--TEST-- Dom\HTMLDocument::createFromFile() HTTP header Content-Type --EXTENSIONS-- dom --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- [ "foo", " ", ], "Invalid type/subtype" => [ "/html; Charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"", "text/; Charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"", "tex°t/html; Charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"", "/; Charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"", "$/€; Charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"", "; Charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"", ";", "", " \t", ], "Valid type/subtype without charset" => [ "text/html; x=ISO-8859-1", "text/html; x=\"ISO-8859-1\"", "text/html; charet=\"ISO-8859-1\"", "text/html; chars et=\"ISO-8859-1\"", ], "All valid inputs" => [ "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1", "\t\r text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 \t", "\t\r text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 \t;bar=\"foo\"", "\t\r text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 \t;bar=\"foo\"\r\n\t ", "text/html; foo=bar;charset=ISO-8859-1", "text/html; foo=bar;charset=ISO-8859-1;bar=\"foooooo\"", "text/html;;;; charset=ISO-8859-1", "text/html; Charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"", "text/html; Charset=\"ISO\\-8859-1\"", "text/html; ;; ; ;; Charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"", "text/html;Charset=\"ISO-8859-1", "tex.t/h#\$%!&'*%2B-.^_`|~tml;Charset=\"ISO-8859-1\"", // Note: have to encode + as 2B because of implementation details of http_server() ], "Valid input, but invalid encoding name" => [ "text/html;Charset=\"ISO-8859-1\\", "text/html;Charset=\"ISO-8859-1\\\"", "text/html;Charset=\"foobar\\\"", "text/html;Charset=\"%7F\\\"", "text/html;Charset=\"\\\"", "text/html;Charset=", ], ]; foreach ($tests as $name => $headers) { echo "--- $name ---\n"; $responses = array_map(fn ($header) => "data://text/plain,HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: " . $header . "\r\n\r\n" . "
\n", $headers); ['pid' => $pid, 'uri' => $uri] = http_server($responses); for ($i = 0; $i < count($responses); $i++) { $result = Dom\HTMLDocument::createFromFile($uri, LIBXML_NOERROR); echo $result->getElementsByTagName("p")[0]->textContent, "\n"; } http_server_kill($pid); } ?> --EXPECT-- --- No slashes --- ��� ��� --- Invalid type/subtype --- ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� --- Valid type/subtype without charset --- ��� ��� ��� ��� --- All valid inputs --- äöü äöü äöü äöü äöü äöü äöü äöü äöü äöü äöü äöü --- Valid input, but invalid encoding name --- ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ���