/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | https://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Niels Dossche | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "php.h" #if defined(HAVE_LIBXML) && defined(HAVE_DOM) #include "xml_serializer.h" #include "private_data.h" #include "namespace_compat.h" #include "serialize_common.h" #include "internal_helpers.h" #include // TODO: implement iterative approach instead of recursive? /* This file implements the XML serialization algorithm. * https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dom-xmlserializer-serializetostring (Date 2021-05-02) * * The following are spec issues that were fixed in this implementation, but are not yet fixed * in the spec itself: * https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/28 * https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/29 * https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/38 * https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/43 * https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/44 * https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/45 * https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/47 * https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/50 * https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/52 * https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/59 * https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/71 */ #define TRY(x) do { if (UNEXPECTED((x) < 0)) { return -1; } } while (0) #define TRY_OR_CLEANUP(x) do { if (UNEXPECTED((x) < 0)) { goto cleanup; } } while (0) #define xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, literal) xmlOutputBufferWrite((out), strlen("" literal), "" literal) /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-namespace-prefix-map * This associates a namespace uri with a list of possible prefixes. */ typedef struct { HashTable *ht; } dom_xml_ns_prefix_map; /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-local-prefixes-map */ typedef struct { HashTable ht; } dom_xml_local_prefix_map; typedef struct { const xmlChar *prefix, *name; } dom_qname_pair; typedef struct dom_xml_serialize_ctx { xmlSaveCtxtPtr ctxt; xmlOutputBufferPtr out; php_dom_private_data *private_data; } dom_xml_serialize_ctx; static int dom_xml_serialization_algorithm( dom_xml_serialize_ctx *ctx, dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *namespace_prefix_map, xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar *namespace, unsigned int *prefix_index, int indent, bool require_well_formed ); static bool dom_xml_str_equals_treat_nulls_as_empty(const xmlChar *s1, const xmlChar *s2) { if (s1 == s2) { return true; } if (s1 == NULL) { return s2 == NULL || *s2 == '\0'; } if (s2 == NULL) { /* Note: at this point we know that s1 != NULL. */ return *s1 == '\0'; } return strcmp((const char *) s1, (const char *) s2) == 0; } static zend_always_inline bool dom_xml_str_equals_treat_nulls_as_nulls(const xmlChar *s1, const xmlChar *s2) { if (s1 == s2) { return true; } if (s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL) { return false; } return strcmp((const char *) s1, (const char *) s2) == 0; } static zend_always_inline void dom_xml_ns_prefix_map_ctor(dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *map) { ALLOC_HASHTABLE(map->ht); zend_hash_init(map->ht, 8, NULL, NULL, false); } static void dom_xml_ns_prefix_map_destroy(dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *map) { HashTable *list; ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_PTR(map->ht, list) { if (GC_DELREF(list) == 0) { zval *tmp; ZEND_HASH_PACKED_FOREACH_VAL(list, tmp) { if (DOM_Z_IS_OWNED(tmp)) { efree(Z_PTR_P(tmp)); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); zend_hash_destroy(list); efree(list); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); zend_hash_destroy(map->ht); efree(map->ht); map->ht = NULL; } static zend_always_inline void dom_xml_ns_prefix_map_dtor(dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *map) { if (GC_DELREF(map->ht) == 0) { dom_xml_ns_prefix_map_destroy(map); } } static zend_always_inline void dom_xml_ns_prefix_map_copy(dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *dst, const dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *src) { dst->ht = src->ht; GC_ADDREF(dst->ht); } static zend_always_inline void dom_xml_local_prefix_map_ctor(dom_xml_local_prefix_map *map) { zend_hash_init(&map->ht, 8, NULL, NULL, false); } static zend_always_inline void dom_xml_local_prefix_map_dtor(dom_xml_local_prefix_map *map) { zend_hash_destroy(&map->ht); } static zend_always_inline void dom_xml_local_prefix_map_add( dom_xml_local_prefix_map *map, const xmlChar *prefix, size_t prefix_len, const xmlChar *ns ) { ZEND_ASSERT(prefix != NULL); zend_hash_str_add_ptr(&map->ht, (const char *) prefix, prefix_len, (void *) ns); } static zend_always_inline const xmlChar *dom_xml_local_prefix_map_find( const dom_xml_local_prefix_map *map, const xmlChar *prefix, size_t prefix_len ) { ZEND_ASSERT(prefix != NULL); return zend_hash_str_find_ptr(&map->ht, (const char *) prefix, prefix_len); } static zend_always_inline bool dom_xml_local_prefix_map_conflicts( const dom_xml_local_prefix_map *map, const xmlChar *prefix, size_t prefix_len, const xmlChar *ns ) { const xmlChar *result = dom_xml_local_prefix_map_find(map, prefix, prefix_len); if (result == NULL) { return false; } return !dom_xml_str_equals_treat_nulls_as_empty(result, ns); } static zend_always_inline bool dom_xml_local_prefix_map_contains( const dom_xml_local_prefix_map *map, const xmlChar *prefix, size_t prefix_len ) { return dom_xml_local_prefix_map_find(map, prefix, prefix_len) != NULL; } /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-add */ static void dom_xml_ns_prefix_map_add( dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *map, const xmlChar *prefix, bool prefix_owned, const xmlChar *ns, size_t ns_length ) { ZEND_ASSERT(map->ht != NULL); ZEND_ASSERT(prefix != NULL); if (ns == NULL) { ns = BAD_CAST ""; } if (GC_REFCOUNT(map->ht) > 1) { GC_DELREF(map->ht); map->ht = zend_array_dup(map->ht); HashTable *list; ZEND_HASH_MAP_FOREACH_PTR(map->ht, list) { GC_ADDREF(list); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } /* 