--TEST-- openssl_pkcs7_sign() tests --EXTENSIONS-- openssl --FILE-- "test@test", "Subject" => "testing openssl_pkcs7_sign()"); $headers = array("test@test", "testing openssl_pkcs7_sign()"); $empty_headers = array(); $wrong = "wrong"; $empty = ""; var_dump(openssl_pkcs7_sign($infile, $outfile, openssl_x509_read($single_cert), $privkey, $headers)); var_dump(openssl_pkcs7_sign($infile, $outfile, $single_cert, $privkey, $headers)); var_dump(openssl_pkcs7_sign($infile, $outfile, $single_cert, $privkey, $assoc_headers)); var_dump(openssl_pkcs7_sign($infile, $outfile, $single_cert, $privkey, $empty_headers)); var_dump(openssl_pkcs7_sign($wrong, $outfile, $single_cert, $privkey, $headers)); var_dump(openssl_pkcs7_sign($empty, $outfile, $single_cert, $privkey, $headers)); var_dump(openssl_pkcs7_sign($infile, $empty, $single_cert, $privkey, $headers)); var_dump(openssl_pkcs7_sign($infile, $outfile, $wrong, $privkey, $headers)); var_dump(openssl_pkcs7_sign($infile, $outfile, $empty, $privkey, $headers)); var_dump(openssl_pkcs7_sign($infile, $outfile, $single_cert, $wrong, $headers)); if (file_exists($outfile)) { echo "true\n"; unlink($outfile); } ?> --EXPECTF-- bool(true) bool(true) bool(true) bool(true) Warning: openssl_pkcs7_sign(): Error opening input file wrong! in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: openssl_pkcs7_sign(): Error opening input file ! in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: openssl_pkcs7_sign(): Error opening output file ! in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: openssl_pkcs7_sign(): X.509 Certificate cannot be retrieved in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: openssl_pkcs7_sign(): X.509 Certificate cannot be retrieved in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: openssl_pkcs7_sign(): Error getting private key in %s on line %d bool(false) true