--TEST-- Test DOMDocument::loadXML() with LIBXML_DTDATTR, LIBXML_NOCDATA, LIBXML_NOENT, LIBXML_NOBLANKS --DESCRIPTION-- This test verifies the right behaviour of the following constants: LIBXML_DTDATTR, LIBXML_NOCDATA, LIBXML_NOENT and LIBXML_NOBLANKS Environment variables used in the test: - XML_FILE: the xml file to load - LOAD_OPTIONS: the second parameter to pass to the method - EXPECTED_RESULT: the expected result --CREDITS-- Antonio Diaz Ruiz --EXTENSIONS-- dom --ENV-- XML_FILE=/book_with_dtd2.xml LOAD_OPTIONS=LIBXML_DTDATTR|LIBXML_NOCDATA|LIBXML_NOENT|LIBXML_NOBLANKS EXPECTED_RESULT=1 --FILE_EXTERNAL-- domdocumentloadxml_test_method_savexml.inc --EXPECT-- ]> The Grapes of WrathJohn SteinbeckThe PearlJohn Steinbeckentity is only for test purposesdata for test