--TEST-- int mysqli_poll() and kill --EXTENSIONS-- mysqli --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- query('KILL '.$thread_id); $links = array($link); $errors = array($link); $reject = array($link); // Yes, 1 - the asynchronous query should have been processed if (1 !== ($tmp = (mysqli_poll($links, $errors, $reject, 0, 10000)))) printf("[003] Expecting int/1 got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), var_export($tmp, true)); if (!is_array($links) || empty($links)) printf("[004] Expecting non-empty array got %s/%s\n", gettype($links), var_export($links, true)); else foreach ($links as $link) { if (is_object($res = mysqli_reap_async_query($link))) { // Yes, you can fetch a result - the query has been processed var_dump(mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)); mysqli_free_result($res); } else if ($link->errno > 0) { printf("[005] Error: %d\n", $link->errno); } } // No error! if (!is_array($errors) || !empty($errors)) printf("[006] Expecting non-empty array got %s/%s\n", gettype($errors), var_export($errors, true)); if (!is_array($reject) || !empty($reject)) printf("[007] Expecting empty array got %s/%s\n", gettype($reject), var_export($reject, true)); // Let's pass a dead connection $links = array($link); $errors = array($link); $reject = array($link); if (0 !== ($tmp = mysqli_poll($links, $errors, $reject, 1))) printf("[008] There should be no connection ready! Returned %s/%s, expecting int/0.\n", gettype($tmp), var_export($tmp, true)); if (!empty($errors)) printf("[009] There should be no errors but one rejected connection\n"); foreach ($reject as $mysqli) if (mysqli_thread_id($mysqli) != $thread_id) { printf("[010] Rejected thread %d should have rejected thread %d\n", mysqli_thread_id($mysqli), $thread_id); } // Killing connection - 2 $link = get_connection(); if (true !== ($tmp = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT 1", MYSQLI_ASYNC | MYSQLI_USE_RESULT))) printf("[011] Expecting boolean/true got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), var_export($tmp, true)); usleep(100000); $thread_id = mysqli_thread_id($link); get_connection()->query('KILL '.$thread_id); // Yes, 1 - fetch OK packet of kill! $processed = 0; $begin = microtime(true); do { $links = array($link, $link); $errors = array($link, $link); $reject = array($link, $link); $ready = mysqli_poll($links, $errors, $reject, 1); if (!empty($errors)) { foreach ($errors as $mysqli) { printf("[012] Error on thread %d: %s/%s\n", mysqli_thread_id($mysqli), mysqli_errno($mysqli), mysqli_error($mysqli)); } break; } if (FALSE === $ready) { printf("[013] MySQLi indicates some error\n"); break; } if (!empty($reject)) { foreach ($reject as $mysqli) { printf("[014] Rejecting thread %d: %s/%s\n", mysqli_thread_id($mysqli), mysqli_errno($mysqli), mysqli_error($mysqli)); } $processed += count($reject); } foreach ($links as $mysqli) { if (is_object($res = mysqli_reap_async_query($mysqli))) { printf("Fetching from thread %d...\n", mysqli_thread_id($mysqli)); var_dump(mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)); } else if (mysqli_errno($mysqli) > 0) { printf("[015] %d/%s\n", mysqli_errno($mysqli), mysqli_error($mysqli)); } $processed++; } if ((microtime(true) - $begin) > 5) { printf("[016] Pulling the emergency break after 5s, something is wrong...\n"); break; } } while ($processed < 2); // Killing connection - 3 $link = get_connection(); $thread_id = mysqli_thread_id($link); get_connection()->query('KILL '.$thread_id); // Sleep 0.1s to ensure the KILL gets recognized usleep(100000); if (false !== ($tmp = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT 1 AS 'processed before killed'", MYSQLI_ASYNC | MYSQLI_USE_RESULT))) printf("[017] Expecting boolean/false got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), var_export($tmp, true)); $links = array($link); $errors = array($link); $reject = array($link); if (0 !== ($tmp = (mysqli_poll($links, $errors, $reject, 0, 10000)))) printf("[018] Expecting int/0 got %s/%s\n", gettype($tmp), var_export($tmp, true)); if (!is_array($links) || empty($links)) printf("[019] Expecting non-empty array got %s/%s\n", gettype($links), var_export($links, true)); else foreach ($links as $link) { if (is_object($res = mysqli_reap_async_query($link))) { // No, you cannot fetch the result var_dump(mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)); mysqli_free_result($res); } else if ($link->errno > 0) { // But you are supposed to handle the error the way its shown here! printf("[020] Error: %d/%s\n", $link->errno, $link->error); } } // None of these will indicate an error, check errno on the list of returned connections! if (!is_array($errors) || !empty($errors)) printf("[021] Expecting non-empty array got %s/%s\n", gettype($errors), var_export($errors, true)); if (!is_array($reject) || !empty($reject)) printf("[021] Expecting empty array got %s/%s\n", gettype($reject), var_export($reject, true)); mysqli_close($link); print "done!"; ?> --XFAIL-- To be fixed later. Minor issue about fetching error message from killed line --EXPECTF-- array(1) { ["processed before killed"]=> string(1) "1" } Fetching from thread %d... array(1) { [1]=> string(1) "1" } Warning: mysqli_reap_async_query(): Premature end of data (mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c:%d) in %s on line %d Warning: mysqli_reap_async_query(): RSET_HEADER %s Warning: mysqli_reap_async_query(): Error reading result set's header in %s on line %d Warning: Error while sending QUERY packet. %s Warning: mysqli_reap_async_query(): %s Warning: mysqli_reap_async_query(): Error reading result set's header in %s on line %d [018] Error: %d/%s done!