--TEST-- Tests DOMDocument::standalone get, set, and functionality --CREDITS-- Chris Snyder # TestFest 2009 NYPHP --EXTENSIONS-- dom --FILE-- foo'; $dom->loadXML($xml); if(!$dom) { echo "Error while parsing the document\n"; exit; } echo "Standalone DOMDocument created\n"; $test = $dom->standalone; echo "Read initial standalone:\n"; var_dump( $test ); $dom->standalone = FALSE; $test = $dom->standalone; echo "Set standalone to FALSE, reading again:\n"; var_dump( $test ); $test = $dom->saveXML(); echo "Document is no longer standalone\n"; var_dump( $test ); echo "Done"; ?> --EXPECT-- Standalone DOMDocument created Read initial standalone: bool(true) Set standalone to FALSE, reading again: bool(false) Document is no longer standalone string(136) " foo " Done