--TEST-- Test DOM\Document::$body setter --EXTENSIONS-- dom --FILE-- foo

', LIBXML_NOERROR); $dom->body = $dom->body; var_dump($dom->body?->nodeName); echo "--- Add body when there is no body yet ---\n"; $dom = DOM\HTMLDocument::createFromString('


', LIBXML_NOERROR); $dom->body->remove(); $dom->body = $dom->createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "prefix:body"); var_dump($dom->body?->nodeName); echo "--- Replace old body with new body ---\n"; $dom = DOM\HTMLDocument::createFromString('


', LIBXML_NOERROR); $dom->body = $dom->createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "prefix:body"); var_dump($dom->body?->nodeName); echo "--- Replace old body with new body, while still having a reference to the old body ---\n"; $dom = DOM\HTMLDocument::createFromString('


', LIBXML_NOERROR); $old = $dom->body; $dom->body = $dom->createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "prefix:body"); var_dump($dom->body?->nodeName); var_dump($old->nodeName); echo "--- Special note from the DOM spec ---\n"; $dom = DOM\XMLDocument::createFromString(''); $dom->body = $dom->createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "body"); var_dump($dom->body?->nodeName); ?> --EXPECT-- --- Replace body with itself --- string(4) "BODY" --- Add body when there is no body yet --- string(11) "PREFIX:BODY" --- Replace old body with new body --- string(11) "PREFIX:BODY" --- Replace old body with new body, while still having a reference to the old body --- string(11) "PREFIX:BODY" string(4) "BODY" --- Special note from the DOM spec --- NULL