--TEST-- Objects of DOM extension: debug info object handler. --EXTENSIONS-- dom --FILE-- foobar XML; $d = new domdocument; $d->dynamicProperty = new stdclass; $d->loadXML($xml); var_dump($d); ?> --EXPECTF-- Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property DOMDocument::$dynamicProperty is deprecated in %s on line %d object(DOMDocument)#1 (41) { ["dynamicProperty"]=> object(stdClass)#2 (0) { } ["doctype"]=> NULL ["implementation"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["documentElement"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["actualEncoding"]=> NULL ["encoding"]=> NULL ["xmlEncoding"]=> NULL ["standalone"]=> bool(false) ["xmlStandalone"]=> bool(false) ["version"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["xmlVersion"]=> string(3) "1.0" ["strictErrorChecking"]=> bool(true) ["documentURI"]=> string(%d) "%s" ["config"]=> NULL ["formatOutput"]=> bool(false) ["validateOnParse"]=> bool(false) ["resolveExternals"]=> bool(false) ["preserveWhiteSpace"]=> bool(true) ["recover"]=> bool(false) ["substituteEntities"]=> bool(false) ["firstElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastElementChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["childElementCount"]=> int(1) ["nodeName"]=> string(9) "#document" ["nodeValue"]=> NULL ["nodeType"]=> int(9) ["parentNode"]=> NULL ["parentElement"]=> NULL ["childNodes"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["firstChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["lastChild"]=> string(22) "(object value omitted)" ["previousSibling"]=> NULL ["nextSibling"]=> NULL ["attributes"]=> NULL ["isConnected"]=> bool(true) ["ownerDocument"]=> NULL ["namespaceURI"]=> NULL ["prefix"]=> string(0) "" ["localName"]=> NULL ["baseURI"]=> string(%d) %s ["textContent"]=> string(12) " foobar " }