--TEST-- Variable assignment in catch must respect typed references --FILE-- i; try { try { throw new Exception("ex"); } catch (Exception $ref) { echo "Unreachable\n"; } } catch (TypeError $e) { var_dump($test->i); echo $e . "\n\n"; } $ref =& $test->s; try { try { throw new Exception("ex"); } catch (Exception $ref) { echo "Unreachable\n"; } } catch (TypeError $e) { var_dump($test->s); echo $e . "\n\n"; } ?> --EXPECTF-- int(42) TypeError: Cannot assign Exception to reference held by property Test::$i of type int in %s:%d Stack trace: #0 {main} string(3) "str" TypeError: Cannot assign Exception to reference held by property Test::$s of type string in %s:%d Stack trace: #0 {main}