1. Let candidates list be the result of retrieving a list from map where there exists a key in map * that matches the value of ns * or if there is no such key, then let candidates list be null. */ HashTable *list = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(map->ht, (const char *) ns, ns_length); /* 2. If candidates list is null, then create a new list with prefix as the only item in the list, * and associate that list with a new key ns in map. */ if (list == NULL) { ALLOC_HASHTABLE(list); zend_hash_init(list, 8, NULL, NULL, false); zend_hash_str_add_new_ptr(map->ht, (const char *) ns, ns_length, list); } else if (GC_REFCOUNT(list) > 1) { GC_DELREF(list); list = zend_array_dup(list); zend_hash_str_update_ptr(map->ht, (const char *) ns, ns_length, list); } /* 3. (Otherwise), append prefix to the end of candidates list. */ zval tmp; if (prefix_owned) { DOM_Z_OWNED(&tmp, prefix); } else { DOM_Z_UNOWNED(&tmp, prefix); } zend_hash_next_index_insert_new(list, &tmp); } /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-found */ static zend_always_inline HashTable *dom_get_candidates_list(dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *map, const xmlChar *ns, size_t ns_length) { ZEND_ASSERT(map->ht != NULL); /* 1. Let candidates list be the result of retrieving a list from map where there exists a key in map that matches * the value of ns * or if there is no such key, then let candidates list be null. */ return zend_hash_str_find_ptr(map->ht, (const char *) ns, ns_length); } /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-found */ static zend_always_inline bool dom_prefix_in_candidate_list(const HashTable *list, const xmlChar *prefix) { ZEND_ASSERT(prefix != NULL); if (list == NULL) { return false; } /* 2. If the value of prefix occurs at least once in candidates list, return true, otherwise return false. */ const char *tmp; ZEND_HASH_PACKED_FOREACH_PTR(list, tmp) { if (dom_xml_str_equals_treat_nulls_as_empty(BAD_CAST tmp, prefix)) { return true; } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); return false; } /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-found */ static zend_always_inline bool dom_prefix_found_in_ns_prefix_map( dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *map, const xmlChar *prefix, const xmlChar *ns, size_t ns_length ) { ZEND_ASSERT(ns != NULL); HashTable *list = dom_get_candidates_list(map, ns, ns_length); return dom_prefix_in_candidate_list(list, prefix); } /* Helper to get the attribute value, will return "" instead of NULL for empty values, to mimic getAttribute()'s behaviour. */ static zend_always_inline const xmlChar *dom_get_attribute_value(const xmlAttr *attr) { if (attr->children == NULL) { return BAD_CAST ""; } return attr->children->content ? attr->children->content : BAD_CAST ""; } /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-recording-the-namespace-information */ static const xmlChar *dom_recording_the_namespace_information( dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *namespace_prefix_map, dom_xml_local_prefix_map *local_prefixes_map, xmlNodePtr element ) { ZEND_ASSERT(element->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE); /* 1. Let default namespace attr value be null. */ const xmlChar *default_namespace_attr_value = NULL; /* 2. [MAIN] For each attribute attr in element's attributes, in the order they are specified in the element's attribute list: */ for (xmlAttrPtr attr = element->properties; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next) { /* Steps 2.1-2.2 fetch namespace information from the attribute, but let's defer that for simplicity to the if's body. */ /* 2.3. If the attribute namespace is the XMLNS namespace, then: */ if (php_dom_ns_is_fast((xmlNodePtr) attr, php_dom_ns_is_xmlns_magic_token)) { /* 2.3.1. If attribute prefix is null, then attr is a default namespace declaration. * Set the default namespace attr value to attr's value and stop running these steps, * returning to Main to visit the next attribute. */ if (attr->ns->prefix == NULL) { default_namespace_attr_value = dom_get_attribute_value(attr); continue; } /* 2.3.2. Otherwise, the attribute prefix is not null and attr is a namespace prefix definition. * Run the following steps: */ else { /* Let prefix definition be the value of attr's localName. */ const xmlChar *prefix_definition = attr->name; ZEND_ASSERT(prefix_definition != NULL); /* Let namespace definition be the value of attr's value. */ const xmlChar *namespace_definition = dom_get_attribute_value(attr); ZEND_ASSERT(namespace_definition != NULL); /* If namespace definition is the XML namespace, then stop running these steps, * and return to Main to visit the next attribute. */ if (strcmp((const char *) namespace_definition, DOM_XML_NS_URI) == 0) { continue; } /* If namespace definition is the empty string (the declarative form of having no namespace), * then let namespace definition be null instead. * => This gets delayed until later down. */ size_t namespace_definition_length = strlen((const char *) namespace_definition); /* If prefix definition is found in map given the namespace namespace definition, * then stop running these steps, and return to Main to visit the next attribute. */ if (dom_prefix_found_in_ns_prefix_map(namespace_prefix_map, prefix_definition, namespace_definition, namespace_definition_length)) { continue; } /* Delayed step */ if (*namespace_definition == '\0') { namespace_definition = NULL; } /* Add the prefix prefix definition to map given namespace namespace definition. */ dom_xml_ns_prefix_map_add(namespace_prefix_map, prefix_definition, false, namespace_definition, namespace_definition_length); /* Add the value of prefix definition as a new key to the local prefixes map, * with the namespace definition as the key's value replacing the value of null with the empty string if applicable. */ size_t prefix_definition_length = strlen((const char *) prefix_definition); namespace_definition = namespace_definition == NULL ? BAD_CAST "" : namespace_definition; dom_xml_local_prefix_map_add(local_prefixes_map, prefix_definition, prefix_definition_length, namespace_definition); } } } /* 3. Return the value of default namespace attr value. */ return