-- pdo_firebird --SKIPIF-- --XLEAK-- A bug in firebird causes a memory leak when calling `isc_attach_database()`. See https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/7849 --FILE-- exec('CREATE TABLE test48877 (A integer)'); $dbh->exec("INSERT INTO test48877 VALUES ('1')"); $dbh->exec("INSERT INTO test48877 VALUES ('2')"); $dbh->exec("INSERT INTO test48877 VALUES ('3')"); $query = "SELECT * FROM test48877 WHERE A = :paramno"; $stmt = $dbh->prepare($query); $stmt->bindParam(':paramno', $value, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->execute(); $rows = $stmt->fetch(); var_dump($stmt->fetch()); var_dump($stmt->rowCount()); $stmt = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM test48877'); $stmt->execute(); unset($stmt); unset($dbh); ?> --CLEAN-- exec("DROP TABLE test48877"); unset($dbh); ?> --EXPECT-- bool(false) int(1)