--TEST-- Hash: xxHash secret --FILE-- 24, "secret" => $secret]); } catch (Throwable $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } try { $ctx = hash_init($a, options: ["secret" => new StringableThrowingClass()]); } catch (Throwable $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } try { $ctx = hash_init($a, options: ["secret" => str_repeat('a', 17)]); } catch (Throwable $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } $ctx = hash_init($a, options: ["secret" => $secret]); hash_update($ctx, "Lorem"); hash_update($ctx, " ipsum dolor"); hash_update($ctx, " sit amet,"); hash_update($ctx, " consectetur adipiscing elit."); $h0 = hash_final($ctx); $h1 = hash($a, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.", options: ["secret" => $secret]); echo $h0 , " == ", $h1, " == ", (($h0 == $h1) ? "true" : "false"), "\n"; } ?> --EXPECTF-- string(67) "xxh3: Only one of seed or secret is to be passed for initialization" Deprecated: hash_init(): Passing a secret of a type other than string is deprecated because it implicitly converts to a string, potentially hiding bugs in %s on line %d string(23) "exception in __toString" string(57) "xxh3: Secret length must be >= 136 bytes, 17 bytes passed" 8028aa834c03557a == 8028aa834c03557a == true string(69) "xxh128: Only one of seed or secret is to be passed for initialization" Deprecated: hash_init(): Passing a secret of a type other than string is deprecated because it implicitly converts to a string, potentially hiding bugs in %s on line %d string(23) "exception in __toString" string(59) "xxh128: Secret length must be >= 136 bytes, 17 bytes passed" 54279097795e7218093a05d4d781cbb9 == 54279097795e7218093a05d4d781cbb9 == true