default_namespace_attr_value; } /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-retrieving-a-preferred-prefix-string */ static const xmlChar *dom_retrieve_a_preferred_prefix_string( dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *namespace_prefix_map, dom_xml_local_prefix_map *local_prefixes_map, const xmlChar *preferred_prefix, const xmlChar *ns, size_t ns_length ) { ZEND_ASSERT(namespace_prefix_map->ht != NULL); if (ns == NULL) { ns = BAD_CAST ""; } /* 1. Let candidates list be the result of retrieving a list from map where there exists a key in map that matches * the value of ns or if there is no such key, then stop running these steps, and return the null value. */ HashTable *list = dom_get_candidates_list(namespace_prefix_map, ns, ns_length); if (list == NULL) { return NULL; } /* 2. Otherwise, for each prefix value prefix in candidates list, iterating from beginning to end: */ const xmlChar *prefix = NULL; const xmlChar *last_non_conflicting_in_list = NULL; /* Reverse so that the "nearest" ns gets priority: https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/45 */ ZEND_HASH_PACKED_REVERSE_FOREACH_PTR(list, prefix) { ZEND_ASSERT(prefix != NULL); /* 2.1. If prefix matches preferred prefix, then stop running these steps and return prefix. */ /* Adapted for https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/45 */ if (!dom_xml_local_prefix_map_conflicts(local_prefixes_map, prefix, strlen((const char *) prefix), ns)) { if (dom_xml_str_equals_treat_nulls_as_empty(preferred_prefix, prefix)) { return prefix; } if (last_non_conflicting_in_list == NULL) { last_non_conflicting_in_list = prefix; } } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); /* 2.2. If prefix is the last item in the candidates list, then stop running these steps and return prefix. */ /* Note: previously the last item was "prefix", but we loop backwards now. */ return last_non_conflicting_in_list; } /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-generating-a-prefix */ static xmlChar *dom_xml_generate_a_prefix( dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *map, dom_xml_local_prefix_map *local_prefixes_map, const xmlChar *new_namespace, size_t new_namespace_length, unsigned int *prefix_index ) { /* 1. Let generated prefix be the concatenation of the string "ns" and the current numerical value of prefix index. */ char buffer[32]; buffer[0] = 'n'; buffer[1] = 's'; size_t length; do { length = snprintf(buffer + 2, sizeof(buffer) - 2, "%u", *prefix_index) + 2; /* 2. Let the value of prefix index be incremented by one. */ (*prefix_index)++; /* Loop condition is for https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/44 */ } while (dom_xml_local_prefix_map_contains(local_prefixes_map, (const xmlChar *) buffer, length)); xmlChar *generated_prefix = emalloc(length + 1); memcpy(generated_prefix, buffer, length + 1); /* 3. Add to map the generated prefix given the new namespace namespace. */ dom_xml_ns_prefix_map_add(map, generated_prefix, true, new_namespace, new_namespace_length); /* Continuation of https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/44 */ dom_xml_local_prefix_map_add(local_prefixes_map, generated_prefix, length, new_namespace); /* 4. Return the value of generated prefix. */ return generated_prefix; } static int dom_xml_output_qname(xmlOutputBufferPtr out, const dom_qname_pair *qname) { if (qname->prefix != NULL) { TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteString(out, (const char *) qname->prefix)); TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, ":")); } return xmlOutputBufferWriteString(out, (const char *) qname->name); } /* This is a utility method used by both * https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-xml-serializing-an-element-node * and https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-serializing-an-attribute-value */ static int dom_xml_common_text_serialization(xmlOutputBufferPtr out, const char *content, bool attribute_mode) { if (content == NULL) { return 0; } const char *last_output = content; const char *mask = attribute_mode ? "&<>\"\t\n\r" : "&<>"; while (true) { size_t chunk_length = strcspn(content, mask); content += chunk_length; if (*content == '\0') { break; } TRY(xmlOutputBufferWrite(out, content - last_output, last_output)); switch (*content) { case '&': { TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, "&")); break; } case '<': { TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, "<")); break; } case '>': { TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, ">")); break; } case '"': { TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, """)); break; } /* The following three are added to address https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/59 */ case '\t': { TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, " ")); break; } case '\n': { TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, " ")); break; } case '\r': { TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, " ")); break; } } content++; last_output = content; } return xmlOutputBufferWrite(out, content - last_output, last_output); } static int dom_xml_check_char_production(const xmlChar *content) { // TODO: optimization idea: fast-pass for ASCII-only data const xmlChar *ptr = content; while (*ptr != '\0') { int len = 4; int c = xmlGetUTF8Char(ptr, &len); if (c < 0 || !xmlIsCharQ(c)) { return -1; } ptr += len; } return 0; } /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#xml-serializing-a-text-node */ static zend_always_inline int dom_xml_serialize_text_node(xmlOutputBufferPtr out, xmlNodePtr text, bool require_well_formed) { /* 1. If the require well-formed flag is set and node's data contains characters that are not matched by the XML Char production, * then throw an exception. */ if (require_well_formed && text->content != NULL) { TRY(dom_xml_check_char_production(text->content)); } return dom_xml_common_text_serialization(out, (const char *) text->content, false); } static zend_always_inline const xmlChar *dom_xml_attribute_namespace(const xmlAttr *attr) { return attr->ns == NULL ? NULL : attr->ns->href; } static int dom_xml_serialize_attribute_node_value(xmlOutputBufferPtr out, xmlAttrPtr attr) { TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteString(out, (const char *) attr->name)); TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, "=\"")); for (xmlNodePtr child = attr->children; child != NULL; child = child->next) { if (child->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) { if (child->content != NULL) { TRY(dom_xml_common_text_serialization(out, (const char *) child->content, true)); } } else if (child->type == XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE) { TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, "&")); TRY(dom_xml_common_text_serialization(out, (const char *) child->name, true)); TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, ";")); } } return xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, "\""); } /* These steps are from the attribute serialization algorithm's well-formed checks. * Note that this does not return a boolean but an int to be compatible with the TRY/TRY_CLEANUP interface * that we do for compatibility with libxml's interfaces. */ static zend_always_inline int dom_xml_check_xmlns_attribute_requirements(const xmlAttr *attr, const xmlChar *candidate_prefix) { const xmlChar *attr_value = dom_get_attribute_value(attr); /* If the require well-formed flag is set and the value of attr's value attribute matches the XMLNS namespace, then throw an exception */ if (strcmp((const char *) attr_value, DOM_XMLNS_NS_URI) == 0) { return -1; } /* If the require well-formed flag is set and the value of attr's value attribute is the empty string. * Errata: an "xmlns" attribute is allowed but not one with a prefix, so the idea in the spec is right but the description isn't. */ if (*attr_value == '\0' && candidate_prefix != NULL) { return -1; } return 0; } /* Spec says to do nothing, but that's inconsistent/wrong, see https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/28 * This does not have a require_well_formed argument because the only way to get here is via saveXML(), which has it off. */ static int dom_xml_serialize_attribute_node(xmlOutputBufferPtr out, xmlNodePtr attr) { if (attr->ns != NULL && attr->ns->prefix != NULL) { TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteString(out, (const char *) attr->ns->prefix)); TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, ":")); } return dom_xml_serialize_attribute_node_value(out, (xmlAttrPtr) attr); } /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-xml-serializing-a-comment-node */ static int dom_xml_serialize_comment_node(xmlOutputBufferPtr out, xmlNodePtr comment, bool require_well_formed) { /* Step 1 deals with well-formed flag */ if (require_well_formed) { /* node's data contains characters that are not matched by the XML Char production or contains "--" * (two adjacent U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS characters) or that ends with a "-" (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS) character, * then throw an exception */ const xmlChar *ptr = comment->content; if (ptr != NULL) { TRY(dom_xml_check_char_production(ptr)); if (strstr((const char *) ptr, "--") != NULL || ptr[strlen((const char *) ptr) - 1] == '-') { return -1; } } } TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, ""); } /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#xml-serializing-a-processinginstruction-node */ static int dom_xml_serialize_processing_instruction(xmlOutputBufferPtr out, xmlNodePtr pi, bool require_well_formed) { /* Steps 1-2 deal with well-formed flag */ if (require_well_formed) { /* target contains a ":" (U+003A COLON) character or is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "xml", then throw an exception */ if (strchr((const char *) pi->name, ':') != NULL || strcasecmp((const char *) pi->name, "xml") == 0) { return -1; } /* node's data contains characters that are not matched by the XML Char production or contains the string "?>" * (U+003F QUESTION MARK, U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN), then throw an exception */ if (pi->content != NULL) { TRY(dom_xml_check_char_production(pi->content)); if (strstr((const char *) pi->content, "?>") != NULL) { return -1; } } } TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, "name)); TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, " ")); if (EXPECTED(pi->content != NULL)) { TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteString(out, (const char *) pi->content)); } return xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, "?>"); } /* https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/38 * and https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/blob/ab8d1ac9699ed43ae6de9f4be2b0f3cfc5f3709e/index.html#L1510 */ static int dom_xml_serialize_cdata_section_node(xmlOutputBufferPtr out, xmlNodePtr cdata) { TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, "content != NULL)) { TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteString(out, (const char *) cdata->content)); } return xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, "]]>"); } static zend_string *dom_xml_create_localname_set_key(const xmlAttr *attr) { if (attr->ns == NULL || attr->ns->href == NULL) { return zend_string_init((const char *) attr->name, strlen((const char *) attr->name), false); } /* Spec requires us to create a tuple as a key, however HashTable doesn't support that natively. * Fortunately, href and name cannot have embedded NUL bytes in them, so we can create a * "tuple" by concatenating them against each other, separated by a \0 byte. */ return zend_string_concat3( (const char *) attr->ns->href, strlen((const char *) attr->ns->href), "", 1, /* include the \0 */ (const char *) attr->name, strlen((const char *) attr->name) ); } /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-xml-serialization-of-the-attributes */ static int dom_xml_serialize_attributes( xmlOutputBufferPtr out, xmlNodePtr element, dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *map, dom_xml_local_prefix_map *local_prefixes_map, unsigned int *prefix_index, bool ignore_namespace_definition_attribute, bool require_well_formed ) { /* 1. Let result be the empty string. * => We're going to write directly to the output buffer. */ /* 2. Let localname set be a new empty namespace localname set. * We can do this unconditionally even if we don't use it, because this doesn't allocate memory anyway. */ HashTable localname_set; zend_hash_init(&localname_set, 8, NULL, NULL, false); /* 3. [LOOP] For each attribute attr in element's attributes, in the order they are specified in the element's attribute list: */ for (xmlAttrPtr attr = element->properties; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next) { if (require_well_formed) { zend_string *key = dom_xml_create_localname_set_key(attr); /* 3.1. If the require well-formed flag is set and the localname set contains a tuple whose values match those of a * new tuple consisting of attr's namespaceURI attribute and localName attribute, then throw an exception * 3.2. Create a new tuple consisting of attr's namespaceURI attribute and localName attribute, and add it to the localname set. */ bool duplicate = zend_hash_add_empty_element(&localname_set, key) == NULL; zend_string_release_ex(key, false); if (duplicate) { goto cleanup; } } /* 3.3. Let attribute namespace be the value of attr's namespaceURI value. */ const xmlChar *attribute_namespace = dom_xml_attribute_namespace(attr); /* 3.4. Let candidate prefix be null. */ const xmlChar *candidate_prefix = NULL; /* 3.5. If attribute namespace is not null, then run these sub-steps: */ if (attribute_namespace != NULL) { /* 3.5.1. Let candidate prefix be the result of retrieving a preferred prefix string from map * given namespace attribute namespace with preferred prefix being attr's prefix value. */ candidate_prefix = dom_retrieve_a_preferred_prefix_string( map, local_prefixes_map, attr->ns->prefix, attribute_namespace, strlen((const char *) attribute_namespace) ); /* 3.5.2. If the value of attribute namespace is the XMLNS namespace, then run these steps: */ if (php_dom_ns_is_fast((xmlNodePtr) attr, php_dom_ns_is_xmlns_magic_token)) { const xmlChar *attr_value = dom_get_attribute_value(attr); /* If any of the following are true, then stop running these steps and goto Loop to visit the next attribute: */ /* the attr's value is the XML namespace; */ if (strcmp((const char *) attr_value, DOM_XML_NS_URI) == 0) { continue; } /* the attr's prefix is null and the ignore namespace definition attribute flag is true */ if (ignore_namespace_definition_attribute && attr->ns->prefix == NULL) { /* https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/47 */ if (!dom_xml_str_equals_treat_nulls_as_empty(element->ns == NULL ? NULL : element->ns->href, attr_value)) { continue; } } /* the attr's prefix is not null and either */ if (attr->ns->prefix != NULL) { /* the attr's localName is not a key contained in the local prefixes map * or the attr's localName is present in the local prefixes map but the value of the key does not match attr's value * and furthermore that the attr's localName (as the prefix to find) is found in the namespace prefix map * given the namespace consisting of the attr's value */ const xmlChar *value = dom_xml_local_prefix_map_find(local_prefixes_map, attr->name, strlen((const char *) attr->name)); if (value == NULL || strcmp((const char *) value, (const char *) attr_value) != 0) { if (dom_prefix_found_in_ns_prefix_map(map, attr->name, attr_value, strlen((const char *) attr_value))) { continue; } } } /* the attr's prefix matches the string "xmlns", then let candidate prefix be the string "xmlns". */ if (attr->ns->prefix != NULL && strcmp((const char *) attr->ns->prefix, "xmlns") == 0) { candidate_prefix = BAD_CAST "xmlns"; } /* Errata: step can only really be checked if we already know the candidate prefix. */ if (require_well_formed) { /* and are done by this call. */ TRY_OR_CLEANUP(dom_xml_check_xmlns_attribute_requirements(attr, candidate_prefix)); } } /* 3.5.3. Otherwise, the attribute namespace in not the XMLNS namespace. Run these steps: */ else if (candidate_prefix == NULL) { /* https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/29 */ /* Continuation of https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/29 */ if (attr->ns->prefix == NULL || dom_xml_local_prefix_map_contains(local_prefixes_map, attr->ns->prefix, strlen((const char *) attr->ns->prefix))) { /* Let candidate prefix be the result of generating a prefix providing map, * attribute namespace, and prefix index as input. */ candidate_prefix = dom_xml_generate_a_prefix( map, local_prefixes_map, attribute_namespace, strlen((const char *) attribute_namespace), prefix_index ); } else { candidate_prefix = attr->ns->prefix; /* Continuation of https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/29 */ dom_xml_ns_prefix_map_add( map, candidate_prefix, false, attribute_namespace, strlen((const char *) attribute_namespace) ); dom_xml_local_prefix_map_add( local_prefixes_map, candidate_prefix, strlen((const char *) candidate_prefix), attribute_namespace ); } /* Append the following to result, in the order listed: */ TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, " xmlns:")); TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteString(out, (const char *) candidate_prefix)); TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, "=\"")); TRY_OR_CLEANUP(dom_xml_common_text_serialization(out, (const char *) attribute_namespace, true)); TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, "\"")); } } /* 3.6. Append a " " (U+0020 SPACE) to result. */ TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, " ")); /* 3.7. If candidate prefix is not null, then append to result the concatenation of candidate prefix with ":" (U+003A COLON). */ if (candidate_prefix != NULL) { TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteString(out, (const char *) candidate_prefix)); TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, ":")); } if (require_well_formed) { /* 3.8. If the require well-formed flag is set and * this attr's localName attribute contains the character ":" (U+003A COLON) * or does not match the XML Name production * or equals "xmlns" and attribute namespace is null */ if (xmlValidateNCName(attr->name, /* space */ 0) != 0 || (strcmp((const char *) attr->name, "xmlns") == 0 && dom_xml_attribute_namespace(attr) == NULL)) { goto cleanup; } } /* 3.9. Append the following strings to result, in the order listed: */ TRY_OR_CLEANUP(dom_xml_serialize_attribute_node_value(out, attr)); } /* 4. Return the value of result. * => We're writing directly to the output buffer. */ zend_hash_destroy(&localname_set); return 0; cleanup: zend_hash_destroy(&localname_set); return -1; } /* Only format output if there are no text/entityrefs/cdata nodes as children. */ static bool dom_xml_should_format_element(xmlNodePtr element) { xmlNodePtr child = element->children; ZEND_ASSERT(child != NULL); do { if (child->type == XML_TEXT_NODE || child->type == XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE || child->type == XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE) { return false; } child = child->next; } while (child != NULL); return true; } static int dom_xml_output_indents(xmlOutputBufferPtr out, int indent) { TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, "\n")); for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(out, " ")); } return 0; } /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-xml-serializing-an-element-node */ static int dom_xml_serialize_element_node( dom_xml_serialize_ctx *ctx, const xmlChar *namespace, dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *namespace_prefix_map, xmlNodePtr element, unsigned int *prefix_index, int indent, bool require_well_formed ) { /* 1. If the require well-formed flag is set and this node's localName attribute contains * the character ":" (U+003A COLON) or does not match the XML Name production, then throw an exception. */ if (require_well_formed) { if (xmlValidateNCName(element->name, /* space */ 0) != 0) { return -1; } } bool should_format = indent >= 0 && element->children != NULL && dom_xml_should_format_element(element); /* 2. Let markup be the string "<" (U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN). */ TRY(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(ctx->out, "<")); /* 3. Let qualified name be an empty string. * => We're going to do it a bit differently. * To avoid string allocations, we're going to store the qualified name separately as prefix+name. * If the prefix is NULL then the qualified name will be == name, otherwise == prefix:name. */ dom_qname_pair qualified_name = { NULL, NULL }; /* 4. Let skip end tag be a boolean flag with value false. */ bool skip_end_tag = false; /* 5. Let ignore namespace definition attribute be a boolean flag with value false. */ bool ignore_namespace_definition_attribute = false; /* 6. Given prefix map, copy a namespace prefix map and let map be the result. */ dom_xml_ns_prefix_map map; dom_xml_ns_prefix_map_copy(&map, namespace_prefix_map); /* 7. Let local prefixes map be an empty map. */ dom_xml_local_prefix_map local_prefixes_map; dom_xml_local_prefix_map_ctor(&local_prefixes_map); /* 8. Let local default namespace be the result of recording the namespace information for node given map and local prefixes map. */ const xmlChar *local_default_namespace = dom_recording_the_namespace_information(&map, &local_prefixes_map, element); /* 9. Let inherited ns be a copy of namespace. */ const xmlChar *inherited_ns = namespace; /* 10. Let ns be the value of node's namespaceURI attribute. */ const xmlChar *const ns = element->ns == NULL ? NULL : element->ns->href; /* 11. If inherited ns is equal to ns, then: */ if (dom_xml_str_equals_treat_nulls_as_nulls(inherited_ns, ns)) { /* 11.1. If local default namespace is not null, then set ignore namespace definition attribute to true. */ if (local_default_namespace != NULL) { ignore_namespace_definition_attribute = true; } /* 11.2. If ns is the XML namespace, * then append to qualified name the concatenation of the string "xml:" and the value of node's localName. */ if (php_dom_ns_is_fast(element, php_dom_ns_is_xml_magic_token)) { qualified_name.prefix = BAD_CAST "xml"; qualified_name.name = element->name; } /* 11.3. Otherwise, append to qualified name the value of node's localName. */ else { qualified_name.name = element->name; } /* 11.4. Append the value of qualified name to markup. */ TRY_OR_CLEANUP(dom_xml_output_qname(ctx->out, &qualified_name)); } /* 12. Otherwise, inherited ns is not equal to ns */ else { /* 12.1. Let prefix be the value of node's prefix attribute. */ const xmlChar *prefix = element->ns == NULL ? NULL : element->ns->prefix; /* 12.2. Let candidate prefix be the result of retrieving a preferred prefix string prefix from map given namespace ns. */ /* https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/52 */ const xmlChar *candidate_prefix; if (prefix == NULL && dom_xml_str_equals_treat_nulls_as_empty(ns, local_default_namespace)) { candidate_prefix = NULL; } else { size_t ns_length = ns == NULL ? 0 : strlen((const char *) ns); candidate_prefix = dom_retrieve_a_preferred_prefix_string(&map, &local_prefixes_map, prefix, ns, ns_length); } /* 12.3. If the value of prefix matches "xmlns", then run the following steps: */ if (prefix != NULL && strcmp((const char *) prefix, "xmlns") == 0) { /* 12.3.1. If the require well-formed flag is set, then throw an error. */ if (require_well_formed) { goto cleanup; } /* 12.3.2. Let candidate prefix be the value of prefix. */ candidate_prefix = prefix; } /* 12.4. if candidate prefix is not null (a namespace prefix is defined which maps to ns), then: */ if (candidate_prefix != NULL) { /* 12.4.1. Append to qualified name the concatenation of candidate prefix, ":" (U+003A COLON), and node's localName. */ qualified_name.prefix = candidate_prefix; qualified_name.name = element->name; /* 12.4.2. If the local default namespace is not null (there exists a locally-defined default namespace declaration attribute) * and its value is not the XML namespace ... */ if (local_default_namespace != NULL && strcmp((const char *) local_default_namespace, DOM_XML_NS_URI) != 0) { if (*local_default_namespace == '\0') { inherited_ns = NULL; } else { inherited_ns = local_default_namespace; } } /* 12.4.3. Append the value of qualified name to markup. */ TRY_OR_CLEANUP(dom_xml_output_qname(ctx->out, &qualified_name)); } /* 12.5. Otherwise, if prefix is not null, then: */ else if (prefix != NULL) { size_t ns_length = ns == NULL ? 0 : strlen((const char *) ns); /* 12.5.1. If the local prefixes map contains a key matching prefix, ... */ size_t prefix_length = strlen((const char *) prefix); if (dom_xml_local_prefix_map_contains(&local_prefixes_map, prefix, prefix_length)) { prefix = dom_xml_generate_a_prefix(&map, &local_prefixes_map, ns, ns_length, prefix_index); } else { /* else branch fixes spec issue: generating a prefix already adds it to the maps. */ /* 12.5.2. Add prefix to map given namespace ns. */ dom_xml_ns_prefix_map_add(&map, prefix, false, ns, ns_length); /* This is not spelled out in spec, but we have to do this to avoid conflicts (see default_namespace_move.phpt). */ dom_xml_local_prefix_map_add(&local_prefixes_map, prefix, prefix_length, ns); } /* 12.5.3. Append to qualified name the concatenation of prefix, ":" (U+003A COLON), and node's localName. */ qualified_name.prefix = prefix; qualified_name.name = element->name; /* 12.5.4. Append the value of qualified name to markup. */ TRY_OR_CLEANUP(dom_xml_output_qname(ctx->out, &qualified_name)); /* 12.5.5. Append the following to markup, in the order listed: ... */ TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(ctx->out, " xmlns:")); /* - */ TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->out, (const char *) prefix)); TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(ctx->out, "=\"")); TRY_OR_CLEANUP(dom_xml_common_text_serialization(ctx->out, (const char *) ns, true)); TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(ctx->out, "\"")); /* 12.5.6. If local default namespace is not null ... (editorial numbering error: https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/43) */ if (local_default_namespace != NULL) { if (*local_default_namespace == '\0') { inherited_ns = NULL; } else { inherited_ns = local_default_namespace; } } } /* 12.6. Otherwise, if local default namespace is null, or local default namespace is not null and its value is not equal to ns, then: */ /* Note: https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/47 */ else if (local_default_namespace == NULL || !dom_xml_str_equals_treat_nulls_as_empty(local_default_namespace, ns)) { /* 12.6.1. Set the ignore namespace definition attribute flag to true. */ ignore_namespace_definition_attribute = true; /* 12.6.2. Append to qualified name the value of node's localName. */ qualified_name.name = element->name; /* 12.6.3. Let the value of inherited ns be ns. */ inherited_ns = ns; /* 12.6.4. Append the value of qualified name to markup. */ TRY_OR_CLEANUP(dom_xml_output_qname(ctx->out, &qualified_name)); /* 12.6.5. Append the following to markup, in the order listed: ... */ TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(ctx->out, " xmlns=\"")); /* - */ TRY_OR_CLEANUP(dom_xml_common_text_serialization(ctx->out, (const char *) ns, true)); TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(ctx->out, "\"")); } /* 12.7. Otherwise, the node has a local default namespace that matches ns ... */ else { qualified_name.name = element->name; inherited_ns = ns; TRY_OR_CLEANUP(dom_xml_output_qname(ctx->out, &qualified_name)); } } /* 13. Append to markup the result of the XML serialization of node's attributes given map, prefix index, * local prefixes map, ignore namespace definition attribute flag, and require well-formed flag. */ TRY_OR_CLEANUP(dom_xml_serialize_attributes(ctx->out, element, &map, &local_prefixes_map, prefix_index, ignore_namespace_definition_attribute, require_well_formed)); /* 14. If ns is the HTML namespace, and the node's list of children is empty, and the node's localName matches * any one of the following void elements: ... */ if (element->children == NULL) { if (xmlSaveNoEmptyTags) { /* Do nothing, use the closing style. */ } else if (php_dom_ns_is_fast(element, php_dom_ns_is_html_magic_token)) { size_t name_length = strlen((const char *) element->name); if (dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "area", strlen("area"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "base", strlen("base"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "basefont", strlen("basefont"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "bgsound", strlen("bgsound"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "br", strlen("br"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "col", strlen("col"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "embed", strlen("embed"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "frame", strlen("frame"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "hr", strlen("hr"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "img", strlen("img"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "input", strlen("input"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "keygen", strlen("keygen"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "link", strlen("link"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "menuitem", strlen("menuitem"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "meta", strlen("meta"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "param", strlen("param"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "source", strlen("source"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "track", strlen("track"), name_length) || dom_local_name_compare_ex(element, "wbr", strlen("wbr"), name_length)) { TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(ctx->out, " /")); skip_end_tag = true; } } else { /* 15. If ns is not the HTML namespace, and the node's list of children is empty, * then append "/" (U+002F SOLIDUS) to markup and set the skip end tag flag to true. */ TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(ctx->out, "/")); skip_end_tag = true; } } /* 16. Append ">" (U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN) to markup. */ TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(ctx->out, ">")); /* 17. If the value of skip end tag is true, then return the value of markup and skip the remaining steps. */ if (!skip_end_tag) { if (should_format) { indent++; } else { indent = -1; } /* 18. If ns is the HTML namespace, and the node's localName matches the string "template", * then this is a template element. * Append to markup the result of XML serializing a DocumentFragment node. */ xmlNodePtr child = NULL; if (php_dom_ns_is_fast(element, php_dom_ns_is_html_magic_token) && xmlStrEqual(element->name, BAD_CAST "template")) { if (ctx->private_data != NULL) { child = php_dom_retrieve_templated_content(ctx->private_data, element); } } else { child = element->children; } /* 19. Otherwise, append to markup the result of running the XML serialization algorithm on each of node's children. */ for (; child != NULL; child = child->next) { if (should_format) { TRY_OR_CLEANUP(dom_xml_output_indents(ctx->out, indent)); } TRY_OR_CLEANUP(dom_xml_serialization_algorithm(ctx, &map, child, inherited_ns, prefix_index, indent, require_well_formed)); } if (should_format) { indent--; TRY_OR_CLEANUP(dom_xml_output_indents(ctx->out, indent)); } /* 20. Append the following to markup, in the order listed: */ TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(ctx->out, "out, &qualified_name)); TRY_OR_CLEANUP(xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(ctx->out, ">")); } /* 21. Return the value of markup. * => We use the output buffer instead. */ dom_xml_ns_prefix_map_dtor(&map); dom_xml_local_prefix_map_dtor(&local_prefixes_map); return 0; cleanup: dom_xml_ns_prefix_map_dtor(&map); dom_xml_local_prefix_map_dtor(&local_prefixes_map); return -1; } /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#xml-serializing-a-documentfragment-node */ static int dom_xml_serializing_a_document_fragment_node( dom_xml_serialize_ctx *ctx, dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *namespace_prefix_map, xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar *namespace, unsigned int *prefix_index, int indent, bool require_well_formed ) { /* 1. Let markup the empty string. * => We use the output buffer instead. */ /* 2. For each child child of node, in tree order, run the XML serialization algorithm on the child ... */ xmlNodePtr child = node->children; while (child != NULL) { TRY(dom_xml_serialization_algorithm(ctx, namespace_prefix_map, child, namespace, prefix_index, indent, require_well_formed)); child = child->next; } /* 3. Return the value of markup * => We use the output buffer instead. */ return 0; } /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-xml-serializing-a-document-node */ static int dom_xml_serializing_a_document_node( dom_xml_serialize_ctx *ctx, dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *namespace_prefix_map, xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar *namespace, unsigned int *prefix_index, int indent, bool require_well_formed ) { /* 1. Let serialized document be an empty string. * => We use the output buffer instead. */ xmlNodePtr child = node->children; node->children = NULL; /* https://github.com/w3c/DOM-Parsing/issues/50 */ TRY(xmlOutputBufferFlush(ctx->out)); TRY(xmlSaveDoc(ctx->ctxt, (xmlDocPtr) node)); TRY(xmlSaveFlush(ctx->ctxt)); node->children = child; /* 2. For each child child of node, in tree order, run the XML serialization algorithm on the child passing along the provided arguments, * and append the result to serialized document. */ while (child != NULL) { TRY(dom_xml_serialization_algorithm(ctx, namespace_prefix_map, child, namespace, prefix_index, indent, require_well_formed)); child = child->next; } /* 3. Return the value of serialized document. * => We use the output buffer instead. */ return 0; } /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-xml-serialization-algorithm */ static int dom_xml_serialization_algorithm( dom_xml_serialize_ctx *ctx, dom_xml_ns_prefix_map *namespace_prefix_map, xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar *namespace, unsigned int *prefix_index, int indent, bool require_well_formed ) { /* If node's interface is: */ switch (node->type) { case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: return dom_xml_serialize_element_node(ctx, namespace, namespace_prefix_map, node, prefix_index, indent, require_well_formed); case XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE: return dom_xml_serializing_a_document_fragment_node(ctx, namespace_prefix_map, node, namespace, prefix_index, indent, require_well_formed); case XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE: case XML_DOCUMENT_NODE: return dom_xml_serializing_a_document_node(ctx, namespace_prefix_map, node, namespace, prefix_index, indent, require_well_formed); case XML_TEXT_NODE: return dom_xml_serialize_text_node(ctx->out, node, require_well_formed); case XML_COMMENT_NODE: return dom_xml_serialize_comment_node(ctx->out, node, require_well_formed); case XML_PI_NODE: return dom_xml_serialize_processing_instruction(ctx->out, node, require_well_formed); case XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE: return dom_xml_serialize_cdata_section_node(ctx->out, node); case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: return dom_xml_serialize_attribute_node(ctx->out, node); default: TRY(xmlOutputBufferFlush(ctx->out)); TRY(xmlSaveTree(ctx->ctxt, node)); TRY(xmlSaveFlush(ctx->ctxt)); if (node->type == XML_DTD_NODE) { return xmlOutputBufferWriteLit(ctx->out, "\n"); } return 0; } ZEND_UNREACHABLE(); } /* https://w3c.github.io/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-xml-serialization */ int dom_xml_serialize(xmlSaveCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlOutputBufferPtr out, xmlNodePtr node, bool format, bool require_well_formed, php_dom_private_data *private_data) { /* 1. Let namespace be a context namespace with value null. */ const xmlChar *namespace = NULL; /* 2. Let prefix map be a new namespace prefix map. */ dom_xml_ns_prefix_map namespace_prefix_map; dom_xml_ns_prefix_map_ctor(&namespace_prefix_map); /* 3. Add the XML namespace with prefix value "xml" to prefix map. */ dom_xml_ns_prefix_map_add(&namespace_prefix_map, BAD_CAST "xml", false, BAD_CAST DOM_XML_NS_URI, strlen(DOM_XML_NS_URI)); /* 4. Let prefix index be a generated namespace prefix index with value 1. */ unsigned int prefix_index = 1; /* 5. Return the result of running the XML serialization algorithm ... */ dom_xml_serialize_ctx ctx; ctx.out = out; ctx.ctxt = ctxt; ctx.private_data = private_data; int indent = format ? 0 : -1; int result = dom_xml_serialization_algorithm(&ctx, &namespace_prefix_map, node, namespace, &prefix_index, indent, require_well_formed); dom_xml_ns_prefix_map_dtor(&namespace_prefix_map); return result; } #endif /* HAVE_LIBXML && HAVE_DOM */